A good first step!
By Bun Thoeun
Dear compatriots,
This is at least a good first step that a member of the Vietnamese puppet government said something right and defied Vietnam's demand to punish Khmer protesters.
However, had the government punished the protestors as requested by Vietnam, the result would have been disastrous for Hun Sen because it would clearly prove that this Hun Sen is absolutely a puppet of Vietnam and a massive demonstration might follow afterwards.
We should look forward to seeing other areas that Hun Sen must do to improve his image, such as taking back the Khmer soul Angkor Wat, rescinding the 99 years land concession to Vietnam, stopping the mass influx of the illegal Vietnamese immigrants into Cambodia, strictly enforcing the IMMIGRATION LAW
, implementing the 1991 Paris Peace Accord and canceling all the bilateral treaties with Vietnam, including the 2005 supplemental treaty, reviewing the “triangle areas”, allowing Khmer people to check and verify the border posts with Vietnam, clearing the illegal Vietnamese immigrants out of our lakes and rivers, which have been stained by the Vietnamese’s urine excrement, and trashes, etc…

Finally, it is time for Hun Sen to wake up and free himself from this evil Vietnam’s grip. The Vietnamization of Cambodia by Vietnam has been strengthened and deepened greatly already. Time is not on Cambodia's side. Khmer people must harden their mind and prepare to sacrifice their lives when the “moment” to save Cambodia comes.
The CPP, It is not too late to start defending our homeland
By Anonymous said...
The CPP, It is not too late to start defending our homeland
It must have been very difficult for General Khieu Sopheak and the CPP to make this statement. They did what they were supposed to do because they represented Cambodians, not Vietnamese. I am proud to see this small first step. Cambodia had lost already 70% of her territories to Vietnam, Thailand, Laos. We must fight to preserve a small patch of lands left on Earth for our future generations to come. It is not too late to start defending our homeland against our expansionist neighbors. We had almost 15 millions people, that is a lot of Khmers that these neighbors can't exterminate. Here are some of my suggestions, just my personal opinions:
1. CNRP, CPP and others must be united as one voice against foreign domination and influence. We can agree to disagree on some domestic ideas, but we can try our best to find a common grounds.
2. Reform our most important institutions such as in order priority list: Armed Forces is a neutral and adequate equipped defensive military (remove all Vietnamese sympathizers, agents), Judicial branch,EXECUTIVE
branch, legislative branch.

to the fullest in humane ways. Give Vietnamese and others who can prove that they had lived in Cambodia more than 5 years to become full Cambodian citizens. Have them served our armed forces and observe their loyalties to Cambodia. Have them pay taxes, contribute to nation building. AFTER ALL ILLEGALS HAD BEEN DEALT WITH CLOSE OUR BORDERS TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION WITH A DEDICATE WELL-TRAINED, WELL-EQUIPPED BORDER GUARDS.

4. Educate our population to live in peace with other different ethnic groups. Educate Cambodians to be able to compete with other people from ASEAN countries. Ask for helps if we have too.
5. Rescind all illegal business deals that damage our country's economy and security. Make these companies rewrite a new contracts.
6. Request that Vietnam, Thailand, Laos follow international laws governed land and sea territories. Get UN, ICJ, ICC and others nations that respected rules of laws to help us to put pressure on these neighbors to respect our borders. Hire the best international lawyers, experts to take a look at CPP/Vietnam border treaties 1985, 1993, 2005, 2008 if there are any violations of Cambodia territories. This we MUST DO.
7. Learn to live in peace with our neighbors.
Finally, Hun Sen has some spines!
Finally, the Hun Sen government grows some spines! Yes!!! I support Khieu Sopheak for speaking up against the Vietnamese bad boys of Hanoi. It is about time after over 30 years in power. There is nothing illegal about protesting in Cambodia. However, it is the damn Viets who still do not understand the laws of Cambodia. These illegal Vietnamese immigrants still continue to sneak into Cambodia illegally, days and nights. So it is Vietnam instead that needs to do its JOB IN
disciplining its Vietnamese criminals.
Didn't the Chinese teach the Vietnamese anything about respecting the rules and laws after 1000+ years of learning the Chinese core values? Du ma Viet criminals who do not respect the rules and laws of the world. Have the Viets send a representative to China to offer an apology for killing the Chinese, destroying the Chinese owned factories, and burning the Chinese flags yet? The Viets have to do that because that is required by the Confucius tradition.

Didn't the Chinese teach the Vietnamese anything about respecting the rules and laws after 1000+ years of learning the Chinese core values? Du ma Viet criminals who do not respect the rules and laws of the world. Have the Viets send a representative to China to offer an apology for killing the Chinese, destroying the Chinese owned factories, and burning the Chinese flags yet? The Viets have to do that because that is required by the Confucius tradition.
សំនួរលោក ជូលាងហាក់ ចំពោះ លីឌៀប នាឣត្ថបទចុងក្រោយរបស់ លីឌៀប នេះបានធ្ធើឣោយ លីឌៀប គាំងនិងឣួលដូចទាស៊ីខ្ចៅ។
Blogger Leang Hak Chou said...
សូមអរគុណដែលលោក តែងតែលើកយក បញ្ហា សន្ធិសញ្ញាខ្មែរ-យួន ឆ្នាំ១៩៨៣ និងសន្ធិសញ្ញា បំពេញបន្ថែម ឆ្នាំ២០០៥ មករំឭក ខ្មែររាល់គ្នា ដែលថា គឺសន្ធិសញ្ញា ដ៏អាក្រក់ ទាំងនេះហើយ ដែលធ្វើឱ្យ ការបាត់បង់ ទឹកដីខ្មែរ ទៅជារឿង ស្របច្បាប់ ហើយយើងពិបាក តវ៉ាជាមួយយួន។
ខ្ញុំពុំអាចដឹងបាន ថាលោកលីឌៀប អាចមាន លទ្ធភាព ផ្តល់ដល់យើង ជាអ្នកអានរាល់គ្នា បានដែរឬទេ នូវសំណៅដើម ទាំងស្រុង នៃសន្ធិសញ្ញា ខុសច្បាប់ទាំនោះ ថាគេសរសេរ យ៉ាងណាខ្លះ ដែលស្តេចខ្មែរ ចុះហត្ថលេខា យល់ព្រម។
ខ្ញុំចង់អានសន្ធិសញ្ញាទាំងនោះ ដោយផ្ទាល់ ហើយបើខ្ញុំ យល់ឃើញថា វាពិតជាអាក្រក់ មែនទែន ដែលធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែរ មានការពិបាក នឹងដោះស្រាយ រឿងបូរណភាព ទឹកដីខ្មែរ នោះខ្ញុំនឹង ចាប់ផ្តើមសរសេរ ថ្កោលទោស ពួកជន (ក្បត់ជាតិ) តាមដំណើរការ។ គ្មានបុគ្គលណាម្នាក់ នៅកម្ពុជា មានជីវិត សំខាន់ ជាងកេរ្តិ៍ដំណែល ទឹកដីខ្មែរនោះឡើយ។ ខ្ញុំស្អប់ខ្ពើម ជាយូរមកហើយ ទំនៀមទម្លាប់ខ្មែរ ឱនលំទោន លុតក្រាប ចំពោះបុគ្គល។ ការលុតក្រាប គួរតែធ្វើចំពោះ ព្រះមហាអាទិទេព មួយអង្គគត់។ ក្រោមបន្ទាប់មក គឺលោកឪពុកអ្នកម្តាយ បង្កើតរបស់យើង។ ប៉ុន្តែទំលាប់មនុស្ស គឺគេធ្វើតៗគ្នា តែអ៊ីចឹង។ បើលោករកបាន សំណៅដើម ទាំងស្រុង នៃសន្ធិសញ្ញា ទាំងនោះ សូមមេត្តាចែកចាយ។ សូមអរគុណ។
August 17, 2014 at 12:03 PM
I like the way Chou Leang Hak worded his question to Ly Diep.
Time for reform all govt's sector in Cambodia and replace with young generation who held high degree, if there's no challenging Cambodia never go forward and improve..always the same old thing...Katik bandit? Katik bandit? People want to see new challenging from new young people today with Phd,Bs,Master degree from abroad and throughout the country...replace those old farts corrupted officials and replace new young with High degree today!! Sicken tired to see those old corrupted officials still sit their fat ass in the office the last 40 years??
I think some old officials don't even know how to read or write properly....especially, former khmer rouge carde/soldiers?
កុំបារម្ភណ៍អី ស្អីក៍លីឌៀប មាន ហើយដឺងទាំងអស់ សរសេរកាសែត្រ៣០ឆ្នាំហើយ មិនដែលកុហក់ បោកប្រាស់គេ ដូចសង្រ្គោះជាតិទេ
ព្រោះនៅពេលដែលស្តេច្ចុះកុងត្រានោះ លីឌៀប ជា សាកសីនៅពេលនោះណា ហើយបងប្អូនមិនឃើញទេឬ? គ្រាន់តែពាក្យចំណងជើងថា សុំនិយាយផង នោះវាមិនត្រូវទៅហើយ បងប្អូនដឺងហើយថាគេប្រើនៅពេលណានោះ តែអាឡប់នេះថ្ងៃណាក៍វាថាអញ្ចឹងដែរ ហើយវាហួសថ្ងៃមុនវាអួតថាវាជាអ្នកបង្កើតកាសែត្រអង្គរបូរី វាគិតថាគេមិនដឺង តែវលុបវិញយ៉ាងលឿន អញ្ចឹងបានជា ជូលាងហាក់ដាក់ដល់ក រកនិយាយមិនកើត ថាហើយចេះឯងឱ្យក្រែងចេះគេ និយាយឡើងសុទ្ធតែគេ ឆបោក ចុះនេះម្តេចដែរ?
លីឌៀប បានឣួតឣាងថាសរសេរឣ្វីៗ សុទ្ធផ្ឣែកលើឯកសារ
ដល់គេសួររក គាំងរកនិយាយមិនចេញ។
លីឌៀបពូកែខាងឣួត រៀនបានត្រឹម diplôme នៅស្រុកខ្មែរហើយ
មកដល់ US ឣត់មានរៀនថែមទៀតទេ ព្រោះ រវល់វីវក់នឹង"កាសែតស្លឹកសង្កែ"។
ឣាមនុស្សរស់ដោយ ការឣួតឣាង វាមិនខ្មោចទេ។
Ah Kwaq sen is not willing to changes if he is willing the country is changed now,but Hun sen as hard headed as Hanoi his boss, don't even dreaming that ah Kwaq is changed for the intersects of cambodian's people.Its the first time that Cpp official is regconized that flag burning is just another form of FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION on the world stage.
If ah Kwaq wants to changes it is time now because thus is only chance while millions Khmers are with him and all khners are united against yuon Hanoi behind Khmer krom folks about Hanoi spoke person distorted our history,please ah Kwaq change stay away from Hanoi crips!...
Wow, Cambodia lost 70% of territory to Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. It must have sucked big time. Explain to me how did Cambodia lose territory to Laos? Did you folks fight or Laos just simply "steal" your land?
Do you see Lao and Thai anywhere on the map, dumb ass?
Laos civil war ended in 1975. Laotian Communist started cleaned up their country and started rebuilt. Laotian didn't destabilized their country by committed genocide on her populations. So, they are stronger than Cambodia at that point. While Cambodia Pol Pot and Vietnamese double agents in Khmer Rough started doing their jobs to destabilized Cambodia by creating an atmospheres of distrusts among Khmer Rough to populations and Khmer Rough to Khmer Rough in different zones. These Viet Congs tactics are brilliants and worked resulted millions Cambodian brightest and wealthy lost their lives. After Cambodia weakened Vietnamese tanks rolled in and walla! we are liberators and installed their puppet Hun Sen. Cambodia civil war continued another 10 years. Now Laos saw that Cambodian was too busy fighting each others so opportunities arrived SO THEY STARTED MOVED BORDER POSTS DEEPER INTO CAMBODIA. I am not going to go into details about Laos stole Cambodia territories in the long past you Mr. Pretended,Smart, know all professor is going to research more yourself from European true history books on world history not from your fake country history book. proud to be born as Cambodian and we will never give any of our territories even I am the last Cambodian standing.
So, Cambodians also Laos about stealing lands, illegally moving border posts into Cambodian territory!
It looks to me, Khmer don't really get along with any neighbors. Vietnam is getting along with Laos just fine. You should learn from them.
For one week now, it is obvious that your regular posters, especially the Khmer nationalists have deserted your site.
Our personal information are dear to our hearts, and must be treasured, hence securely protected.
In a public forum of the Cyberspace, each and every information detail is traceable, reproduced and shared in many ways.
Your site does not have encryption, including SSL, and so on.
We, especially the Khmer nationalists cannot afford to play a Russian Roulette with our lives and livelihood and those of our families.
Hun Sen and Hanoi have their paid snitches in your very site.
In conclusion, please reconsider your new requirement.
Thank you
Your Faithful Fan
-Drgunzet- @18 August 2014 5:17 am
Give us a link saying that the Lao people like the Viet, not governments.
Jendhamuni feels that she has some kind of power over KI and its readers.
She is no difference than Hun Sen, power hungry.
She was a Buddhist nun and should stay that way instead of tainting herself with politic.
Go back to the temple Jendhamuni, you will have a more peaceful life there.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
-Drgunzet- @18 August 2014 5:17 am
Give us a link saying that the Lao people like the Viet, not governments.
18 August 2014 5:52 am
Here, try this:
You folks should learn from the Laos: How to live peacefully with the neighbors. Forget about your Khmer empire. You conquered, enslaved other people to build your temples. The temples were your curse, people revolted and Khmer race were crushed.
The Thais sacked Khmer capital repeatedly, killed all the brave and smart Khmer. That's why Khmer race now a day is very pathetic. Khmer Rouges did a huge sacking, equaled to several Thais' sacking. The whole Phnom Penh was emptied out for years!
Know this, most city folks could not endure the hardship in rural life, they perish. The city folks were the smarter ones in the Khmer society. What's left are the not-so-smart rural folks.
I really don't see how the Khmer race can compete with other races. You folks need to play nice and get help. Do not pick fight because you will always lose. I give you folks good advice for help.
If you really want to make the readers here happy go to the Lao website and don’t come back.
លីដៀប វាមកលួចមើលនោទីនេះ វាខឹងសម្បើមណាស់ វាថាវាមិនដែលកុហក់ទេ ហើយវាសរសេរសុទ្ធតែពិតទាំងអស់ វាខំស្នេហាជាតិ៣០សឺមឆ្នាំហើយ គ្មានអ្នកណាមើលវាឃើញទេ ហើយទុកវាដូចកូនក្មេង វាសរសេរ តិះតៀន សង្រ្កោះជាតិដោយខ្លាចវាខុស ឯហ៊ុន សែន វាគ្មានខុសអីឯណា ពួកវាឡប់អញ្ចឹងបានរត់ចោល ខេអាយ បាស់ជើង
18 August 2014 8:44 am
លីឌៀប ខឹងខ្លាំង ឣោយ ទាក់ទង ឣាផៃស៊ីផាន ឣោយរកប្រពន្ធក្មេង មួយទៅ។
លិង្គ លីឌៀប នៅប្រើការបានឬទេ?
6:22 am
We wholeheartedly agree.
diep weapon is have no bullet he only can touching
Something is not right.
KI wants the readers’ ID.
But KI hides its own exact location and takes the date and time of Cambodia.
Anonymous said...
If you really want to make the readers here happy go to the Lao website and don’t come back.
18 August 2014 8:14 am
I will make a deal with the entire Khmer race. I will go away, and leave the Khmer folks alone, if you folks stop inciting killing, murdering the unarmed, defenseless civilians (mainly the Vietnamese).
លីឌៀប ខឹងខ្លាំង ឣោយ ទាក់ទង ឣាផៃស៊ីផាន ឣោយរកប្រពន្ធក្មេង មួយទៅ។
លិង្គ លីឌៀប នៅប្រើការបានឬទេ?
Sure, the devil is in hell to make any deal with you, go there now.
KI is down the drain thinking that it's critical time AND decided to make lazy Khmer sign in to be able to post. Big mistakes! KI media looking like a ghost town now. Very big mistakes. Shame.
5:41 AM
You said it all.
Great !!!!!!!!!
" A Good Yuon is a Dead Yuon !!! "
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