A Change of Guard

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Sunday 13 October 2013

CPP Spokesman Denies Wanting Rainsy to Die in Plane Crash [Mr. Cheam Yeap, you can deny all you like but your words are on record!]

Introducing a sinister new edge to the country’s ongoing political tension, CPP lawmaker and party spokesman Cheam Yeap on Thursday raised the question as to why opposition party leader Sam Rainsy had not yet died in a plane crash.
However, Mr. Yeap denied on Friday that he wished to see the opposition leader’s death, but had simply raised the question because of Mr. Rainsy’s frequent in­ter­national air travel and the “turmoil” he had caused the country. Read the full article and Cheam Yeap's voice here.
Note for video below: Cheam Yeap's cursing begins 0:32

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey devil cheam yeap your have been recorded an broadcast around in the,and you denied that you did't say any thing about Mr.sam rainsy,I think you scared about you behavior that your sound wards look like a gangster,that voice not suitable for the Minister(Ek Oudom)that a street gang you are.