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Khmer Rouge leaders Vice Prime Minister Khieu Samphan (second from right) and chief ideologist Nuon Chea (left) meet with Prince Sihanouk (right) in Siem Reap province in 1973. AFP |
Thursday, October 04, 2007
King-Father: The US recruited troops for the Khmer Rouge ... it was not Sihanouk

Cambodian Studies
WHO brought a large number of additional fighters to the Khmer Rouge and empowered them to win a decisive Victory on April 17, 1975?
By N. Sihanouk
By N. Sihanouk
The “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters consider as a glorious good fortune for them (as they hope) that they will benefit from the “support” and “aids” form the (infamous) UN ECCC, in order to punish, as severely as possible, N. Sihanouk who is “guilty, according to them, of giving to the Khmer Rouge “the Khmer People” so that they win a decisive victory, on April 17, 1975, which allows them to fulfill their genocidal ‘dream.’”
The “Dcotors” and other Sihanouk-haters have no shame whatsoever to contradict themselves, even in the face of History.
Between March 18, 1970, and April 17, 1975, these “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters (including Long Boret) affirmed to the world that “Sihanouk only represented himself” -sic!-. Then, now (in September 2007), a “Doctor” Sihanouk-hater is saying, writes, and proclaims that Sihanouk took advantage of his popularity (sic!) to bring so many of our People’s sons and daughters to fight for the Khmer Rouge, and allowing them to win a total Victory on April 17, 1975. These “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters demand the trial of N. Sihanouk by the UN ECCC, and his condemnation by this same Cambodian-UN tribunal for having committed, along with the Khmer Rouge, war crimes and crimes against humanity (sic!) against the Khmer People.
In a very recent MESSAGE in Khmer sent to Preah Sangha (Buddhist Clergy) and to all Compatriots, I re-established the historical truths during the decades of the Khmer Rouge and their various tribulations, on questions linked to their schemes, their hostility towards me. I will not talk about it here.
But, to end the writing of this article, I must mention this:
The “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters should know that it was the USA themselves – the boss (of the Sihanouk-haters) – which forced our Khmer People to enroll in the Khmer Rouge Army. It was not Sihanouk who brought our Small People (ordinary citizens) to the Khmer Rouge.
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
The “Dcotors” and other Sihanouk-haters have no shame whatsoever to contradict themselves, even in the face of History.
Between March 18, 1970, and April 17, 1975, these “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters (including Long Boret) affirmed to the world that “Sihanouk only represented himself” -sic!-. Then, now (in September 2007), a “Doctor” Sihanouk-hater is saying, writes, and proclaims that Sihanouk took advantage of his popularity (sic!) to bring so many of our People’s sons and daughters to fight for the Khmer Rouge, and allowing them to win a total Victory on April 17, 1975. These “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters demand the trial of N. Sihanouk by the UN ECCC, and his condemnation by this same Cambodian-UN tribunal for having committed, along with the Khmer Rouge, war crimes and crimes against humanity (sic!) against the Khmer People.
o O o
In a very recent MESSAGE in Khmer sent to Preah Sangha (Buddhist Clergy) and to all Compatriots, I re-established the historical truths during the decades of the Khmer Rouge and their various tribulations, on questions linked to their schemes, their hostility towards me. I will not talk about it here.
But, to end the writing of this article, I must mention this:
- The US “Pentagon” decided to use the US Air Force to destroy the independent and neutral Cambodia, and to ruin and kill its People starting from March 18, 1969, i.e. one year to the day of the March 18, 1970 Putsch (which was perpetrated) by the US lackeys in Phnom Penh.
- During the war (in Cambodia) from 1970 to 1975, the US Air Force conducted bombardments, machine gun shootings and other destruction actions against (Cambodian) villages, and the killings of Khmer villagers and Cambodian Patriots, day and night, all over Cambodia.
- The South Vietnamese (SVN) armed forces of Thieu-Ky looted, burnt, destroyed, annexed, colonized Cambodia, tortured and killed our men, raped our women (between April 1970 and April 1975).
- The US coined the verb “to Snuol” which meant “to destroy everything, to raze down everything, to murder everything, to kill everything,” just as the US and SVN troops did in Snuol, Cambodia.
o O o
The “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters should know that it was the USA themselves – the boss (of the Sihanouk-haters) – which forced our Khmer People to enroll in the Khmer Rouge Army. It was not Sihanouk who brought our Small People (ordinary citizens) to the Khmer Rouge.
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
Ah Norouk Sihanouk was the father of "Chaul Prey Maquis".
This barbaric blood sucker name N. Sihanouk never have courage to accept the mistake and dare to tell the truth to the world and Khmer people . He lied from day one to his grave, he poured and splashed all the blame to others and shamelessly took credit for him self for goodness . He is obviously fathom the truth and twist the fact to his favor like the bombing by American force on 03/18/1969 in Khmer village of Chantrea and Tralork bak , killed score of Khmer people. The fact that caused the horrendous canard, because of Sihanouk himself authorized Viet Cong forces to retreat, relax and resupply in a camp nearby these villages ,but unfortunately VC with well inside connection from Saigon government, receive signal to pack up and leave minutes before bomb dropped . Khmer villagers with innocent life got hit and perished by this irresponsible leader , And Sihanouk get ballistic rage temper ,called all foreign dignitary official and media to visited the place after his order in secret to clean up evident bare journalist to go beyond the line or trace of camping side by Youn Sihanouk friend troup . He claim that USA forces terrorized Khmer by use sub machine gun and kill Khmer independent country . This is a blatant lie and propagandist , VC troop of 40,000 to 50,000 resided deep inside Khmer territory, under his authority , he him self ordered in to action with the help from his dear friend Lay duc tho Hanoi prime minister, they savagely attack Khmer army in all direction from Rattanak Kiri to Kampot province.On top of that Khmer RUMDOS or young communist army dress up and well arm by calling and recruited by Sihanouk direct from Peking radio of Chinese revolution people army, viciously joint hand with VC to pushed low number of less than 30,000 , under arm , unprepared Khmer soldiers to the brink of collapsed in just a few months . For that emergency situation New Khmer revolution leadership did approached and ask the USA force to came in use Khmer Krom army Mike force to neutralize or slow down the spear head attack . To hidden the truth Sihanouk in China just launched a propaganda word like he cleaver manipulation he usually did, to brainwash their fanatics follower inside the country and all over the world by lying and misleading all the truth facts . How about Sihanouk authorized in secret allowed Youn Hanoi print billion of 500 riels bill used to buy rice and merchandise from Khmer market and flood this poor Khmer economy to collapsed ? did this a treason act or what else to say ? We the victim of this atrocity see the event different but the follower of this brutal Khmer killer look for scape goat to proceeding the rightfulness denial of their love leader. Lady and gentlemen ,lot of our intellectual, students , High school kid who courageously quit school and joint force voluntarily to push the Vietcong out from our territory was die justifiable in the war and i myself still respect the soul of those courageous patriotic beyond imaginable . The differents fact from liar traitor who sold the integrity of Khmer land to enemy Yuon is contrary may not last for ever in the dim history of Khmer, and soon Khmer young will dig out the truth of these blatant lie and expose for public to learn . I said here and i wish Some of the old Khmer survival from this genocide event will stand strong to protest this descending statement . Khmer soul cannot rest in peace when the killer accuse them of wrong doing and he the master mind of slaughter spree be a victim instead .
In deed USA ignited war in Asia forfor her billions of weapons market, in 1990 Asia dryed out of money now USA move theirs weapons to trillions market in Arab peninsula, remembers ( chaose or unstable region = demands of weapons ) right. Now you clearly see USA is the masterminds of all khmer genocid and world crisis. Wasn't her.? Mike
While Sihanouk sang,danced and starred in his own movies, his traditional enemy Ho Chin Mighn was busy plotting to annex his country.
Any good Khmer leader must know and remember Yuon will NOT stop until the annexation is achieved.
Therefore that Khmer leader must make choices:
1. Play dead or beg Yuon to stop ?
Worst choice
2. Try to be friend with Yuon ?
Never try to be friend with your enemy
3. Fight back
This is best choice
Our ancestors did not have the " tools " we now have.
Thank you 9 53. Please continue your road for justice. The coward king maybe dead, but he bears all responsibility for the slaughter of our people. We must also continue to tell the world of those responsible in this vicious act against the innocent 3 millions lost soul. The Youn Maggots, the root of all evil, the root of all the lost souls, the mastermind of cunnings.
Puok Ah Prett Yumphubal Leukeu Chanh Bork Yuon Ter Teang Oss !!
I agree that south Vietnamese soldiers committed lots of crimes toward khmer innocent people.they were heartless,savage and like an evil animals.south Vietnamese troops destroyed ,burnt and killed khmer people and more than this they raped lots of Khmer girls and women. I hope one day the God will punished and treated them the same as what they had done to Khmer and no matter how many evil Vietnamese die but I can not pay back the suffering that they had done to Khmer .
I agree with you completely Kim Ea
When ever N sihanouk spoke to the international media his demeanor somehow was queer and self-pity . He wasn't even half of a man he was supposed to be. For Sihanouk to tell the truth is to destroy his position as the monarchy for ever.
8:34 pm
Your comments were short but to the point.
All Khmer leaders must remember and act .
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