A Change of Guard

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Thursday 8 March 2012

Only science and technology can save the Khmer race

By A Khmer-Canadian

Re: Vietnam and Thailand: Which country is a good neighbour of Cambodia?

Our Khmer race is doomed unless we strive with originality in science and technology. Also there must not be any brain-drain into the western world.

The minds of Cambodian must be reshaped differently than earlier generations. These minds need to be concentrated on improvements and innovation with fierce competition during progress, but cooperation at round tables.

The minds also need to accept the fact that only earnings of respect and higher prestige may come from hard work with credible transparency. These works must equate earnings and salary with incentives.

There is no such thing as easy jobs with high pay. One has to produce and earn wages unless one is entrepreneurial. Economics must be compatible skills of technology and capabilities. Look at the U.S., Canada, France, U.K., the Soviet Union and Japan, for instance. The progress has relied extensively on technology, science and economics, but less with agriculture.

We Khmer must embrace change, originality, innovation, productivity, competition and cooperation, and trade and efficiency. The formula for this success would be more middle class population of 75%, upper class of 7%, and the rest comprised of lower class and trades class.

We also need to embody contributions back to society through experience sharing, knowledge sharing, and more research and collaboration which require funding.

the foremost thinking is the ability to be proactive and be counterproductive against unexpected and unforeseen odds with the vision to compete in a fair market economy where ideas, training, and hands-on experience are the keys to success in life within a nation as a whole. There will be redistribution of wealth and work for all to earn, maintain and sustain.

Khmer Canadian Aluminus at the University of Western Ontario, Ontario. Canada


Anonymous said...

I agree with you whole heartly.
However, you placed the cart before the horses.
Our Khmer Nation is being slowly annexed by and
to Vietnam.
It does not matter, how industrialized and modernized Cambodia will be, if Cambodia
becomes the SECOND Kampucha Krom.
In previous posting, I had offered 2 solutions.
Let me repeat them here, and add a third one:

1. Help supporting and promoting SRP.Yes, it
will take time, but the progress and the
momentum that matter at this point
2. Help supporting or even joint the Lotus
3. Explore a cyberwarfare against the Viets and
the Khmer Vietminhs.
Like Stuxnet used by one Western country
to sabotage the Iranian centrifuge in Mathan.
A Logic Box Controler take over our ennemies
air and ground defense systems,
communication systems, and weapons&
weapon delivery systems, just to name a few.
a) There are Khmer computer programers,
analysts, software engineers and alike
that may be developp the Box.
b) If not, there are specialists in this field
that would do it for about
2 millions US dollars.

We must defend, protect and save OUR Khmer
Nation and OUR race at all cost !!!

A Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

As khmer loved khmer, I am totally agreed with the first five comments that khmerization have posted it recently. Because it was a true story that we (all) khmers are supposed to know by heart. Esp,khmer young generation needs to do more research about khmer history. In order to isolate the problem of khmer have or it is easily identifying who is the real enemy of khmer confrontation as today.

Here is my small comment that I want to let every one knows too.
Talking about the two neighbors khmer both of them are bad/evil for khmer, because those nations they are always invading our country ever since based on the history.
As pros, of course I will choose Thai since every thing the have it is almost identical to khmer, but most likely stolen from khmer.
As con, of course they are still enemy of khmer.

About A youn I have only a cons. So, Idon't have to describe as every one of us understand it already.

But any way I do have a small formular of CPP's gov for you guy.
Uneducated khmer vietminh + Uneducated khmer vietminh = Youn Ve=Viet Cong =Viet Nam ===>Hanoi
Remember about this guy who named on Ho he has a very well orchestrate his politburo to take the whole indochine such as for long time according to the historical. But compare them to our leader (king Sihanuk and his wife as well). Does he realize it or not in past era through present? As far as I still remember all his activity is nothing propaganda to all khmers who has no knoledge by given a piece of cloth everywhere he has visited to them. Besides that he has been killed so many khmer pro democracy as Preap Inh,etc. And when he has more time he loved to entertaining himself with his family as creative a movie he closed all door opportunity to khmer intell and so on. This guy has done a lot bad thing to country, but a good thing just only a small number.
And again I would like to express my special thanks to all khmer intels such Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mr. Sieng Peng Se. Dr. Gaffa Peang Meth khmerneakareah as a role model and you guy can name a hundred more to become a khmer leader in future, but to be sure when become a leader
must be stayed withing a limited term. My own perspective I still hope and believe and in one day when the time comes we all khmers abroad and in Cambodia will be united it as a stronger nation.Even though khmer working for NGO they are working so hard for country,too. But khmer yiekminh's leader those have no more chance to be lead khmer. Of course they should stay in training camp first after the probation then they are Okay to work as a farmer or vegie's garden,etc. Depend upon to their level or a certain position.

Anonymous said...

Eh communist country the population are very poor,but Gov rich. That is why Chen and youn today they have dumped a huge money to Khmerviet and Khmer greedy who is careless about his birth place and the rest of khmer loved khmer and protected khmer.

So this kind of strategy they had applied in cambodia now called "
Quid Pro Quo."

Ong Rin+ Ong Sim+Ong Khg+Ong..Von.thana = Ong xun daizen

All Okhnas( fully corupted) = Ong xun dai zen

Anonymous said...

7 March 2012 6:56 AM, if you love Khmer please try to solve Khmer problems stage by stage and not to widening them beyond your capability to solve. Leave the problem of the Monarch for the time being.Concentrate on developing the country and bring democracy to Cambodia.When all Khmer understand the democratic essence,principle and they want Republican State they will do it later. I am not royalist wholeheartedly,but let Khmer folks learn to campaigning for a lower position (prime minister) first instead of Presidency.
I am fully aware that Hun Sen is more powerful than King unless you really want new Hun dynasty to establish then go ahead to widening Khmer problems.
I love you too!

Anonymous said...

Ladies & Gentlemen
Stop repeating the problems, start finding the
Maybe, Khmer Patriot above hit the nail in the head..
Please provide more solutions.

Anonymous said...

My 1st solution proposal.At the time of general election,Khmer should offer free grand theme ticket to the worldwide tourists.We ask them to come and help monitor the election process.They will witness how fair or what's not to the world community.Of course no Viet tourists will admitted during that period.

Anonymous said...

7 March 2012 9:17 AM.

Solutions cant be reached if the uneducated VietMinh leader is still in power. His solution involves violence, crimes and murders. When it comes down to responsibility, noone is to blamed but themselves, eg, Hun Sen blaming the 350 victims that died on Koh Pich Bridge, Hun Sen blaming the murdered Khmer victims for entering Thailand. eg

Solutions can be easily achieved if we have a responsible government, agree? so lets start with Hun Sen resign his positions and let the opposition do their job or allows the opposition to work as constituted instead of using the JUNGLE LAW. EASY?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reporting my comment "only technology and science...", Khmerization.

We always tend to blame others about our failures: neighbours, etc.
We should focus more on our ability to manage and control our behavior and mentality.

This means that we should individually do something more productively in our free time like advancing ourselves to a high degree to leave examples for generations to come. This in turn will keep fueling the momentum of progress towarrds innovation and originality. This would be our blueprint.

However I can't speak for everybody since each of us has our own areas of specialization, lives in different geographical regions, and has different ways of living. But one thing for sure is that success will depend more on yourselves and failures will not rest on anybody but yourselves.

This shows hat it is a matter of skilled manipulation or the arts of working well with everybody. Everybody has their own interests and comparative advantage. So it comes down to trading with each other. One may gain more than others. But the gaining of things is weighed depending on how much you value your products.

We have not invented any technologically advanced machinery or capabilities after the decline of Angkorian period. We always lacked scholars doing research and exploration to change and modernize ourselves just by curiosity. Everyone just kept things the same over and over again without acumen of the betterment.

Also, social norms have a cost. Laziness, and comfort and luxury have prices. To be lazy is to not produce or is an inefficient way to utilize available time. To achieve comfort and luxury is that production targets are achieved and effacien y has been maximized. In term of sociall norms, for example, everyone does the same activity or hobby without everyone diversifying their activities. These means we don't have Innovators, researchers, or explorers to gain further and highly skilled knowledge for the good of the public in the long run.

To summarize, in order for us Khmer to compete with neighbors, we must keep doing business with them and may eventually out-compete them as long as we keep innovating newer, more efficient, and consistent ideas for us to work together regardless of our differences. Labour wills always be abundant and capital will always be limited. This is where entrepreneurial spirits will come into force for the market economy to function well in a society of pluralistic values and ideas where time is maximized to the fullest and in variations of choices between leisure and work.

Khmer Canadian Aluminus at the University of Western Ontario (UWO)

University of Western Ontario

Anonymous said...

Our Khmer Canadian Brother
Thank you for your lecture.
Please understand our life and death problems right
now. We are NOT blaming anybody including the Yuon.
Time is about to run out.
The Khmer Vietminhs are controlled and manipulated
by Hanoi Masters. They were and are uneducated
harden soldiers. Their leader Hun Sen did not even
finish Classe de Cinq ( 5th ) at Kompong Cham.
The Viet expantionists are NOW, by proxy occupying
our country. It is a BENIGN OCCUPATION.
Very soon, YOU and all us Khmers do not need to
debate the issues any more, because Cambodia is
already lost to Vietnam.
Please, please understand the problems at hands.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmerization,

The ugly written comment in youn language, was completely deleted by
you yesterday. I personally want to say thank you. Since that a crappy perception was not really interested to all of us as khmers . Plus it does not serve a commonality of khmer will.

Thkx for you have this forum for all khmers to use it as an exchange idea or some views of the situation from inside/outside about khmer.Further, they can learn from each other as well at the meantime.
The two comment that wrote on 6:56 A.M. & 7:25 A.M those were mine.


Anonymous said...

How can I join the "lotus revolution" that have been mentioned a few times in different posting?

The main problem with cambodia is hun sen and vietnam. I'm not trying to blame others for cambodia's problem but it is the real issue. I can't blame myself because I don't have anything to do with governing cambodia! I'm just like most of you in here, have no political or social influences on cambodia but just have enough time to read this blog, ki-media and a few other cambodia sites for news and information regarding cambodia.

I would like to help and make a difference but I barely make enough to support my very own family; bills and other necessity expenses. At lease I have a job and access to technologies, what about 80% of cambodian living in the country side, rice farmers, they are lacking everything? most of the children don't attend school, they have to help their parents in the fields while other have to "hunt and gather" fish, frogs and vegetation to help support their family, they don't know what is science or technology does that mean the majority of khmer race will be doomed/extinct?

Anonymous said...

Approximately 80% of khmer don't know what is science or technology. Daily meals and drinking water is the main and most important issues that they have to face on a daily basis, does this mean approximately 80% of khmer race will be extinct?

The real problem with cambodia is hun sen (and most of the cpp) and vietnam. As long as hun sen in power and as long as viet dictates cambodian government, khmer race is endangered.

Anonymous said...

Your thoughts are correct.
I hope and expect all Khmers
understand that.
Now let us make changes

Anonymous said...

Good and civilized debate here. I think Khmer-Canadian has a good idea, but I also think that Khmers are too poor to embrace science and technology fully. Of course we need to feed our stomach first before we think about other things. The political environment is not good, people are too poor to attend schools and universities, so it's hard for our people to obtain knowledge in science and technology. However, I commend Khmer-Canadian for his inputs. At least it will wake up our Khmer leaders.

Anonymous said...

10:26 am
I love you, Brother.
You are a typical Khmer who have to make a living to meet your obligations,and at the same
time want to help our country and our race.
To start, you can Google " Lotus Revolution ".
We will hear from you soon.

We are stronger together, and weaker apart !!!

Anonymous said...

Technology and science isnt going to save Khmer.

Does it look like Khmer understand Human rights? To them human rights means the right to sleep, eat and talk.

Lets start with the basic, Human Rights, then democracy, before Technology and and science.

Its not rocket science, is it?

Anonymous said...

When there a time for the eclipse we need to pound the drum or shoot to the sky! When we found new old anchor there is another Baramey awaiting us to seek protection from!
When my cow gave birth to an odd look calf,the josh stick had increased in value! All CPP officers and the rich peoples now are rewarded by theirs good deeds (ផលបុណ្យពីជាតិមុន)from previous life!!!!

When I'm asking most Khmers to turn to science I don't expect too much from them,they have no clue what the square root or an imagine number is but we have to start without waiting for new prime minister or Lotus Doctor!!(ឈូកបណ្ឌឹត)!!!
We should start calling duong chantr or doung atit and quit the word Preah!!!!
Don't you ever think that I try to divert your attention from your ideal cause of real politic! Go ahead,I just try to clean up some small mess,I probably make some mess myself too with this comment!

Anonymous said...

To March 07, 09:03pm,
YOU still did not get it.
Please read the posting above of March 07
And if you wish, you are welcome to rebuttal.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

8 March 2012 10:15 PM,
I also read 33 December 2050 13:13 FM

Anonymous said...

No science and technology will not save us. The only thing that can save Cambodia is a strong culture and strong family values. It has to come from the human person of a true Khmer. A true Khmer is uncorrupted, straightforward, unselfish in putting the country first, benevolent toward our own kind. He's like a good king who looks after his kingdom instead of the seat of his position.

Science and technology takes time to develop. They need good soil to sprout. Given the dismal state of the country school system and unqualified teachers, it will take years to turn around the schoool system. I am sorry to say, but Cambodia has a lot to catch up with their neighoring countries. The people must help themselves and not depend on anyone else. Of course if the state provides good education that will be effective 10 time. But we cannot just wait and ask the state to provide good education before we can be educated. We need to move forward with or without HunSen in the office. I am afraid we're letting external affair distract us so much to the point that we throw ourself in dispair. Look at the future, learn whatever you can and whereever you can, and one day when the regime is gone, we all can contribute and rebuild the country.

Anonymous said...

Please be civil and civilised
Thank you

Anonymous said...

8 March 2012 10:15 PM.
There are no such March 7 09:03 PM,or
March 07 03:22 AM to be found in the thread as you stated,I could see why
9 March 2012 5:26 AM wanted your attention badly! S/he is not March 7 09:03 PM as you might thought off.
Believe me that individual March 7 09:03 PM never get the point because s/he not even existed! Either you've made a mistake or Khmerization had deleted the comments which you cited?