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ប្រធានគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ថ្លែងក្នុងពិធីចាប់ផ្ដើមទទួលវិភាគទានទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យ នាទីស្នាក់ការបក្សរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ នៅថ្ងៃទី២៧ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥។
RFA/Brach Chev
ប្រធានបក្សប្រឆាំងបានយកផែនទីពីប្រទេសបារាំង បន្ទាប់ទិញពីបណ្ណាល័យមួយនៅក្នុងប្រទេសនេះ ដែលជាផែនទីគ្របដណ្ដប់តាមព្រំដែនប្រទេសកម្ពុជា-វៀតណាម មានខ្នាត ១/១០០.០០០ (មួយលើមួយរយពាន់)។ ទោះបែបនេះក្តី មន្ត្រីជំនាញកិច្ចការព្រំដែននៃរដ្ឋាភិបាល មិនទាន់ឆ្លើយតបយ៉ាងណានៅឡើយទេ ព្រោះលោកមិនទាន់បានឃើញផែនទីនោះ។
ផែនទីទាំងផ្ទាំងៗដែលលោក សម រង្ស៊ី អះអាងថា ជាផែនទីច្បាស់លាស់បង្ហាញពីព្រំប្រទល់ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា-វៀតណាមនោះ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី នឹងយកទៅផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ទៅនឹងបង្គោលព្រំដែនតាមខ្សែបន្ទាត់ប្រទេសវៀតណាម និងកម្ពុជា។
ថ្លែងប្រាប់ក្រុមអ្នកកាសែតក្រោយពិធីប្រកាសចាប់ផ្ដើមទទួលវិភាគទានគម្រោងទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យ នៅថ្ងៃទី២៧ ខែមិថុនា លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ថា លោកនឹងស្នើឲ្យគណបក្សមានអាសនៈនៅក្នុងសភា បង្កើតគណៈកម្មការចម្រុះមួយផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ផែនទីនេះទៅនឹងការបោះបង្គោលព្រំដែនកម្ពុជា-វៀតណាម។ លោកបន្តថា មូលហេតុដែលលោកយកផែនទីនេះមកជជែក ព្រោះប្រទេសបារាំង ជាអ្នកធ្វើកាលពីសម័យអាណានិគមបារាំង៖ «ឥឡូវនេះមានអស់ហើយឯកសារ ផែនទីហ្នឹង គឺច្បាស់។ យើងនឹងបង្កើតគណៈកម្មការចម្រុះផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ បើគេខ្វះអីយើងឲ្យគេ ហើយបើយើងខ្វះអីគេអាចបង្ហាញយើង អ៊ីចឹងយើងនឹងមានមូលដ្ឋានគ្រប់ជ្រុងជ្រោយហើយ»។
លោក សម រង្ស៊ី បញ្ជាក់ឲ្យដឹងថា មាត្រដ្ឋានផែនទីខ្នាត ១/១០០.០០០ មានន័យថា មួយសង់ទីម៉ែត្រលើផែនទី ស្មើមួយគីឡូម៉ែត្រលើផ្ទៃដីពិត។ មួយមិល្លីម៉ែត្រលើផែនទី ស្មើ ១០០ម៉ែត្រលើផ្ទៃដី។
មាត្រា២ នៃរដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញចែងថា បូរណភាពទឹកដីរបស់ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា មិនអាចរំលោភបានជាដាច់ខាតក្នុងព្រំដែនរបស់ខ្លួន ដែលមានកំណត់ក្នុងផែនទី ១/១០០.០០០ ធ្វើនៅចន្លោះឆ្នាំ១៩៣៣-១៩៥៣ ហើយដែលត្រូវទទួលស្គាល់ជាអន្តរជាតិនៅចន្លោះឆ្នាំ១៩៦៣-១៩៦៩។
ទេសរដ្ឋមន្ត្រីទទួលបន្ទុកកិច្ចការព្រំដែន លោក វ៉ា គឹមហុង មិនបញ្ចេញប្រតិកម្មណាមួយចំពោះផែនទីដែលលោក សម រង្ស៊ី គ្រោងយកមកជជែកនោះទេ ព្រោះលោកមិនទាន់បានឃើញផែនទីនោះនៅឡើយ។ លោកបន្តថា សកម្មភាពរបស់លោក សម រង្ស៊ី មិនមែនជារឿងប្លែកនោះទេសម្រាប់រូបលោកដែលធ្វើកិច្ចការព្រំដែនអស់ច្រើនឆ្នាំមកហើយ៖ «ខ្ញុំអត់មានសមត្ថភាពឆ្លើយទេរឿងហ្នឹង ចាំមើលផែនទីសិន ថ្ងៃណាគាត់ (លោក សម រង្ស៊ី) ឲ្យមើល ចាំខ្ញុំមើល!»។
នៅរយៈពេលចុងក្រោយនេះ បញ្ហាព្រំដែនកម្ពុជា-វៀតណាម កើតច្រើនកន្លែង។ បញ្ហាព្រំដែននេះដែរជំរុញឲ្យរដ្ឋាភិបាលក្រុងភ្នំពេញ ផ្ញើកំណត់ទូតទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលក្រុងហាណូយ។
ក្នុងចំណោមកំណត់ទូតចំនួន៣ ដែលផ្ញើទៅកាន់ស្ថានទូតវៀតណាម ផ្សេងៗគ្នា គឺនៅថ្ងៃទី១២ ទី១៤ និងទី១៧ ខែមិថុនា ក្នុងនោះកំណត់ទូតចំនួន២ គឺពាក់ព័ន្ធទៅនឹងរឿងអាជ្ញាធរវៀតណាម ជីកស្រះចំនួន ៨ ចូលក្នុងទឹកដីកម្ពុជា ក្នុងខេត្តរតនគិរី។
កំណត់ទូតមួយទៀត គឺពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងអាជ្ញាធរវៀតណាម ជីកដីធ្វើគ្រឹះសម្រាប់សាងសង់ប៉ុស្តិ៍យោធានៅភូមិព្រែកស្បូវ ឃុំសំពៅពូន ស្រុកកោះធំ ខេត្តកណ្ដាល។ ប៉ុន្តែរដ្ឋាភិបាលវៀតណាម មិនទាន់ឆ្លើយតបជាដុំកំភួននៅឡើយ ដោយគ្រាន់តែលើកឡើងថា រង់ចាំមើលរបាយការណ៍ពីថ្នាក់មូលដ្ឋានសិន។ លោក សម រង្ស៊ី រំពឹងថា ផែនទីដែលលោកយកពីប្រទេសបារាំងនេះ កម្ពុជានឹងមានប្រៀបលើផ្លូវច្បាប់ទៅជជែកជាមួយប្រទេសដែលចង់រំលោភអធិបតេយ្យភាពកម្ពុជា ហើយលោកស្នើឲ្យអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិទាំងអស់ ចូលរួមតវ៉ាតតាំង និងធ្វើជាសាក្សីទាំងអស់គ្នានៅពេលផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ផែនទីនោះ ទៅនឹងបង្គោលព្រំដែនកម្ពុជា-វៀតណាម។

អ្នកចូលរួមផ្ដល់ប្រាក់វិភាគទានសម្រាប់គម្រោងទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យ ថតរូបអនុស្សាវរីយ៍ជាមួយប្រធាននិងអនុប្រធានគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ នៅថ្ងៃទី២៧ មិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥។ RFA/Brach Chev
គម្រោងបង្កើតទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យ របស់គណបក្សប្រឆាំងចាប់ផ្ដើមកៀរគររកថវិកាជាផ្លូវការហើយ នៅថ្ងៃទី២៧ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ ដើម្បីឈានទៅបង្កើតទូរទស្សន៍នេះនៅចុងឆ្នាំ២០១៥។
ពិធីប្រកាសចាប់ផ្ដើមទទួលវិភាគទានគម្រោងទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យធ្វើនៅទីស្នាក់ការកណ្ដាលគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ។ អ្នកគាំទ្រប្រមាណ ១.០០០នាក់ចូលរួមក្នុងពិធីនេះ។ អ្នកខ្លះបានយកថវិកាទៅចូលរួម អ្នកផ្សេងទៀតផ្ញើតាមប្រព័ន្ធធនាគារ តាមប្រព័ន្ធផ្សេងទៀត ឬក៏តាមមិត្តភ័ក្ដិ មានទាំងក្នុងស្រុក និងក្រៅស្រុក។
លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ប្រធានគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ដែលបានចូលរួមទ្រទ្រង់ថវិកាចំនួន ៣.០០០ដុល្លារដើម្បីបង្កើតទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យ ថ្លែងអះអាងថា ទូរទស្សន៍បក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ នឹងផ្សាយព័ត៌មានពិតដែលកើតឡើងគ្រប់ទីកន្លែងឲ្យសាធារណជនបានដឹង។ លោកបន្តទៀតថា ប្រសិនប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបចូលវិភាគទានតែ ៥.០០០ ឬ ១០.០០០រៀល ទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យ នឹងអាចដំណើរការទៅបានតាមគម្រោង៖ «លុយនេះគឺលុយញើសឈាមប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ញើសឈាមមួយតំណក់ៗគឺមានតម្លៃច្រើនលើសលប់។ ទឹកចិត្តសំខាន់ជាងទឹកលុយបងប្អូន! ឲ្យតែបងប្អូនចូលលុយតែម្នាក់បន្តិចៗ តែចូលឲ្យបានទូទាំងប្រទេស យើងឃើញទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យបានឆាប់ហើយ»។
ទូរទស្សន៍ព្រះអាទិត្យរបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ត្រូវការថវិកា ៣លានដុល្លារដើម្បីដំណើរការទៅរួច។ គិតចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី២៥ ខែមិថុនា ដល់ល្ងាចថ្ងៃ២៧ ខែមិថុនា គណបក្សនេះប្រមូលថវិកាបានជាង ១៦ម៉ឺនដុល្លារ ពីគ្រប់មជ្ឈដ្ឋាននានា ទាំងក្នុងនិងក្រៅប្រទេស។
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The ungrateful Youn Will Have to return Koh Tral back to the people as well as Prey Nokor(Saigon).
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Ok, Khmerization, follow my instruction: Put this blog back into moderation mode. Don't be lazy. Let see if he would follow my instruction...hehehe...
Read this news:
"The official characterised the killing as a revenge attack, saying the victim had been involved in a verbal dispute with five of his Cambodian workers earlier in the evening.
Weilin reportedly criticized the workers for being lazy and failing to follow instructions, angering the workers. The men allegedly returned later and killed him as he was working alone on the first floor of the construction site."
Just ban the bad boy for 99 years. End of story!
Drgunzet he almost unconscious with high blood pressure this idiot is a pure madness kids. This son of Youn got barbaric gangster genetics leaking his his blood . Drgunzet the youn or Daiviet and the Tai or Thai all bothsfof your race are crook rebellion against your master which is china and khmer. You guy make all mess and trouble everywhere and you accusing other for the stupid mess youn and siam race created. .Rigth. imagin you youn and siam thug wollen khmer land and blame khmer a troubled some or a bad race need to fix. .what the you talking about why you are dirty cheap. Youwas aabandoned by your German father. Rigth. It very crystal clear that he can't afford crook thug in his house. ..check your stupid genetics and go to consult with doctors to fix it as soon as possible if you want to live like normal with your realy is you Drgunzet struggling with yourself inner jerking mind toward other innocent people. .your smart Ass is just a peanut if comparing to anyone around you except youn and thai thug. .. let me make my self clear again youn and siam is not a smart race at all. but a absolute real pure thug. You got me clear now don't you. ?
@28 June 2015 at 21:48
The ungrateful Youn Will Have to return Koh Tral back to the people as well as Prey Nokor(Saigon).
Again I ask you these questions which no Cambodian ever be able to answer
- If you say South Vietnam and Phú QUốc belong to Cambodian then show evidences
- Are you demanding a nation to secede 1/3 of its recognized and justified territory and population to another country?
- According to the theory of "those areas once belong to our ancestor then it should be our" you're using then the Italian have full right to claim entire Mediterranean right?
- What are you going to do with the population of more than 100 thousands in Phú QUốc or wider 20 millions Vietnamese? General deportation or extermination?
- You say there're evidences about Cambodian's culture here and their in South Vietnam? Maybe but how about Vietnamese's once?
Ah drunkzet idiot see only small problem and Mike you should Teach this idiot what is black what is white. He never talk that YUON take Cambodian Land a long the boarder, KOsh Tral and countless place and this idiot said YUON protect Khmer.We can't do anything over there but here I with you Mike.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Vietnam protected the Ming Chinese against the Thai in Phu Quoc (Koh Tral) and Mekong Delta (Khmer Krom); the Ming Chinese wanted to merge with Vietnam.
Vietnam protected the Khmers against the Thai in Khmer srok; the Khmers kept giving trouble to Vietnam.
I say, let the Thais continue to abuse the Khmers. Oh man, Khmer kept getting abuse by just about anyone who met them. You sent Khmer maids to Malaysia; guess what? The maids were abuse so bad, beaten, and forced to eat human waste!
Khmer workers came to Korea and got beaten, kicked out of the house by the Korean bosses.
Your fault. Khmers, you need to improve. Let's have a lil challenge on this forum against me. Drgunzet against all Khmer. You will see how stupid you are.
To All Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
There are no business with tlthe thug. We can't do anything with the thug anyway so be careful when you come to deals with people. Drgunzet you a are a cheapest commodity on earth your thoughts and the madness idiot diaviet dynasty thought are the same crook mentality. waging war grabbed other land and lott our property and you think you are doing thing the right way. . And blaming the khmer or victim a troubled race. This mental illness was denied by humans beings like what we does to Hitler Nazist Drgunzet trying to win by using pure animal ways. is a temporary victory . It is a must to eliminate from civilize world. Now you clearly see how dirty thug mental madness you are. Aren't you. ? . Mike
You see yourself smart fothe whold world Drgunzet they see you as a pure jerking. Thug or a dangerous jerm that should be eliminated from civilize world. Mike
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Do a Google image search for "Cambodia garbage pickers". Like this:
Oh my God, there are a lot of Cambodian children working as garbage pickers. That's horrible. Khmer, you must improve and stop making troubles.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
May I suggest the Khmer to stop provoking me? How about you folks stand down for a couple days? Or I will keep bring up horrible facts to throw at your faces.
Hey Drgunze (Yuon/Vietnamese poster @ 29 June 2015 at 02:08):
I can report you as a criminal or a cyber criminal if I want to. Don't you dare to be plainly stupid, to falsely create story about innocent Khmer people who have suffered enough because of your barbaric Yuon/Vietnamese secret agents hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms during the Killing Fields (1975- 1979) and your evil and brainwashed Yuon/Vietnamese folks (the followers of evil ghost Ho Chi Minh) and master-minded killers in Hanoi. There are millions of Khmer and foreign readers who can judge your ill mentality when it comes to your plainly stupid comments and including your brainwashed Vietnamese followers of ghost Ho Chi Minh (betrayer and killer). If you dare, go right ahead. Your comments will stored in Google search engines permanently and the online readers will see how evil, barbaric, disgusted and cruel the Vietnamese folks and leaders are in the world and beyond. All false and fake histories, articles and reported written by you, your Vietnamese followers of Ghost Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi master-minded killers including the CPP regime (hidden Yuon/Vietnamese regime in Phnom Penh, Cambodia led by Yuon/Vietnamese puppet Hun Sen and his hidden Yuon/Vietnamese agents in CPP Government Offices in Phnom Penh).
To All Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
"Among pictures from Cambodia rejected by Associated Press were one of a smiling soldier eating the liver of a Khmer Rouge fighter he had killed, one of decapitated corpses being dragged along, and one of a human head being lowered by the hair into boiling water."
Oh my God....
Sick, sick, sick. What a barbaric, murderous race. I am going to post this information to other forums so that other races can help you folks.
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Just in case Khmerization fails to follow my instruction (putting this blog back to moderation mode), I want to make a deal with the Khmer.
Just two requirements ok?
1. Stop all the lies, false accusations against Vietnam.
2. Stop all incitement for killing, chopping heads, warring, hatred against Vietnamese.
Then I will not post on this blog site.
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is crazy to reference the article links that has been written by Yuon/Vietnamese thieves (Yuon/Vietnamese followers of evil Ghost Ho Chi Minh), Vietnamese master-minded thieves in Hanoi including himself as an ill-mental person. This guy named Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) has been brainwashed a smart person (but dumb with nonsense) and has no sense of his racist and barbaric Yuon/Vietnamese killer and his Vietnamese killers who are so smart at killing people (Khmer/Cambodian people, Laos, Montagnard, Hmong, etc) to take their lands to show off a bigger Vietnamese Land Robber nation in the world. What a joke!
Yuon/Vietnam had never had a land or country before, but now as today Vietnam country is a country of thieves - the Vietnamese followers of ghost Ho Ci Minh and master-minded killers in Hanoi. Those evil Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi master-minded killers who created Khmer Rouges led by Pol Pot back in 1930s, 1950s and 1960s, and then they [evil and barbaric Yuon/Vietnamese/Vietcong] have used their own Vietnamese secret agents to hide themselves in Khmer Rouges uniforms during Pol Pol to kill innocent and higher-eduated Khmer/Cambodian people including children during the Killing Fields (1975 to 1979) by using Angkar Leu/Cap Tren (used Sihanouk as scapegoate and Sihanouk was betrayed by Yuon/Vietcong). Khmer Rouges solders have been accused as the scapegoates to kill its own people. Vietcong/Yuon master-minded killers have captured Khmer/Cambodian teenagers (both boys and girls) and sent them Yuon/Vietcong camp to brainwash them to fight against American troops during American war against evil Vietcong communist expansionists in SE. That is a Vietcong/Yuon faults to brainwash those Khmer kid in poor Khmer Rouges uniforms hate their own kinds.
Vietnamese or Yuon folks are the most hypocrite, evil, ill-minded, ill-intended, landless, thieves, and even worst on the planet. These Vietnamese/Yuon folks are very sick and evil when it comes to their role plays as being nice people, friendly people, etc and then later they [Yuon/Viet] do not acknowledge themselves as the killers, landless thieves, ill-minded people and Yuon themselves when they claim that Khmer people called them Yuon as a racist.
How pathetic Yuon/Vietnamese people and Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) are! Vietcong/Yuon is a real joke!
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Hey Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster),
There is no deal, bad Vietnamese dog eater. You and Vietnamese/Yuon folks started first to kill Khmer people to take land. Khmer/Cambodian people, Laos, Hmong, Montagard, Hill tribes, etc will never forgive Vietnamese/Yuon killers and land grabbers. Youn/Vietnamese folks are racist themselves when its comes to their original name was Yuon.
In one word, no one on this planet earth has done anything to the Viets. The Viets brought everything upon themselves: the world now sees the Viet's true color!!! Amen!!!
The cunning Viets, alway say they only defended themselves. In in reality eveyr war is caused by the cunning Youn.
Once there was no Youn in Koh Tral, now there are over 100 thousands cunning Youns in Koh Tral.
Once there was no Youn in Prey Nokor, now there are over 20 millions cunning Youn in Koh Tral.
Yet the cunning Youns can get away with murders and genocide and say its okay.
cunning Youns in Prey Nokor (saigon)
One question though, before the 1979 Vietnamese invasion, how many cunning Youns citizen lived in Koh Tral?
Does the cunning Youn have any evidence those resident lived on the land with land title certified by the cunning Youn government?
My answer is 0. There was no cunning Youns pre 1979. Now there are 100 thousands Youn bodies waiting to serve justice.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
I always advocate for world peace, law and order. And I think the Vietnamese are doing the right thing: save money, buy land concession from Cambodia. Let the smart Khmer to "clear" out the dumb Khmer to make room on the land.
I see now the dumb Khmer try to provoke fight with the Vietnamese. I guess, the Vietnamese will have to pay more to the smart Khmer to chase after the bad Khmer and put a stop to all the violence.
The method of buying out competitor is currently an approved method in world competition. That's how Israelite folks bought out the Palestine and assert controls. The Palestinians lost land and were trying to fight back, thus were labeled as terrorists.
This is happening in Cambodia. Native Khmer are losing lands and got pushed around just like Palestinians. The problem is: There are a lot more Khmers than Palestinians. will take a lot of effort to take over Cambodia. Vietnamese and other light-skinned Asians will have to spend a lot of money to buy out Cambodia... Just keep paying some local greedy Khmer to do more land grabbing...then sell more lands.
P.S. I have been suggesting you Khmer folks to improve, work hard, save money to buy your own land concession to help other poor Khmer. But I really doubt you folks will do that. So, your race deserves to lose land.
Maybe this khmer soldies ate your Yuon Vietcong liver not what about your Yuon vietnamese created k5 plan during vietnam occupation in 1979 to kill more khmer people is it your race was so barbaric and heartless.what about your Yuon used khmer head to do tae ong or make tea was it so muderous !!!if khmer are muderous Yuon is more muderous!
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
The K5 plan was meant to protect the Khmer, a good idea but also a bad practice. The Western zone is so sparsely populated by the Khmer. A long wall is too costly and it will be so porous.
If I were the North Vietnamese commander at the time, I would not order the K5 plan, but I will order the K9 plan. My K9 plan is really simple:
1. Build strategic hamlets for the Khmer. Round them up into safety, isolate them from the Khmer Rouge.
2. Have a lot of K9-dog to act as guard at night. And also use dogs to track the smell of the Khmer Rouge during the day. Order the Khmer to work in bands to track the Khmer Rouges then assault the KR from above with superior mobility from helicopters.
P.S. Look, the Vietnamese gave the Khmer the mines to form the defense perimeter. If you were too dumb to properly deploy the mines, why blame the Vietnamese?
It's quite funny to see a group of Cambodian who live outside Cambodia to fight with a single one who claim to be Vietnamese who also living outside Vietnam!
@29 June 2015 at 10:05
Yuon vietnamese created k5 plan during vietnam occupation in 1979 to kill more khmer people
The K5 defensive line was created to prevent Khmer Rogue (who took refuge in Thailand and receive aid from USA, China...) to raid deep into Cambodia's territories. It was created to protect what left of Cambodia people.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Snowflake wrote, Nov 16, 2010:
He [Drgunzet] knows more about China than most of us,he says things only a Chinese would know because I know, I don't.
in post #47, in thread:
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Oh my God, so many Khmer skulls and bones piled up. And Khmers still have not learned. Let's teach the Khmer some lesson again.
Listen to the fucking cunning Youns. They are saying K5 genocide was used to protect Khmer. While hundreds if thousands of Khmer children and women were killed and maimed under the fucking Youn occupation.
Ah Phay Siphom, Ah Svar Kim Hong, Ah Hor Mam Lhong, Ah Cheam Yuon,
What are you going to do with the evil Yuon regarding the borders' issues?
To fight with this asshole Gunzet effectively, the readers must ignore his comments, and stop wasting your shit time responding to him.
93 years old woman
Did you believe that this dictator regime will listen and co-operate with CNRP head to embarrass his invader patron? I don't think so, very soon this fascist regime will release his vicious mad dog from leash to attack and tear down your reputation as presenting a fake map intentionally embarrass his government. They will ever let you destroy their patron intention and discredit their good relation with their patron at any moment . If you don't believe me you can wait and see .
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Wow, there are so many Khmer skulls and bones piles up on the racks, thousands and thousands of them.
You know...when the Thais crushed the Khmers and sacked the Khmer capital, I bet the Khmer bones were littering on the fields. And the Thais do it again, again, again and again.
You deserve it Khmer. God is punishing you.
I would not mind God will punish you folks again. Clearly you deserve it.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
I am praying for the Thais to punish the Khmer on the Thai fishing boats. Please God, punish the Khmer some more with more traffic accidents so that the Khmer will learn and cause less troubles in the world.
Wow! My prayer has been answered. Check this out:
Oh my God, check this out. This one Khmer was crushed and flatten under a huge truck!!! What's left of the person was some splattered flesh and blood on the road under the truck's tires!!!
May I suggest the Khmer to stop fighting and focus to improve yourselves with driving skill?
Drgunzet I think you are mad or have mental problem due to your activity to post a couple dozen of comments against khmer should go to hospital and receive some treatment to cure you serious brain disease.what you post especially the photo or videos are only about bad accident and tragedy.I bet you will die by accident like in the YouTube soon.
Drgunzet is like a depressive disorder patient and crazy boy after his Thai girlfriend abandoned him because of his craziness.and yes he will never get married or have children.So just let this crazy animal being mad alone.we khmer do not need to respond to his comments.
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Hey, dummy Khmer, serve my tea. And don't spill!
Pretty soon you will be serving tea to the Chinese.
Don't spill that tea !!!
Va kimono is a stupid in the world or his may be a Yukon that hold a power in case today by dictator Hun sen cheap sim and heng samreng and cop followers,all these never thing about Khmer dependant ,freedom and territority they just want to be slave and Capp members only cheer for 1 sarong and a little pack of bicheng this is a stupidest in the world that nation never seen in this century .
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Yuon beat Khmer up inside Khmer land but Hun sen don't care about that and not only that Hun Sen will put all of that Khmer in jail because all of that Khmer have no permission to go over there. It's very good isn't it? Ha Ha what YUON want YUON will get it because YUON is the protector of Khmer that make Ah dog eater so happy.
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
I read a lot of books. It's an accumulation since my early childhood. When I was 12-15, I went to the city's central museum almost every weekend, biking for many miles round trip and read as many books as I could per trip. That was totally a couple hundred books easily.
At home I also read books, borrowing, trading with friends and by age 15, I accumulated the knowledge of several hundred books in my head. By that age, I was trying to get a job in such a hyper competitive environment. I already knew household electricity, fixing radio, amplifier, fixing everything about bicycle, a bit in cleaning motorcycle engine, studying human anatomy for street warfare, Sun Tzu's Art of War, so on and so on.
As an adult, I love nature. I studied a lot in genetics, geology, geography, history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, theology and so on. In my community, I was called upon many times to arbitrate disputes among the elders, domestic fights (mostly the wives asked for me to arbitrate the situation).
My first job of arbitration was when I was 21. There was a huge political fight among an Asian community, so they got desperate and asked me to come out to arbitrate for them. And I succeeded squashing the bad Asians putting everyone back in line.
Over the years, I discovered a pattern.
The less evolved monkeys cannot recognized their reflections in the mirror as themselves. They will attack the mirrors.
The less evolved humans cannot recognized other people's point of view. They will attack any point of views different from theirs.
The conquered, lessor races tend to make presumption (such as Khmerization making presumption that I was sending profanity to him), or just blatant lies with no basis, total nonsense.
The conqueror, superior races tend to be factual and direct. German race is an example. My behavior is an example of German superiority. It's logical: If the facts are in my favor, it is an advantage to stick to the facts.
The facts are so horrible against the Khmers and that's why the Khmer race is always desperate to resort to lies.
So, let me tell you the truth. I saw the effect within myself, being well fed, taught with superior teaching, nurtured by the superior Whites. I know I am vastly superior over the Khmer.
Your race has been creamed off genetically many times over several hundred years. Your genetics are quite different from mine. First off, you have dark skin, secondly, you tend to rape, murder and going nuts. You have extremely low academic aptitude. Last year the rampant cheating, corruption in Cambodia was finally checked, and Khmer students failed en mass.
You can be in denial, but you should not deny this: I am presenting Google search phrase to the world to bring up the truth about your race. Let the world decide and judge you.
I really don't see how Khmer race can compete and survive in the future.
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Make this clear:
1. You Khmers are welcome to make nasty, rude, vicious, murderous comments. They will prove my point. The world will make a judgement against the Khmer.
2. You Khmers are not allowed to make up lies to deceive the world. I will confront your lies to protect the poor, unarmed and innocent civilians.
P.S. Never in my life, I have to exert my wits, vast knowledge to confront such a nasty, barbaric, murderous and evil race such as the Khmer.
Ah dog eater Drunkzet is reading to much than become mental. right Now He was so crazy by talking to Himself all the time. who is going to fire with this mental man. It will be meaningless .
Why taking it out on Khmer people -Drgunzet-. There is a better way to commit suicide -Drgunzet- @30 June 2015 at 12:24,
Use your life for a good cause - Join ISIS. You will be of invaluable Viet suicidal bomber for ISIS. ISIS has its network at Boise, Idaho. You will be welcome with open arms!!! Someone will be knocking on your door before you can say, Chet Reuy!!!
to Drgunzet- 30 June 2015 at 12:24
So why are you here?
To get nasty, barbaric, murderous and evil too, you're a stupid dumb-ass motherf**ker?
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
Ok, let's have a time out. I'll stop posting in the next 2 days. I demand:
1. The Khmer to stop posting lies. You are welcome to post nonsense and stupid ideas, but no lies.
2. Khmerization must put this blog back into moderation until I allow him to put it into non-moderation.
3. Khmerization must demonstrate his ability to moderate the Khmer or face my punishment.
P.S. When I am back, if you fail to comply, I will punish the Khmer a lot more. Behave NOW.
Why taking it out on Khmer people -Drgunzet-. There is a better way to commit suicide -Drgunzet- @30 June 2015 at 15:08,
Use your life for a good cause - Join ISIS. You will be of invaluable Viet suicidal bomber for ISIS. ISIS has its network at Boise, Idaho. You will be welcoming with open arms by ISIS!!! Someone will be knocking on your door before you can say, Chet Reuy!!!
You may not have 2 days...someone will be knocking on you door before then!!!
Drgunzet- 30 June 2015 at 12:41
Stay around motherf**ker don’t go yet, we are having so much fun kicking you around! lol
Don’t go, stay and help generate the traffic to the blog, my slave.
To all Khmer and foreign readers:
Drgunzet (Yuon/Vietnamese poster) is located in Boise, Idaho.
Khmer Yeourng
Drgunzet is ISIS though because this Viet/Yuon poster does not care about the values of human being. Don't worry about this Yuon/Viet poster. Glad that Khmer Yeourng and some readers have repeatedly posted the comment about the location of Yuon/Viet. Most Yuon/Viet folks are cyber criminals and criminals who are disastrous to nature on earth.
Even you give khmer 2 days, 1 years or even your whole life khmer can not stop to post racial slurs against Yuon and it is sure we still hate Yuon more and more and day by day.we post only about dirty Yuon who always encroach khmer land.
Drushit, are you off to eat more dog shit by yourself?
Yeah, Drushit intellect is of a 4 years old kid.
Drushit constant lies and brag and racial attack on the Khmer community is laughable.
First he tries to shut down Khmerization website, then he tries to force Khmer people to stop using this blog. Now he is trying to play mind game like he can own anyone.
This Youn is beyond curable. First I feel sorry for this Drushit, now a dead Youn is a good Youn.
Here are the facts from the Youn.
Without Youn, there would be no Vietminh.
Without Youn, There would be no Vietnam-American War.
Without Youn, There would be no Khmer Rouge (Vietminh hidden)
Without Youn, there would be no genocide in Asia.
Without Youn, there would be no Genocide on the Champa people.
Without Youn, there would be no genocide in Cambodia.
Without Youn, there would be no Vietnamese invasion.
Without Youn, there would be no K5 Genocide.
Without Youn, there would be no land and islands (Koh tral) lost.
Without Youn, there would be no CPP (Former KPRP, also created by Youn)
Without Youn, there would be no Hun Sen.
So you see, all the facts point to YOUN. As long as Youn are living and breathing in Koh tral and Prey Nokor, the world must see for what they are
30 June 2015 at 17:17
Thank You for summing up Yuon's dirty tricks.
They said yuon are good when they are dead. That is so true.
Drgunzet you are having either childish attitude or mental disorder. I am curious why you are so wrong you make a plane or a choice to compete. ..rather than to do creation ...hop you are don't understand. . Ok make it clear to you now. .the animal mentality of compete: its mean to do everything by using every necessary tools very hustled. Way Very forceful and hostiles toward other for your selfish winning. Hitler . Pol pot. Moa tze tong doing it. Right. ? Now you got me clear. It's a pure animal mental way of doing things. Right. ? Isn't that true.? .
Now the human way of doing everything in the right way which is most of civilize khmer do is we winning everything by creation in order to win on bigger living bigger wealth and bigger knowledge by creation. .if you Drgunzet create anything by doing things the right way you will produced more abundant life for yourselves and lead to make more prosperous to other right. Everyones winning and gaining more talented more morality and create better society. ..right.we provide everyone more opportunities make it short we create civilization society for fairness environment. Right. Isn't that true. .Mike
Kinh or Daiviet dynasty or your Drgunzet ancestors are very aggressive and rampage perceiving and apply too many cruelly trick in winning the rebellion revolution against his master the Chinese. ...The way they do is created more hostiles and enviable revenge. .right. is a temporary victory and this method is not a wiseman way of doing things. .it is a bastard crook barbarian gangster way of doing things. .. how you Drgunzet revealed yourself as superior or smarter than other man. ask any one in the whold world they will said the same things you guy are a pure barbaric thug. ..don't you feels ashamed with your barbaric youn ancestors. .Mike
30 June 2015 at 17:17
Yes, i agree, to undo the damages and gain independant from Vietnam and Vietnam's problem. Cambodia must remove Hun Sen and CPP.
Right now, Hun Sen is using the culture of dialoge to divide the opposition, every step Hun Sen take is to survive with the support of the Vietnamese backing. Anytime Hun Sen cry foul, Vietnam will come with/wo disguise and kill Khmer again.
We must not fall for Hun Sen trick. Removing Hun Sen is neccesary at all cost for the survival of Cambodia.
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Kinh ethnic is really different from Han Chinese ethnic in China so these two races are not the same race but just their culture is similar to each other.Kinh ethnic aka Yuon/viet is just a small tribe from China but these people are brutal,barbaric and muderous.they killed lots of Chinese people and declared themselves as an independent state.and from now on they steal and encroach other neighbor land such as champa,Kampuchea Krom.amyway Kinh ethnic race have lower culture than Han Chinese people that why Kinh copy everything from Han people such as clothes, culture, and so on.
Usa dropped over 17 millions tons of toxic bomb ( including orange agent ). And kill up to 3 millions civilian and military. And polluted over 2/3 of youn soil and affected 3 decade of diseases to youn peoples. .And in 1941 during japan invaded youn causing anther 500 000 more death by staving. That not including thousands years youn slaves to chines. you clearly see youn is a curs race .from God right. . Since your ancestors Youn was a low life slave your genetics Drgunzet is a pure barbaric thug. Rigth. Wasn't you? . The youn selling daughter for prostitution is a real Youn culture. Right. Isn't it a brutal and dirty abusive parents . right It's a culture of death poor youn. How you Drgunzet think this type of death poor genetics is a superior race.? .it doesn't work that way. Right. ? Now can you clearly see how thug genetics are in your blood and make your race a troublesome . Right. Can clearly see Youn race is a dangerous jerm must be eliminated from civilize world. .. Aren't they. ?
Now the more stubborn you do the more you defeated your self. Drgunzet if you stop manipulating and cheating i will start to admire my gratitude to some good Vietnamese as usual. Mike
Begin of Drgunzet's comment.
During an interview, Sam Rainy was asked a question:
"Are you a soft leader?"
He immediately jumped the gun.
"No, what do you mean soft?"
lol...what kind of an answer is this? Khmer style? He answered "No" as if he fully understood the question, then he immediately asked "what do you mean soft?"
A respectable person would not answer until fully understand the question. Only an idiot would answer the question then immediately ask a follow-up question revealing the ignorance in the first answer.
You folks are wasting time with Sam Rainsy.
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