Early in the morning of Feb. 17, 1979, Chinese artillery batteries and multiple rocket launchers opened fire all along the Vietnamese border with protracted barrages that shook the earth for miles around. Then 85,000 troops surged across the frontier in human-wave attacks like those China had used in Korea nearly three decades before. They were decimated: the well-dug-in Vietnamese cut down the Chinese troops with machine guns, while mines and booby traps did the rest.

captured Vietnamese soldiers
Horrified by their losses, the Chinese quickly replaced the general in charge of the invasion that was meant, in Beijing's words, to teach Vietnam a lesson, and concentrated their attack on neighboring provincial capitals. Using tanks and artillery, they quickly overran most of the desired towns: by March 5, after fierce house-to-house fighting, they captured the last one, Lang Son, across the border from Pingxiang. Then they began their withdrawal, proclaiming victory over the Cubans of the Orient, as Chinese propaganda had dubbed them. By China's own estimate, some 20,000 soldiers and civilians from both sides died in the 17-day war. Who learned the bigger lesson? The invasion demonstrated a contradiction that has forever bedeviled China's military and political leaders: good strategy, bad tactics.

captured Chinese soldiers
The decision to send what amounted to nearly 250,000 troops into Vietnam had been taken seven months before and was well-telegraphed to those who cared to listen. When Deng Xiaoping went to Washington in January 1979 to cement the normalization of China's relations with the United States, he told President Jimmy Carter in a private meeting what China was about to do--and why. Not only did Beijing feel Vietnam was acting ungratefully after all the assistance it had received during its war against the U.S., but in 1978 Hanoi had begun expelling Vietnamese of Chinese descent. Worst of all--it was cozying up to Moscow. In November 1978 Vietnam signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation with the Soviet Union. A month later the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia, a Chinese ally.
A video of the China-Vietnam War in 1979 from a Chinese point of view.
Although Hanoi said it was forced to do so to stop Pol Pot's genocide and to put an end to his cross-border attacks against Vietnam, Deng saw it as a calculated move by Moscow to use its allies to encircle China from the south.
Soviet adventurism in Southeast Asia had to be stopped, Deng said, and he was calculating (correctly, it turned out) that Moscow would not intervene in a limited border war between China and Vietnam. Carter's National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said Deng's explanation to Carter of his invasion plans, with its calculated defiance of the Soviets, was the single most impressive demonstration of raw power politics that he had ever seen. At the time Deng was consolidating his position as unchallenged leader of China. Having successfully negotiated normalization of relations with Washington, he wanted to send a strong signal to Moscow against further advances in Asia. He also thought the Carter Administration was being too soft on the Soviets, although he did not say as much to his American hosts. Hanoi, for its part, was unfazed by Deng's demonstration of raw power. The Vietnamese fought the Chinese with local militia, not bothering to send in any of the regular army divisions that were then taken up with the occupation of Cambodia. Indeed, Hanoi showed no sign of withdrawing those troops, despite Chinese demands that they do so: the subsequent guerrilla war in Cambodia would bog down Vietnam's soldiers and bedevil its foreign relations for more than a decade. The towns captured by the Chinese were all just across the border; it is not clear whether China could have pushed much farther south. Having lost so many soldiers in taking the towns, the Chinese methodically blew up every building they could before withdrawing. Journalist Nayan Chanda, who visited the area shortly after the war, saw schools, hospitals, government buildings and houses all reduced to rubble. The war also showed China just how outdated its battlefield tactics and weaponry were, prompting a major internal review of the capabilities of the People's Liberation Army. The thrust for military modernization continues to this day, even as the focus of China's generals has shifted from Vietnam back to Taiwan--a pesky little irritant that could cause Beijing even bigger problems if it decides to administer another lesson.
In 2014 and thereafter, should a full scale war break out, China will annihilate Vietnam in 14 days.
Let's put things into perspective, China is 15x larger than Vietnam and supposedly much stronger than Vietnam, yet, within a few days, China lost more men and materials than the US in its ten years war in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. If Cambodia could accomplish 1/10th of what Vietnam did on the battlefield, Cambodia would commend the respect of the world.
All your comments are incorrect!! China needs to reduce it population on a regular basis. When China fight the American in Korea War, general McAuther wanted to drop a few megaton nuclear bombs on China due to many Chinese fighting with the North Korean. You cannot fight those Chinese soldiers !!
Khmer is few in number. If Khmer folks ever wants to stand up against the Thais or the Viets, each Khmer has to be superior over each Thai or Viet.
For example, let's pretend I am a Khmer. I alone have already conquered the Topix Vietnam forum. The South Vietnamese feared me, the North Vietnamese respected me.
I once swept Leeporter and his Thai friends off Cambodia Topix forum. The Khmer were so awe-struck, they thought I was a superior Khmer came to defend them. I made it clear I was not in any part a Khmer.
But noooooooo, you Khmer are so inferior. I saw one Thai, Leeporter was able to dominate your entire race and so can I.
If you have so few in number, each of your member in the community needs to be superior in personal talents and strength. But noooooo, you are weak, dumb and inferior.
You should do some challenge against me. I'll take on your entire race.
Drgunzedt, your comments are not crude enough to receive a certificate for being a dickhead from. Please made another attempts. Our committees will reviews your comments.
Kilotons on Horishima and Nagasaki are nothing. Japanese earned those kilotons nuclear bomb. Their soldiers do not want to surrender to the American soldiers nor do they understand the word "surrender".
hamona hamoot
Well, Khmer people surrendered to the Thais in droves but their capital was still sacked repeatedly. So, how did the Khmer race "earned" the sacking? Perhaps God punished the Khmer race for wiping out the Funanese, and enslaving other race to build the Angkor Wat?
Yet, the Khmer bloggers still continue to advocate chopping, killing other races. I say, it's time for more punishment against the Khmer race.
Drgunzet fuck nigga vietnamese need his ball to be cut one day by the chinese.
Smartgunzet , hate drgunzet is a dirty bitch .
You have been pretending German, Chinese and other until we skimmed your comments showing that you have only cared about your evil Vietnamese/Yuon robber nation and your family members who are thieves. You are afraid of losing your blood sucking family members in the land of thieves (Vietcong/Vietnam/Yuon) and who illegally occupied militarily in Cambodia to collect Cambodia's natural resources and ship to evil Communist Vietcong/Yuon in order to increase the productivity in the land of thieves called Vietnam or Yuon in order to compete with other ASEAN countries economically. Everyone in ASEAN countries knows that Vietnam/Yuon/Vietcong is the land of thieves that there were so many landless Yuon folks begging for Cambodian/Khmer Empire kings for a place to stay temporarily until they are thieves to steal everything by forces during the night time.
Oh no, you got it all wrong. I care about Cambodia. I just don't want to see the Khmer getting crushed by the superior Vietnamese. I am here to protect you folks from getting into trouble with the Vietnamese and with the world.
Let me prove the point. If you stop writing about killing Vietnamese (kap Yuon), I will go away. You are welcome to disagree with the Vietnamese. If you think can get back your lost land, you can try. I think you will waste your time, but then again, its your time, you can waste your own time.
But you are not allowed to kill other people. I will remind you again a simple rule: If you kill/murder the Vietnamese, Vietnam will want compensation and it means more Cambodian lands must be ceded to Vietnam for peace. Perhaps more land concession, say for 200 years and longer.
You need to learn the concept of consequence. You cannot get away with murder. You get caught, you will pay with your crime.
Your problem is you cannot compete openly and fairly against the Vietnamese. Vietnamese are just too superior. They will dominate Cambodian economy, buy more land concession and own you. You will work for the Vietnamese. If you cause trouble, you will be fired, kicked out. If you fight, you will eat the batons.
Drgunzet- @ 4:50 pm
Go back to your drug addict center in Haiphong, you cannot even take of yourself, asshole.
Landless Yuon/Vietnamese folks have been having lots of experiences very long (1000 years) to be land thieves as war and trick/dirty game creators who stole China province (North Vietnam), Champa (Central Vietnam) and Khmer Kampuchea Krom/Southern Cambodia (Southern Vietnam).
Yuon/Vietnamese folsk like -Drgunzet- are so ridiculous by bragging too much about their nation as a land of Yuon thieves.
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