PHNOM PENH (Cambodia Herald) - Opposition leader Sam Rainsy (pictured) called Monday for the Cambodian government to give "full support" to China's territorial claims over the disputed Paracel and Spratly archipelagos in the South China Sea.
The islands are also claimed in whole or in part by fellow ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam as well as Taiwan.
"In order to express its gratitude to the People's Republic of China which has extended support for decades, Cambodia must, in return, give its full support to the People's Republic of China through its One China policy and the protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said a Chinese New Year message.
The rare message from the opposition leader, who is in self-exile, said that Cambodian-Chinese people were a major part of Cambodia's population and made an active contribution to the prosperity of the country.
"Since 1955, when King Father Norodom Sihanouk met for the first time in Bandung, Indonesia, with Zhou Enlai, the then Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, Cambodia has always depended on the support of China, which is the first great friend of Cambodia," he said.
Sam Rainsy claims Chinese ancestry through a great great grandfather who emigrated to Cambodia around 100 years ago.
This is the right move. We can't fence the hand that feeds us. Daryl of USA
SR just wants China to kick the Vietnamese butt, and nothing more.
In 1944 President Franklin D. Roosevelt dispatched vice president Henry A. Wallace to meet with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and offer him the “return” of Indochina (Vietnam) to China. Chiang [un]wisely declined the offer. [1]
Darn! We Khmer had missed the great opportunity otherwise we still have Koh Tral and Kampuchea Krom!!! Poor Chiang Ching Chung!!
[1] According to Wallace, “He [FDR] told me [Wallace] to inform Chiang that he proposed to see that both Hong Kong and Indo-China would be returned to China, and that he wanted to see a strong, truly democratic government in China, willing and anxious to live at peace with its neighbors.” Henry Wallace, Toward World Peace (New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1948), p. 97. Bernard Fall confirmed the story (and Chiang’s declining of the offer) with Wallace. See Bernard Fall, The Two Vietnams (New York: Praeger, 1964), pp. 54; 453n.
I agreed with Sam Rainsy. Vietnam needs to broken by China, in order for her to loose grip on our homeland Cambodian. Cambodia is for Cambodian peoples ONLY. When I say Cambodian, I meant everyone who legally lived in Cambofia.
ដើរនយោបាយរបៀប សម រង្សី គេហៅថា
អាចេះតែថា ជានយោបាយ បាយជ្រួកឬបាយបល់
I have agreed with many policies of the SRP in the past, but I do not support this idea of Cambodia supporting China's territorial claim against Vietnam because it is dangerous for Cambodia if we anger Vietnam by supporting China over territorial claim with Vietnam. Don't forget that no matter what, Cambodia will always be a neighbor of Vietnam, we can't avoid it. If we antagonize Vietnam vis-a-vis China's territorial claims, Vietnam will never forgive Cambodia and who will protect us from future Vietnam's encroachments of Cambodian territories? China was very close with the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s, but China couldn't protect Cambodia/Khmer Rouge from Vietnam's invasion in 1979. The best policy for Cambodia in regard to Vietnam-China's territorial dispute is to stay neutral and call for a peaceful resolution.
A lot of us are happy to see China take on Vietnam. But let's not get into their politics. We're against their government not their people. Wishing that they lose their territories is an act against their people. When we mess up with their people, they won't forgive.
Remember how the Cham was wiped out by the Vietnamese? It was because they sided with the Chinese emperor against Vietnam. The Youns didn't forget them, and look what happened? Cham was gone.
Here is a thought - think of Vietnam as a balloon. If you push it somewhere it will expand in the opposite direction. If China poke their eastern side, it will expand on the western side. Similiarly, China poked their northern side and they expanded south. It's our interest to remain neutral. Remember that China relation with the world is complex, their interest with Vietnam is no less than their interest with us.
4:54 AM
There are two ways to deal with the youns, one is to hate them and make them think you're their enemies, and the other way is to look them in the face and make friends. Obviously you chose the former but it is not wise. Remember people are naturally borned good, you don't want to antagonzie them. Usually it's the government that is evil, not the people. If you make their people support their government objective, you are in a bad position.
Of course we are angry that Vietnam had taken vast territory of our land, but it is dangerous to play off China against Vietnam. Cambodia is weak and small, so we can't depend on other countries to protect us, we must learn how to live with our neighbors. To side with China against Vietnam in territorial dispute will enrage Vietnam and in turn Vietnam can take revenge by encroaching more on Cambodian territory and who will help us? China tried to stop Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia/Khmer Rouge in 1979, but it couldn't and the Vietnamese army occupied Cambodia for 10 years before it agreed to withdraw in 1989. The best Cambodia can do is to remain silent/neutral in regard to this issue or we must not take side by calling for peaceful resolution to the matter.
To 01:40pm
The Viet troupes did not withdraw on their own.
Thanks to the Chinese invasion of Vietnam and
other pressure.
Do not expect the Viets to behave.
Follow their history.
Stay on the side of China.
We will need one more Chinese invasion of
Vietnam,or at least such a threat to kick the Viets
out of Cambodia.
A Khmer Fighter
Vietnam's withdrawal from Cambodia was not due to China's pressures or invasion of Vietnam. China did briefly invade Vietnam in February 1979 with heavy losses and then withdrew. Vietnam occupied Cambodian until 1989, 10 years after Chinese troops withdrew from the northern tip of Vietnam.
Vietnam withdrew from Cambodia due to international pressures when the Khmer factions, Hun Sen and Sihanouk, were pressured by the international community to hold peace talks, starting from 1987 and reached an agreement in 1991. China did provide weapons to the Khmer rouge, but it was the West which provided the most supports, financially, politically and diplomatically, to the non-resistance fighters, the Sihanoukists and the Son Sonnians. If Cambodia depended on China alone, we would not have succeeded in pushing the Viet out in 1989. It is good to have China's supports, but not to point of siding with China against Vietnam in this territorial dispute because it will antagonize Vietnam to take revenge on Cambodia in the future. The best Cambodia can do is to remain silent or stay neutral by calling for a peaceful resolution.
3:31 AM, Shame on Vietnam. Did Khmer Krom side with China when they lost their territory? Did Koh Tral side with China when it was secretly given away by Hun Sen in 1983 as part of his secret deal with Hanoi? Remember, prior to communist Vietnamese Army invaded Cambodia in 1979, Koh Tral was part of Cambodia. Khmer Rouge soldiers were living on that island. Just because KR were driven out of Koh Tral does not mean, Vietnam can have claim to that island.
Anyway, Vietnam is a regional punk. It has what it got through steal, cheat, and lies, exactly what you'd expect from a thief. Hell the Vietnam balloon expansion theory bullshit. Vietnam is a self inflating balloon. Anyone push it or not, it expands on its own. China is a sharp needle that will easily pop that balloon. Just when China takes it easy on Vietnam, this regional punk thinks it earn the right to try to take over the rest of Indochina and beyond. This punk only want from what its neighbors have. If you're not being watchful of this punk, consider yourself stolen. This punk will take your shit without asking. When caught, it will deny ever taking it. Vietnam is a sleazy and slippery eel that need to be tossed into China's hot boiling salt water to clean out its slippery, slimy characteristics. Again, shame on Vietnam.
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