Navy Ung-Lancaster today announced the release of her new book
titled: A Nation to Ruin - Cambodian Republic - Silent No More. It's
based on a true story encompassing her real life experiences from
1969 to 1982, during the formation of the first and only Cambodian
Republic -- the Communist insurrection, including the downfall and
horrific slaughter that followed.
At times unavoidably humorous, yet tearfully inspiring, her literary
endeavor seems to materialize clean-cut and genuine throughout the
chronicle, due to her father's (once a Minister to the King and a
rich prominent oil and gasoline transporter for Royal Dutch Shell and
Texaco) direct association with the leaders that formed the Cambodian
Republic. Consequently, the story greatly differs from other previous
books and movies related to the period, producing an assemblage of
undisclosed facts.
The entire narrative appears to be a total account -- once and for
all exposing the promises -- deceptions and actions taken by an array
of important political leaders, including all the military factors
affecting the period, such as: King Norodom Sihanouk, his cousin,
Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak, Prime Minister Lon Nol, Chairman Mao,
President Nixon, National Security Advisor Kissinger, the CIA -- the
U.S. Military's long failed attempts in Vietnam -- the NVA -- the
virtuous Red Cross -- the ineptitude of the U.N. -- the reckless B52
bombings that led to the rise of the red Chinese backed deviationist,
Pol Pot and his dreaded Khmer Rouge.
In her final analysis, now as an American citizen, Ms. Lancaster
draws alarming parallels between the past and the present world
situation. Both her revelations and warnings prove as gripping as
they do frightening...
Her synopsis can be viewed at and
it's available at either or, retail in paperback (436 pages) for $17.95 and coming
soon on Kindle for $9.99.
Please Contact: Navy Ung-Lancaster Email Contact Email Contact
SOURCE: Author - Navy Ung-Lancaster
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