A Change of Guard

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Saturday 10 March 2012

Interview with Tran Manarin about Khmer Krom abuses by Vietnamese authority

Interview with Mr. Tran Manarin, representative of Khmer Kampuchea Federation, met American officials from State Department about human rights abuses of Khmer Krom people living in Kampuchea Krom territory in Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

I felt sad for our khmer krom people! They came to Kampuchea(cambodia) for our help, but Hun Sen Govt refuse them and accusing them as YOUNs people? But they are pure khmer blood....There are 13.5 millions khmer krom people living in Vietnam today! We need to help our people....please!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom are very bravery-heart and very bold people, not chicken like khmer-cambodia though...

Anonymous said...

To resolve the problem, the Cmabodian authority to give all the people born in Mekong Delta the Cambodian citizenship.

Anonymous said...

I admire Khmer Krom's courage and bravery in trying to fight for their freedom. Many Khmer Krom died trying to fight for their freedom and to preserve Khmer culture and language. The sad thing is when they escaped to Cambodia looking for help from our government turned around and accused them of being Vietnamese. Sad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Folks, this is vietnamese govt trick they push khmer krom out of their lands to cambodia and allow viet citizen take khmer's land, occupying, viet govt kept push khmer out as far as alway to Poi Pet In't border Thai/Cambodia...

Anonymous said...

Most of vietnamese people who living illegally in cambodia today are KHMER KROM PEOPLE! 8 out of 10 people are khmer krom people!...They were force to leave kampuchea krom by vietnamese govt...This is the way that viet took our lands territory during King Cheyeatha II. Monsoon lakes Flooding Flooding! Spreading Spreading!