Mam Sonando, the arrested president of the Association of Democrats and owner of Beehive Radio, the only real independent radio in Cambodia, has contracted influenza in prison.
Ms. Din Phanara, wife of Mam Sonando, said the chief of prison had transferred her husband out the small prison cell, where he was incarcerated with 15 other prisoners, after he had contracted the influenza. She told reporters that Mam Sonando had a throat infection, he lost his voice and he coughed a lot.
ដោយ វិជ័យ អានន្ទ
Radio Free Asia
លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ត្រូវប្រធានពន្ធនាគារ
អនុញ្ញាតឲ្យចេញពីបន្ទប់ដ៏តូចចង្អៀតហើយ នៅយប់ថ្ងៃទី ២១
ស្របពេលនេះដែរ ភរិយារបស់លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា
ដែលកំពុងជាប់ពន្ធនាគារព្រៃស សង្កាត់ព្រៃវែង ខណ្ឌដង្កោ
រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។ អ្នកស្រីអះអាងថា
អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា ថ្លែងឲ្យដឹងនៅថ្ងៃទី ២២ កក្កដាថា
ដែលផ្ទុកទៅដោយអ្នកទោសចំនួន ១៥ នោះហើយ បន្ទាប់ពីលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
អ្នកស្រីលើកឡើងបន្តថា អ្នកស្រីមិនទាន់ដឹងប្រាកដថា
ស្វាមីអ្នកស្រី ត្រូវគេអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យនៅបន្ទប់ថ្មីរហូត
ឬគេឲ្យគាត់ត្រឡប់មកបន្ទប់ចាស់វិញ ឬយ៉ាងណានោះទេ។
អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា៖ «គេយកទៅដាក់នៅកន្លែងគិលានដ្ឋាន
កន្លែងអាំងហ្វែរម៉ារី (infirmary) កន្លែងហ្នឹងស្រួលបន្តិច
អាំងហ្វែរម៉ារីហ្នឹង បានស្រួលជាងមុន អត់នៅឡូកឡំអ៊ីចឹង។
ពីព្រោះគាត់ឈឺផ្ដាសាយធំរលាកបំពង់ក និយាយអត់ចេញ ហើយក្អកខ្លាំង
ព្រោះឆ្លងផ្ដាសាយពីអ្នកផ្សេងៗ ដែលនៅច្រើនគ្នា
ពីព្រោះបន្ទប់ហ្នឹងវាតូចក្អកចុះ ក្អកឡើងឆ្លងពេញហ្នឹង»។
អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា ធ្លាប់មានប្រសាសន៍ថា ស្វាមីរបស់អ្នកស្រី
អ្នកស្រីអះអាងបន្តថា អ្នកស្រីបានចូលជួបលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
នៅគុកព្រៃស កាលពីថ្ងៃទី ១៩ កន្លងទៅ ហើយលោកបានប្រាប់អ្នកស្រីថា
បន្ទប់ឃុំខ្លួនរបស់លោកមានទំហំតូចចង្អៀត ហើយដាក់អ្នកទោសដល់ ១៥
នាក់ក្នុងបន្ទប់នោះ។ ដូច្នេះ ដោយសារស្ថានភាពចង្អៀតណែន
អ្នកស្រីបញ្ជាក់បន្ថែមថា បើសិនស្វាមីអ្នកស្រី
នៅតែស្ថិតនៅក្នុងស្ថានភាពបែបនេះជាបន្តទៀត អ្នកស្រីខ្លាចថា
ពាក់ព័ន្ធទៅនឹងសុខភាពលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ នេះ អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា
ថ្លែងថា បន្ទាប់ពីមានការឃុំខ្លួនបានប៉ុន្មានថ្ងៃ
ស្វាមីអ្នកស្រីបានឆ្លងរោគផ្ដាសាយធំ ហើយឥឡូវនេះ
គាត់មិនអាចនិយាយបានទេ ដោយសារមេរោគផ្ដាសាយនោះ។
អ្នកស្រីឲ្យដឹងបន្តថា បច្ចុប្បន្នស្វាមីអ្នកស្រី និងផ្សេងៗ ទៀត
អ្នកស្រីកំពុងពឹងមេធាវី ឲ្យជួយសម្រួលធ្វើយ៉ាងណា
ទោះជាយ៉ាងនេះក្ដី លោក សុក សំអឿន មេធាវីការពារក្ដីលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
អះអាងថ្ងៃទី ២០ កក្កដាថា
តែលោកបញ្ជាក់ថា ការសុំធានាខ្លួនជនត្រូវចោទឲ្យនៅក្រៅឃុំបាន
លុះត្រាការឃុំខ្លួននោះរំលងបាន ១ ខែ
បន្ទាប់ពីមានការចៅក្រមស៊ើបសួរ សម្រេចឲ្យមានការឃុំខ្លួននោះមក។
លោក សុក សំអឿន៖ «មិនទាន់បានគិតគូរទេ
កំពុងតែនៅពិភាក្សាគ្នានៅឡើយ ព្រោះតាមពិត វាទាល់តែមួយខែ
បានយើងមានសិទ្ធិ។ អ៊ីចឹងទេ ទាល់តែឧទ្ធរណ៍»។
លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ត្រូវអាជ្ញាធរចាប់ខ្លួន កាលពីថ្ងៃទី ១៥ កក្កដា
បន្ទាប់ពីលោក នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ហ៊ុន សែន ប្រកាសឲ្យចាប់ខ្លួន
ដោយចោទថា លោកជាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធទៅនឹងការនៅពីក្រោយខ្នង ក្រុម លោក ប៊ុន
រដ្ឋា ដែលអាជ្ញាធរអះអាងថា ប៉ុនប៉ងបង្កើតតំបន់អបគមន៍ នៅភូមិប្រមា
ឃុំកំពង់ដំរី ស្រុកឆ្លូង ខេត្តក្រចេះ។
ទោះជាយ៉ាងណាក្ដី គេនៅចាំបានថា លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
ដែលជាប្រធានវិទ្យុសម្បុកឃុំ និងជាប្រធានសមាគមអ្នកប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ
ធ្លាប់បានអះអាងមុនពេលចាប់ខ្លួនថា លោកមិនខ្លាចការចាប់ខ្លួនទេ
ព្រោះលោកបញ្ជាក់ថា លោកគ្មានហុស៕
ភរិយាលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ បារម្ភពីសុខភាពស្វាមី
ដោយ វិជ័យ អានន្ទ
លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
នៅយប់ថ្ងៃទី២១ កក្កដា នេះ
ស្របពេលនេះដែរ ភរិយារបស់លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា
ដែលកំពុងជាប់ពន្ធនាគារព្រៃស ក្នុងសង្កាត់ព្រៃវែង ខណ្ឌដង្កោ
អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា ឲ្យដឹងនៅថ្ងៃទី២២ កក្កដា ថា
ចង្អៀត ដែលផ្ទុកទៅដោយអ្នកទោសចំនួន ១៥នាក់នោះហើយ បន្ទាប់ពីលោក
ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
អ្នកស្រីលើកឡើងបន្តថា អ្នកស្រីមិនទាន់ដឹងប្រាកដថា
ឬគេឲ្យគាត់ត្រឡប់មកបន្ទប់ចាស់វិញ ឬយ៉ាងណានោះទេ
អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា មានប្រសាសន៍ថា
អ្នកស្រីអះអាងបន្តថា អ្នកស្រីបានចូលជួបលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
នៅគុកព្រៃស កាលពីថ្ងៃទី១៩ កន្លងទៅ ហើយលោកបានប្រាប់អ្នកស្រីថា
បន្ទប់ឃុំខ្លួនរបស់លោកមានទំហំតូចចង្អៀត ហើយដាក់អ្នកទោសដល់
១៥នាក់ក្នុងបន្ទប់ ដូច្នេះដោយសារស្ថានភាពចង្អៀតណែន
នោះ អ្នកស្រីខ្លាចថា
ពាក់ព័ន្ធទៅនឹងសុខភាពលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ នេះ អ្នកស្រី ឌិន ផាណារ៉ា
ថ្លែងថា បន្ទាប់ពីមានការឃុំខ្លួនបានប៉ុន្មានថ្ងៃ
ហើយឥឡូវនេះគាត់មិនអាចនិយាយបានទេ ដោយសារមេរោគផ្ដាសាយនោះ។
អ្នកស្រីឲ្យដឹងបន្តថា បច្ចុប្បន្នស្វាមីអ្នកស្រី និងអ្នកផ្សេងៗទៀត
កំពុងឆ្លងរោគផ្ដាសាយតគ្នា។ ទាក់ទងនឹងការឃុំខ្លួននេះដែរ
ទោះយ៉ាងណាលោក សុក សំអឿន មេធាវីការពារក្ដីលោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
អះអាងនៅថ្ងៃទី២០ កក្កដា ថា
តែលោកបញ្ជាក់ថា ការសុំធានាខ្លួនជនត្រូវចោទឲ្យនៅក្រៅឃុំបាន
លុះត្រាការឃុំខ្លួននោះរំលងបាន ១ខែ
លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ត្រូវអាជ្ញាធរចាប់ខ្លួនកាលពីថ្ងៃទី១៥ កក្កដា
បន្ទាប់ពីលោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ហ៊ុន សែន
លោកជាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធទៅនឹងការនៅពីក្រោយខ្នងក្រុមលោក ប៊ុន រដ្ឋា
ដែលអាជ្ញាធរអះអាងថា ប៉ុនប៉ងបង្កើតតំបន់អបគមន៍នៅភូមិប្រម៉ា
ឃុំកំពង់ដំរី ស្រុកឆ្លូង ខេត្តក្រចេះ។
ទោះយ៉ាងណាគេនៅចាំបានថា លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ
ដែលជាប្រធានវិទ្យុសំបុកឃុំ និងជាប្រធានសមាគមអ្នកប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ
លោកមិនខ្លាចការចាប់ខ្លួននោះទេ ព្រោះលោកបញ្ជាក់ថា
Where is protesters to protest against injustice that Cpp has done to Mr Mam Sonondo? We have keep on protest against CPP to free Mam Sonondo,don't quit now,don't give up now,keep on protest like we have done for Boeing Kak residents.Now he got sick I feel bad for him.
Unity is our key
To be précised without love, faith and unity, there was no way that our ancestors could have been able to build more than 2000 temples that have stood, over a thousand years, as proof and evidences of their mighty, noble and graceful nation that was once called Khmer empire that extended on a vast land from China to Burma as neighbours. But because faith; love create unity that make us strong, That shield us from the enemy, the enemy, in turn, is always trying very hard to break it all up, so that they can first make us confused and then they get in and conquer us. That is why Bangkok and Hanoi tries its best in the last 50 years to break our unity.
The reason for all of this because Hanoi try to prevent us to be united, because we can become one powerful country again, which is possible like Israel.
Imagine if we can be one nation once again in one faith, one stand from Khmer Krom to Khmer Leur,in Thailand,and plus us Khmer Kandal all together, that would be a big nation that could be too big and too mighty for Hanoi to break us up or fool us around like a kid like we are having it now. All the glory and the unity that we had once have seem all impossible to restore? No, I do strongly believe that, it can be restored and we can become strong again if Hanoi doesn’t try to sabotage our journey for unity.
If democracy is up held in Cambodia that means it would be the end of the CPP,and if it is the end of the CPP ,it will open a new page for Khmer Krom to be free from Hanoi and it would mean the end of the Hanoi empire.
However, there is an inspired and a true story about Jew nation, who had lost their motherland for almost two thousand years and they only managed to restore their homeland for only just 62 years ago. What that made the Jew become the nation once again after all of those years was to do with their faith and unity.
Faith allowed Jew from different part of the world to become united and fight for their survival. So we have to be optimistic and resilient against Hanoi’s invisible battle.
Part I
Part II
Can change happened?
Yes, we can, but fist we got to be vigilant and informative but be patient and understanding with our people in countryside, as they are being kept in the dark. Majority of them know nothing about politics, that is why Mum Sonando tried very heard to inform people about their right and their liberty and he has become Hanoi and its puppet’s saw eyes.
Once our people has been informed about the truth ,I am sure, they will be ready to stand in one believe then the time for change is easy. People would do anything for their believes. Once they realise all about the truth about who is the real father of the killing field and who is the real mother of the CPP’s that giving away land for free, then it will be the time for change. War and revolution can’t be done, without common believe and common stand/unity.
Our braved heart hero, Mam Sonando,70 years old,who have been working tirelessly to inform our people through his radio,Sambox Khmom, have been arrested and put in jail for 30 years. His love, his faith, his dedication and bravery for our nation and our people is, without a doubt, unmeasurable/immense.
Today I would like to call to all our people young and old for one unity to support Mam Sonando, to think of him, to imagine of him as we speak, he is being locked up in one of the most notorious prison in the world. The condition in threre,were described by journalists as hell and inhumane. Now, we heard that he is contracting influenza and he could die.
Mam Sonando had done nothing wrong. The reason that he was imprisoned, and sentenced behind closed-door court, because Hanoi’s puppet are worrying about democracy is being taken root in our country. As I mentioned above democracy is number one Hanoi and its puppet’s enemy.
Mam Sonando’s freedom is our freedom. This is our moral duty, that he should not be forgotten, other wise the traitors Hun and his cronies will get the upper hand. We will let them know that the imprisonment of Mum Sonando is an insult, an assault, an act of silencing, an act of raping of our nation’s freedom of speech and liberty as a whole. We will let them know that to imprison Mam Sonando is like imprisoning millions of every one of us, young and old, outside and inside the country and also to every people, who love justice, freedom and democracy around the world.
All our thought and pray for his life and safety should be always in our mind, the battle for the braved new world and the fight for freedom and justice must go on.
I would like to urge to all people across communities throughout the world to stand in one unity on this issue, like our ancestors had done for thousand years, to hold the candle and pray for him every night until he free. Together we stand,devided we die.
A nation without freedom is a nation in the big prison.
True Khmer
FREE HIM, he is not a succession. He loved his country, peoples, even her armed forces. He made a trips to Prasat Ta Krabey, Prasat Ta Moan to bring our troops much needed supplies, encouragement. I don't believe one bit that he part of a group that wanted armed confrontation with the government. Think gentlemens who in their right mind would want to use arms to fight PM Hun Sen and CPP when they had all the military, police, MP, spies under their complete controlled. Mam Somando use all his strengths, times, sacrafied to help those who needs in our poor corrupted country. If the world still believe in justices they should demand that he be free and clear all charges.
What went into Man Somando head when you returned to Cambodia. He must be dreaming... what the heck does he think the CPP is ? They can kill you anytime now you are in their palm. Stupid, naive, wasteful of your life and talents Man Samndo.
He wanted to prove that he is innocent,he has nothing to do secsessionist in kratie that killed 14yrs old girl.Cpp accusing him without any proof or evident against innocent khmer's heroism Mom Sonondo.Cpp jungles law of Hanoi convict anyone who speaks the truth about regime cowardly acted against innocent Khmers people.
Long live our heroism Mam Sonondo!...death to all Cpp cronies,corruption people party,puppet to Hanoi.
I think it is Hun Sen's tactic to kill Mam Sonando this way, so HunSen won't get much condemnation. Hun Sen probably instructed prison guards and prison chiefs to infect him with viruses as a way to kill him quietly.
That is inhumane,if you can prove that they (Cpp) did this thing on prisoners,Cpp will be in big trouble in the internatipnal's law.Hun sen must be stupid beyond anyone comprehension.
Sorry, there is no VIP services for him (Mam sonando)
Doctor at site will be responsible for his sickness.
He is a prisoner, needs to treat prisoner, as required bylawthere is no difference from other inmates.
What's a charge against him? Can you prove that he is commits crime according to the charge? There is no proof whatsoever that Mr Mam was associate with secsessionist in Kratie.Only crime that Mr Mam commits is helping spreads Democracy be the voice for those whose has no voice.Was that a crime to you?
Yes, u are right, our big brothers will help to protect Khmers
Witness has proven, no questions asked, he was the ring leader..
People who ask to free him are cowards. He wanted to die in jail, and become the martyr. Let him be in jail and Cambodia will be liberated. Unlike you talkers of democracy, he's doing something about it, not just talk.
Nonsense! No one wants to die in jail crazy head!!!!!
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