By C.C.
A personal note about Prasat Preah
Vihear. After seeing it up close for the first time and surveying the
surrounding landscape, I feel that the Thai’s claim to the land adjacent
to the temple is ridiculous at best and aggressive at worst. There is
clearly a gorge (small river) which separates the mountain on which
Prasat Preah Vihear sat and the opposite mountain on which the Thai had
already claimed as theirs. If we talk about watershed demarcation, the
water that flows from both Preah Vihear Mountain and the other mountain
on Thai side is eventually flowing down to Cambodia which should make
the river in from of Preah Vihear Temple belonging to Cambodia, too.
Also the new road which Cambodia built to reach Prasat Peah Vihear, it
has been cut about 1 kilometer short of its destination because of the
Thai’s objection (in one of the pictures, it shows where the new road
ended). I hope the UN court would rule in our favor so that we could
complete that road and everyone could drive up to see Preah Vihear
Temple without hindrance. (More beautiful pictures below).
Posted by Socheata
Wow!...beautiful structure of all that build by hands of man during technology wasn't existing,who would not be proud to Khmer must be crazy or retarded.....Khmers will be powerful again...
I would say the two first pictures above is Prasat Koh Ker if I'm not mistaken.
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