Published: 04-Feb-12
PHNOM PENH (Cambodia Herald) - Old Dominion Freight Line Inc, a trucking and shipping company based in North Carolina, has announced plans to expand its Pacific Promise shipping service to Phnom Penh and nine other ports in Asia following a 40 percent increase in shipments from the region in 2011.
Launched in China in 2009 and since expanded to Taiwan, Pacific Promise now provides standard guaranteed transit times and simplified rates between the 23 ports in Asia and any destination in the United States with port-to-door tracking of all shipments, the company said in a statement earlier this week.
“In an average month, we move shipments between the US and more than 40 countries, with a significant amount of that freight to and from Asia,” said Greg Plemmons, vice president of OD-Global, the international shipping division of Old Dominion.
“Expanding Pacific Promise to include the countries in Asia to which our customers most frequently ship gives them greater access to our reliable and cost-efficient service. The result is an increase in supply chain efficiency, thereby saving our customers time and money,” Plemmons said.
The statement said OD-Global was one of Old Dominion’s fastest growing-segments, offering services between any of the company’s 216 service centers in the United States and any point in the world including the 23 ports in Asia.
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