A Change of Guard

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Monday, 8 July 2013

National Rescue Party's policy: Peace, natoinal unity and freedom

By Setha Ma

 Your Excellency Sam Rainsy ,

Respect to Lork Kem Sokha - Prince Thomico , Queen Mother , Mam Sonando, Pen Sovan , Kong Korm .

Many opposition leaders are getting older for Political long walk to freedom and worry, we want you to live a happy family and enjoyable life in this late years by sacrificing something now to our nation .

Mr. Sonando says, how many more years can we live ? NRP wants to achieve peace and stability in our country, friends of neighboring ASEAN and the world .

We don't want political leaders ( Hun Sen or opposition leaders ) in dangerous spots or revenge , but negotiate to work together .

CPP never bow down if not have strong friendly policy from National Rescue P . We want This country have more democracy and independent from just only one leader or foreign oppression .

Doubt even NRP win no have time to take power or never happen like HE Pen Sovann 32 years ago, NRP need soft approach and peaceful negotiation .

NRP to adopt Soft different strategy to win strong and deep root power ; To promote democracy Opposition party need to gain more votes , current gov press and close opposition almost every move .

Adopt PM Ying Luck style > Announced Message Forget and forgive the past , think of peace to all , unity - friendship , No idea of revenge to move on for better future , clear policy to voters and clean start friendship with CPP leadership .

 Asia is hard to have same situation as in US or Europe . Thaksin Shinawatra lobbied his enemies and humble negotiate with powerful and move between rural population and city , all investors successfully , event win in popular vote he still can't return to his home land nor resume power - he must quit politics only want to return home freely . Oppose each other idea but friendly , Cpp is not enemy but competitor /partner of development of different idea . His family members and cronies control everything in this country;  media , all public and private institutions . Now country need change , not family style control . Opposition need to be soft , have peaceful , convincing policy that can help people inside get away from deep pressure and authoritarian gov .

 1 - Sangkros Cheat Party , Accessible to everyone : a National Unity party and rescue Cambodia to make different for development . NRP listen to all people all sides , can talk peace with all political parties in the country that want to share idea , suggestions and help settle National problems . We can and must work together to save this country .

2 - Keep current constitution and Respect national Motto : Nation - Religion - King : Support  King and  Royal Palace to be Independence from political pressure with more power and respect . Sankros Cheat Respect current National anthem , Give Share power and ministry with whoever if win election cooperate if other parties really want build our country together with NRP policy in peaceful way . Want people happy , no one live under pressure and fear . Peace , negotiation and Forgive to all party and former leaders so that country live in peace , strengthening good relationship with neighboring countries esp ASEAN countries .

Vote For NRP for National Rescue P , for National Unity , Peace , negotiation , freedom and development of the country .
 3 - Keep investment contracts that boost national dignity and preserve / negotiate  past government administration .  Keep government workforce by retrain and do restructure for important policy maker . NRP is friend to rich and poor people . No tax on housing , Land property , no salary tax , no local tax . Lower all kind of taxes including annual transport vehicles tax . Help people to do better , richer and have fair chance in economy.
 Transparency and strategy : Cutting corruption in many levels , Less charges for document stamping in many gov levels . Cheaper travel passport and visas to attract visitors .

 4 - Reduce oil price and electricity bills . Support investment and businesses for interest and future benefit of all in country . Business / industry Electricity bill Per KW can reduce from 600 riels to 300 Riels per KW in 1 year . Oil price cut 30% to 40 % in 2 year . Import tax produce will cut by half to reduce retail prices , retail infrastructure to be set up .

5 - Public Health care and Education : Free medical services in all government hospitals . Or charge minimum of 4000 riels service for each client in major public hospitals . For poor people government  will cover for free of charge .
Promote education better quality , better employment .
6 - Encourage farmers and support to supply sufficient with quality agriculture products modernisation for export quality . Support new technology agro-business . Healthy and dignity for farmers . Encourage more factories and industrialized Cambodia . Cambodia need better strategies , regional and international support and cooperation .

For example : NRP promote Fair information and media , dignity and safety to individual and nation as a whole . Respect the King and forgive past administration to keep harmony to all . Improve softer and friendly relation with current government  and edge better popularity in election .  If NRP win election outgoing government leaders still deserve respect, protection/safety , and keep reliable friendship, shared power according to the willing of voters to parliament seats . Some good Things from past next gov can continue . NRP party members will try to approach , can meet and listen to anyone who wish to give idea to build this Nation .

Above suggestion can blend together with existing NRP policy to make it more attractive to voters and public .

NRP Need direct and indirect lobby to build public trust . CPP Hun Sen doesn't believe easily . ( If he feels insecure he will make problems, risking to the life to members of opposition party ) . He wants his new generation CPP and family member to control for his safety/security . Hope some of this can suggest NRP to make some quick fix policy development to attract voters . Current gov never give time to opposition have time to form better or think of good policy , they just make everybody worry of their safety .

Opposition still need to sacrifice more and take more time and negotiation to gain  trust ! Daw Aung San Suu kKi won land slide election but under house arrest . Gen. Hing Bun Heang controls 10,000 bodyguards and Khmer military . Dieng Sarun coordinate control more than 10,000 in and out Vietnamese troop in Phnom Penh and near Takmao ; Court is not independent , both opposition leaders could face more challenges personally . Hard to get /win everything at one term .  Hun Sen control and own almost everything in this country , Powerful man loose everything is impossible . Keep him some or give him some power to oppose and military power not easy take away . ( Confidential )

= Ki media of personal attack / sexuality may melow down some time or it could create more insecurity tensions and retaliate /revenge long term . It is enough that every body know already .

Every body in country know CPP Hun Sen and Cronies dictate everything and authoritarian style . Hun Sen control royal palace , city people , educators , investors . Please help to liberate us , people want real freedom . We live in jail without wall and fearful , everybody afraid and not allow to speak or express their mind to support oppositions . Free speech Situation is even worst than 10 - 15 years ago .

20 years ago  Funcinpec won election , negotiate in peace but still can not control real power . In real democratic countries winner and loser still have power to say and some time share power . If cant win at least NRP increase parliament seats and build better partnership with current gov , lobby neighbor countries for friendship , pave way to assure peaceful .
Rec Every party want to build country and promote democracy , want all people have real voice , freedom of speech and power not live in fear like this .

Delay longer this Authoritarian gov getting stronger , monetary independent , more tricks and oppression , opposition and people are under threat . Politics is game to win people's heart, promise many opposite ways , make them happy and live in freedom . Recognised people , cities , enterprise and institutions are pressured by CPP , all afraid to openly communicate with opposition leaders or show their support , all in traps like their mouth and feeling tired or stitched up . ( Confidential )

NRP don't want power or money , but want people in this country live in peace , freedom unity and harmony .

If CPP can't provide above policy and make people happy, only NRP can do all ! No. 7 . 
 We can do because we are not corrupt . Cambodia need change of political landscape .

No matter how much money CPP spend money , youth scholarships activities and suppression power but NRP have better peaceful and attractive policy to distribute leaflets to every where . NRP want to rescue all institutions and investors and people nationwide to have more independence, freedom and development . 

Difficult jobs ahead but If NRP win the election , there are many ways to get money to support this nation and strengthen party .

In case the 2 top party leaders can not take power , be quick to put up your close trust or family member , Madam Tioulong Saumura , Mu Sochua and many other young Candidates . No one is perfect but Trust on female leadership , the most influential and peaceful to all sides . CPP lead this country for 30 years , now there's time people need real freedom and peace with new better development . Vote for NRP for Peace , Hapiness Freedom and democracy development . NRP promote national unity and HR respect , peace nationally and neighbor countries for Asean unity and economic development .

HE Sam Rainsy need to come back to Phnom Penh to challenge his jail term and boost election campaigns , he will become Hero of this Nation or may be political prisoner of conscience like Mam Sonando and Kem Sokha for a very short time . It won't be long in Jail because NRP is peace otherwise CPP could have land slide victory . Local and International communities are willing to put pressure and help him out . Whole Nation will thanks for your sacrifice for people's freedom .

Risk and sacrifice to be a hero is good thing to do, " born and die in Khmer Nation ". Investors , Educated people , city people , and the world are all will support HE Rainsy he does have courage to take this good Chance , city supporters afraid to come out while opposition party leader was even more fearful . ^ Cambodian Hero of 21 century , good role model , there's better luck with more gov pressure , he could still be soft and set for Nobel Peace Price .

Quick preparation on policy and make announcement before he return .

Nelson Mandela , Nobel peace price-winner, was jailed for 27 years almost 20 times by his opponent , but never seek revenge .
A great leader have no bitterness of the past and present toward his oppressors, know how to champion all sides of negotiation of differences for cooperate governance .

Rainsy is not the enemy of anyone , only want to promote peace and freedom to Cambodia .

With love and respect .

Hope this mail can forward to HE. Sam Rainsy

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