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The government enforces compulsory treatment for the country's estimated 140,000 drug addicts [Reuters] |
More than 400 people break free in country where UN has recommended drug rehabilitation centres be closed.
AJ: 15 Sep 2014
More than 400 Vietnamese drug addicts have escaped from a rehabilitation centre where they had been detained so that they could receive compulsory treatment, a local official said.
The detainees, many wielding sticks, broke free from the centre near the port city of Haiphong in northeast Vietnam late on Sunday.
"More than 400 inmates fled after breaking the door and threatened the guards of the centre with sticks," Nguyen Huy Hoang, an official from Thuy Nguyen district - where the centre is located - told the AFP news agency.
US-based Human Rights Watch has denounced the conditions in Vietnam's rehabilitation centres and a UN expert has recommended they be closed.
HRW says the treatment centres are "forced labour camps" where inmates do not receive proper healthcare and are often subjected to physical violence.
Police found some of the addicts back at their homes, while about 30 others voluntarily returned to the treatment centre.
"The police are searching for those who are still at large," in Haiphong, the third largest city in Vietnam, Hoang added.
Previous breakouts
The communist government enforces the compulsory treatment programme for the country's estimated 140,000 drug addicts.
Addicts must undergo two-year spells of "rehabilitation" in what the government describes as an effort to bring down rising rates of drug use, especially among young people.
The treatment period at the Gia Minh centre, where the breakout took place, was recently extended to three years, Hoang said.
The centre has also reduced the amount of money spent on food, prompting complaints from the addicts, he added.
In May 2010 and April 2012, detainees at similar addiction treatment centres in Haiphong also staged breakouts.
Addicts are mostly forced to report to the centres by their family or local authorities, but they are not considered criminals.
“Drgunzet” must be among the 400 escapees.
I believe drguzet among of 400 too,because a lot of sex free.
i have a feeling their viet police force will 'guide ' them toward cambodia borders soon ...the new '' in-thing to do '' now is to ship undesirable people to another country...cuba has been allowed its prisoners to escape to the US florida all the time... and since the US policy is to allow all cubans who made it to the land to stay , florida end up with a lot of criminals in their cities . now the countries in south america are doing it ... thousands of gand members crossed the borders into US and obama is allowing them to stay... some US states are now quietly shipping their homeless people to another state... and it just keep on going, ship the unwanted somewhere else to make it someone else 's problems.
Let me state the obvious. If a Vietnamese escape convict is a light-skinned person, would the person want to go to Cambodia a country full of dark-skin to hide? Oh man, the Khmer folks are stupid. You need to think before you comment.
When I was a teenager, I sneaked to the best High School in my area for the best schooling I could get. In the first week, my English teacher spot me out immediately. My English was so bad, she demanded me to transfer to anther High School with ESL. I begged her to give me 3 months to improve, but she would not give me an inch. She dragged me to the English center and demanded a qualification test. I barely survive.
But within a month, she noticed my incredible rise in academic. I was learning 100 new words a day, so within a month, with 3,000 new words, all essential words, I was able to start getting Bs. Then a few months laters, A, just enough for the whole Semester. Soon, I became her number one student. And she actually liked me a lot, "I am so glad you survived the test or I would have made a big mistake in my teaching career."
Anyway, the point here is: If you don't belong to a certain place, you will be sniffed out quickly. Only a gifted person like me could survive against the odds. Two years later, my teachers and the school Principal held regular meeting to figure out how to best exploit my full academic power. I won so many competition for my High School and broke many school record by more than 100%.
Your bullshitting is worse than a first grader.
[Let me state the obvious. If a Vietnamese escape convict is a light-skinned person, would the person want to go to Cambodia a country full of dark-skin to hide? Oh man, the Khmer folks are stupid. You need to think before you comment.]
then explain why there are so many of your dog and rat eating people living in cambodia illegally right now ?
how many khmers are living in vietnam illegally right now ? please dazzle us with your numbers and make sure to provide a link for verification of such data...
are you having a brain fart or just getting early senility ?
I think most of the drug addict problem in Vietnam will be solved naturally in the next several years. There is a huge surge in high tech investment in Vietnam this year and will generate hundreds of thousand new good and high-paying jobs. Case and points:
1. Last week, Samsung signed an agreement to build a 1.4 billion US dollar high-tech factory in South Vietnam to produce electronics equipment. This is in addition to the new 1 billion USD factory to produce LCD screen also in South Vietnam.
2. Taiwanese applied for a license to build a 1 billion USD paper plant in South Vietnam.
3. A 3.4 billion USD oil refinery kicked off this week in central Vietnam.
4. A 22 billion USD oil refinery (from Thailand) is being finalized in Central Vietnam.
So on and so on. Cambodia will be out paced by Vietnam and relegated to dirty, low paying jobs.
I don't see how Khmer can compete against Vietnamese. Vietnamese students have been winning International gold medals in Math, Chess and many other competitions, olympiads. Khmer students could not even compete in these events and have extremely low passing percentage in their own national exam. Shame on Khmer.
Drushit have been on the loose since he broke out of his clinic. No wonder why Drushit have been going on about how the Funan were South Vietnamese
School record for smallest penis beaten by 100 percent. Average penis is 6 inches. So what does that make you haha. Back on topic. I tend to find it is the vietnamese who lie and steal at the work place. Most of the khmer i know are hard honest working people to provide for their children.being from a poor country they tend to provide everything they can for their children while they are capable of earning. The overseas khmer are hard working people and dont bullshit around but what i found drgunzet is alot of the khmer in cambodia are very lazy. Maybe due to inadequate/ poor food intake so they always sleepy and run out of energy
-Drgunzet- has been bullshitting all over the place. He is like a parasite into the web space trying to tease, pick on, make up and create the fake story of others and then cover up the hypocrite story of land thieves of nation, Vietcong or Vietnam (original name Yuon).
What a shame on Vietnamese folks including -Drgunzet- and Vietnamese thieves in Hanoi.
I am very tempted to scan in my credential to awe you folks awhile back, but I think it is a real challenge for me to communicate with the Khmer and the fire-ants. The lower the species, the more challenge in communication it will be.
At a weekly social gathering in a company I used to work, I discovered some of my coworkers were involved in helping the Special Olympics (for the retards and handicaps). I was impressed and asked them, "You guys are high performance, quick thinker, active folks. Don't you find working with the Special Olympics a bit too slow for your taste?"
They surprised me further, "That was our way to practice patience." So, recently, I decided to raise my bar:
I not only chose to work with the retarded Khmer, but also try to stop the violent, and murderous Khmer with the grandios and delusional ambition in recreating the Khmer empire, the grater Cambodia.
Humbly, I will admit that I fail so far, just like I failed with the fire-ants.
One more thing. Are we all addicted to eating? If you are not allowed to eat, you will go hungry and suffering. That's a form of withdrawal. I got cured though. When my older brother stole my food, I got punished severely when I disobeyed my mother's judgement and teaching. I was whacked by a bamboo till my arms bled. I assure you, at that time, I forgot all about the hunger and the addiction to food.
To cure the drug addicts in Vietnam, I would recommend the Vietnamese government to apply my mother's method: keep whacking with bamboo stick until the subject snap out of the drug craze. Bamboo will win all the time.
As for the Khmer addicts, I recommend the Cambodian government not to use the bamboo sticks, but use the batons! Bamboo sticks will not work on the Khmer. Batons will!
When you brag you sound exactly like an “addict.”
You must be getting your heroine shot from Laos.
Did Drushit just say, that Drushit is addicted to eating his mother's bamboo?
I am not sure if Drushit is going crazy, just he seems to jump from one topic to another, like a parasite. Next Drushit will talk about the law of Physic and Chemistry and how they are related to the Vietnamese uprising against the French after the French freed them from the Chinese 1000 years slavery.
UN Kid.
Drgunzet once people are drug addicts they are not the same as they once were. Therefore your method will not work
I agreed with you Drgunzet and you have too look further on European people too who lived in greatly suffering on it own land the nature doesn't favor on all living creatures. ..it's..too
hot. .too cold and too many hurricanes.
...etc.right? if i am not wrong the land in USA
in Europe. ...its doesn't have fertilizers and
very hard to growth , crop plant and .raising animal..etc. right?
Now you clearly see yourself how hard to lived
in your world ... . right. ? Aren't you?
OK in such difficult conditions all creatures
must be much biger stronger faster and
harder , am I right. ? Make it short in oder to
survive you must be stronger and smarter or you will in perish. Right? The worse weather and bad terrain already killed those weak slow and dumb. ..Rigth. ? . It sounds like you guy are selected race by nature....but you're daily lives it seem very hardship from earlier centuries till today. ..your populations are 1/4 comparing to Asia and the world civilization all over the world was started from Asia. .Right. ? Please Drgunzet be fair to any race that you sharing in this unique world. .and Asian brains power are far greater than those whites guy in many field. Isn't that true.? Mike
Mike @6:31 pm
Blah blah blah…
Your English is shit and hard to understand.
-Drgunzet- is so happy to be successfully bragging too much around today Vietnam which a land of thieves around the world (stolen from China called North Vietnam, Champa called central Vietnam and Khmer Kampuchea Krom/Southern Cambodia called Southern Vietnam)
Correction for 17 September 2014 6:33 pm
-Drgunzet- is so happy to be successfully bragging too much around today about Vietnam which is a land of thieves around the world (stolen from China called North Vietnam, Champa called central Vietnam and Khmer Kampuchea Krom/Southern Cambodia called Southern Vietnam).
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