A Change of Guard

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Monday, 17 September 2012

Japan asks for alleged thief’s repatriation [Cambodia is a safe haven for criminals]

Monday, 17 September 2012
By Cheang Sokha
Phnom Penh Post

A Japanese man charged with a multi-million dollar robbery in Tokyo last year is facing a one-way ticket home courtesy of Cambodian authorities.

National Police spokesman Kirt Chantharith said police arrested Kenji Nishizawa, 44, in Preah Sihanouk province on Friday at the request of the Japanese government and are weighing his deportation, adding that Nishizawa was accused of stealing 600 million yen (US$7.7 million) from Japanese security company Nichigetsu Keibi Hosho as well as assault in May 2011.

“[Nishizawa] is now being held at Ministry of Interior’s Immigration Department,” Chantharith told the Post.

“The Japanese government requested repatriation to Japan, and Cambodian authorities are waiting for documents from the Japanese authorities before making a decision.”

According to the police website, Nishizawa last entered Cambodia on July 30 via the Bavet International Checkpoint from Vietnam, despite holding a passport that was invalidated by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2011.

Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun reported that Nishizawa was put on an international wanted list by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police after the robbery last year.

To contact the reporter on this story: Cheang Sokha at sokha.cheang@phnompenhpost.com

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