Dear Readers,
A long rivalry between Prime Minister Hun Sen and Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng has intrigued Cambodia's political observes for decades.
The rivalry between the Chea Sim-Sar Kheng and Mr. Hun Sen's factions dated back to around 1985. Since then, Mr. Hun Sen had managed to marginalise and had sidelined and weakened the Chea Sim-Mr. Sar Kheng faction significantly. However, political debates still continue as to who, Mr. Hun Sen or Mr. Sar Kheng, will make a better prime minister of Cambodia.
Please write a full length article of "Mr. Hun Sen and Sar Kheng: Who do you want to be prime minister of Cambodia, Why?"
In your arguments and analysis, please include:
-The pros and cons, the good and the bad about these two individuals.
-Their backgrounds, their personality, their charisma, their strengths, weaknesses and their leadership skills, including their ability to present Cambodia's good image to the world and ability to unite the Cambodian nation, including the oppositions.
-Their democratic values and belief. Who is more dictatorial or who is more moderate in their belief?
-Please show respect to one another and avoid using profane and obscene language against your opponents. I shall select one or two good comments to publish in the front page later. Thanks- Khmerization.
The rivalry between the Chea Sim-Sar Kheng and Mr. Hun Sen's factions dated back to around 1985. Since then, Mr. Hun Sen had managed to marginalise and had sidelined and weakened the Chea Sim-Mr. Sar Kheng faction significantly. However, political debates still continue as to who, Mr. Hun Sen or Mr. Sar Kheng, will make a better prime minister of Cambodia.
Please write a full length article of "Mr. Hun Sen and Sar Kheng: Who do you want to be prime minister of Cambodia, Why?"
In your arguments and analysis, please include:
-The pros and cons, the good and the bad about these two individuals.
-Their backgrounds, their personality, their charisma, their strengths, weaknesses and their leadership skills, including their ability to present Cambodia's good image to the world and ability to unite the Cambodian nation, including the oppositions.
-Their democratic values and belief. Who is more dictatorial or who is more moderate in their belief?
-Please show respect to one another and avoid using profane and obscene language against your opponents. I shall select one or two good comments to publish in the front page later. Thanks- Khmerization.
ah HUN SEN ah SAR KHENG chea ayang youn lok kbal lok khloung ory youn
I have some remarks about the two:
1. Hun Sen, everybody knows,is an irritable man, arrogant but clever THAN SAR kHENG.
2 Sar Kheng is Chea Sim side.HE looks
To Khmerizaton,
Not many Khmers know about Sar Kheng.
Please provide more info.
Thank you
Khmerization should know better than anyone else, Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Sar Kheng they are all a bunch of dictatorship, they are not suitable to be Cambodian prime minister. If they want to get rid off each other they can but they never do it they made controvesy in order to confuse the Cambodian, in fact they share power more than 3 decades and this power arrangement will continue as long as they survive.
Khmerirzation know well about democracy.
The only way to set up the real democracy in our country. Cambodia in the mean time still need to have some kind of dictatroship. Because some of us still did not understand so well the word democracy, as they alway believed. We only copy this word from other or just read it but and have not built by or set up by ourseves.
23 February 2012 11:26 PM
Why do you care about Sar Kheng? Sar Kheng is the same as Ah Jongrai Hun Sen. Sar Kheng is still working for Communist Vietnamese bosses just like Hun Sen who has been bended over for his Vietnamese bosses in Hanoi.
Don't be fooled and don't
none is right.
it's really doesn't matter who is in charge of Cambodia. The are all corrupt son of a bitch.. they steal everything from Khmer people...How riches do you want to be?....
Most Khmers makes .25 cent to .50 cent a day...and those assholes have so much that they can buy a fucking moon....
none is right.
it's really doesn't matter who is in charge of Cambodia. The are all corrupt son of a bitch.. they steal everything from Khmer people...How riches do you want to be?....
Most Khmers makes .25 cent to .50 cent a day...and those assholes have so much that they can buy a fucking moon....
posted on 2/23/2012 US time 9:46 am
All along people like me know Hun Sen, a strong man, tough man, VN puppet man, villain man in remote destitute land of southeast Asia, the list goes on and on... asbout him, most of the time. There is nothing wrong with individual in the organization or party or country to compete with one another in diffrent ways, some are fair and some otehr are so so...
Cambodia has been long know to possess good characters of leadership when those people are still immatured to be at the helm of their power. however, once s/he reach the top foodcahin of command, things are changed for the worst or even turned to a catatrophic proportion (1975-1979).
Hun Sen has best managed himself to capture trophy of Cambodia erratic political sportmanship status,meaning that the winning is absolutely msut be achived at all cost. He knows quite well how to assimultate himself with the strong backer and willing to sacrifying/sharing some of earnmarks toward the folowers whether they support him him base on rewards but not leadership characters. Hun Sen's the managing quantify of his political matrix has been so far steering toward the opportunity to capture whant he perceives as the evidence based justification of day to day events. All these style of his leadership, nevertheless, has been producing physical achievement but negligently missing the point of desire of the whole purpose of triggle down to buttom.
Hun Sen's political maneuvering to outsmart his Cambodian opponents has been outstanding of long list records but not the neighboring rivals. His charming of reward and punshniment are served as dual spearshead to gain control of respect of the name of decisive character of authoritatrian but not in the name of legitimated earning markmanship. But in Cambodian society, sometimes the period of postwar turmoil/turbulance may somewhat be required his leadership style but will suffer some dismantle fabric of society in the long run, esp in young generation. Unfortunately, Cambodians have to choose the two devils, rotten apple or orange.
Sar Kheng, otherwise, looks innnocent guy of cambodia political playing field. I know little about him but most Cambodian may have known much more... However, he has been in the footstep of rocky drama of Hun Sen's political grip for a long time. There is string attached to the style of his leadership from the same point of source, meaning the CPP. The level of Sar Kheng's political conscious of attempting to do good political samaritian in the Cambodia's knees jerking politics is somewhat outdated but may be well taken into consideration and could get well establish, if and only if there is enough support within CPP. Sar kheng has known himself best when he comes to play the political cards with Hun Sen, but this guy choose the backdoor of taking the breath of fresh air and let have the time formulating itself. This style is not working for his best interest and his group but only serves himself his post. So making the story short, Sar Kheng;s possesses good characters and aptitudes of good govern, but his lack of decisive decision making process to control of crisis and managing the magnitude of statre affairs. however, he may be fast learner anmd hope that everyone aorund him willings to give hands, if he by luck and fortune to be new PM...
24 February 2012 1:54 AM
What kind of education does Sar Kheng has? What is his background, experience? What is his ethnic background and where was he born?
Changing Leaderships, the policy should be changed and also reformed in CPP, if not, the two pairs and the four pieces are the same.
I can almost be certain that hun sen and hanoi are not going to allow the prime minister position to anyone else in cambodia but solely for the hun family. Hun sen already has plans for his sons so sar kane will never have a chance to be nominated by the CPP for prime minister position.
I don't think sar kane would dare to confront hun sen directly on any serious issue.
However if sar kane is lucky enough to become the prime minister, he might be able to do a better job than hun sen. Regardless that they are both viet puppets, sar kane might be a better man for cambodia.
Ask Kith Meng if he is willing to lead the country.Hun Sen will become senior minister and all of us will do our parts.All the existing people in Cambodia now regardless of their backgrounds we will make sure that all become good Khmers.If you read KSP today you learn a story of a brother who slit the throat of his younger sister for no reason.Crime is rampant now and not limited to any particular race in Cambodia.
ខ្មែរពូកែខាងបំផ្លាញ កាប់ចាក់គ្នាឯង អួតអាង ល្ងង់
បើស្រីវិញដើរខ្លាចរហែក បើខ្លួនប្រាណវិញឳយគេដេកហើយឳយលុយគេទៀត បើនិយាយអំពីកំសោយខ្មែរមួយខែវាពុំអស់ទេ។
សួរថាអា ហ៊ុន សែន ខ្មែរ ឬ ចិន ? ស ខេង
យួនឬខ្មែរ ? ដូច្នេះួួនមកនៅលើដីខ្នែរពេញ
វាមានការឈឺក្បាលទេ ? សព្វថ្ងៃនេះតើនរណាដឹងថា ហ៊ុ សែន នឹង ស
ខេង ប្រមូលលុយដុល្លាបានប៉ុន្មានក្នុងមួយខែ ?
ជាឩទាហណ៏ពិត អធិការពូលិសតាមខ័ណ្ណក្រុង
ពុំបានធ្វើទេ ទឹកប្រាក់ទៅតាមខ័ណ្ណនិមួយៗ
ដូច្នេះបើគិតពីដំណែងនាយករដ្នមន្ត្រី អាពីរក្បាល
នេះធ្វើ វាពុំសូវខុសគ្នាទេ ដូចពាក្យចាស់ថា
Don't blame Hun Sen for being a Cambodian PM too long. It is not CPP fault but it is SRP fault because they couldn't convince Cambodian to follow them.
Base on the comment on the blog, You can't even ask SRP supporter a simple question. How can you attract new supporter if don't even know what your party stand for ??
I am living in the US, if I want to know what any party stand for on the issue, all I have to do just call their head quater and they will be glade to tell me !!!
I saw on the blog one day when a blogger ask a question on the PM term limit, he/she was accused of being uneducated or Viet. supportor. The SRP supportor never answer the question !!!!
You can't give them any suggestion on how to campaign for the election. They said " Don't tell us what to do, all Khmere have to do just give us donation (Money)!! "
I wonder if SRP is a real political party !!!!
They turn a lot of people away. They claim victory on the last election !! Are they really ????
24 February 2012 10:52 AM.
Don't blame Hun Sen for being the Cambodian PM for to LONG?? WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you.
So don't blame Hun Sen for abusing human rights?
So don't blame Hun Sen for stealing and selling the national resources?
So Don't blame Hun Sen that 350 people died in the Koh Pich stampede?
What can we blame Hun Sen on? You answer my questions, then i will answer your uneducated ignorant DUMB ARSE questions.
I cant believe some Khmer, especially the one living in the educated western world can still be so dumb and so naive. 10:52 AM, seems to not be bothered if Gorge W Bush stays in power for 40 years.
10:52 AM, if SRP is to be blamed for everything and making out that Cambodia is not as bad as it seems, why dont you get deported back to Cambodia and tell us how much fun you will have.
Cambodian need to have term limited for president period.
none of them fits to be the leader .
They have no heart for the Kmer nation. They serve the youn communist Hanoi. Their brains are full of shit. They deserve to be punished when the right time come.
Do SRP support term limit for the PM position ???
Do SRP supportors know what the party stand for on this issue ???
What do they plan to do on Viet immigrant ???
In my opinion, choosing between the 2 individuals is like choosing the lesser evil. You have to play the cards you are dealt with.
I would choose Sar Kheng over Hun Sen in terms of putting the people's interest over his personal. True, we don't know much about the political life of Sar Kheng, however, the last good deed he did was finding justice for the garment workers who had been shot. he sought and arrested the perpetrators. He cited (pharaprasing) that we're a nation of civilized society unlike that of the Khmer Rouge regime.
I do believe he is more moderate than Hun Sen.
Hun Sen has done many good things to improve the infrastructure of Cambodia. But, as a leader of a nation, you're supposed to do that. He built many schools and roads. He attracted many foreign investors to the country. He provides stable political climate, relatively speaking.
On the contrary, many will argue that Hun Sen lacks the necessary leadership skills to lead Cambodia. He only holds on to power because of his military control and of his dictatorship style of oppression. But one must not forget that he won every elections since 1997, fair or not is debatable. He is arguably the longest reigning leader in Khmer history.
In conclusion, I would choose Sar Kheng over Hun Sen for the pure fact of change. "Change" is good. We need a fresh politics. We need a fresh face. We need new visions. I've yet to see any long term visions provide by any of our leaders. If Sar Kheng become the next Prime Minister, I believe there will be more opportunity for the opposition parties to expand.
3:56 AM. I would agree with some of your points, but it seems that you praise ah Kwak too much.
You know AH Kwak mafia style, yet you still praise him for winning every elections?
Praising AH Kwak improvement on infrastructure and military control and oppression?
In conclusion, if you are going to pretend that you dont support CPP, just say that you support CPP, not AH Kwak.
But dont Praise AH Kwak of his evil doing(who else can be more evil then the history of Khmer politics then this uneducated Vietminh). Sar Kheng is no different to AH Kwak. If Sar Kheng is really the lesser evil, then he will get rid of Ah Kwak.
Dont be fooled by AH Kwak's game. Its almost election time. Ah Kwak is playing nice by sending out the lesser evil to do the bidding.
4:53 AM, I thank you for your rebuttal. I want to point out that I am not a CPP supporter nor the opposition party supporter. I support the party who offers unity, growth, and respect for personal freedom.
When I pointed out the lists of accomplishments of Hun Sen, I only listed as facts not my opinions. Also, before I listed those accomplishment, I did stated that all those things are done by any leader of a country because it's their job to do so. There was nothing outstanding at all about Hun Sen resume. The moderator stated that I have to give the "Pros" and "Cons." He also stated that I have to choose between the 2 men, Hun Sen or Sar Kheng. If there is a third choice or the 4th, there is no doubt I would choose the latter.
I also appreciate you not calling me a "Youn" supporter or as youn agent. I am a pure Khmer who loves Khmer. Check out my blog. I posted everthing relevant to Khmer.
6:07 AM, Ah yes, the moderator did ask for pros and cons out of the 2 evil men. But i believe this is a trick question, (i picked none because they are evil as all CPP leaders)
You listed the facts accomplished but overlooking many other areas. For example, for many years when a critical issues needs to be address, Hun Sen often sends out his minions to do the talking, so its not coming out of his mouth(CPP game's of giving the nation a breathing space). When Sar Kheng claims that he will find justice, is this sppech any different to other CPP officials promising of justice for the past 30 years?
Of course, CPP are often good at bragging and bark, when it comes down to responsibility and investiation, they often refers to the next department for answers or hush hush to the next topics. All are CPP tricks to stay in power, avoiding the real problems. Sar Kheng has also apparently caught the shooter after 1 day of investigation, of cause this is also another CPP tricks to quiet down the situation, while the work out what to do and say to the public and to independent investigators. we all know CPP crimes, to well these days.
-Hun Sen has done many good things to improve the infrastructure of Cambodia, attracted many foreign investors to the country. He provides stable political climate, built many schools and roads.
Are these his accomplishment? Infrastructure built under his name and offer benefits to the fews, such as CPP officials and businessmen. schools and roads built under Hun Sen are all named after Hun Sen, out of the national budget. foreign investors are aware of low pay and high human right abuse, and cheap land concessions(they are only interested in profit regardless of fair working environment). stable political climate, many many internal CPP coup and conflicts(some are made public, some are purged privately), many oppositions being silent sent to prisons and others send in exile.
Because you have missed out the critical issues in your response, these are my facts to counter your facts. In conclusion, corruption is still high, human right abuse is still high, education is still low, the social and society lacks in moral, the country still operates under the dictator of 32 years using his words as rules of the law.
Have we achieved anything? Are these uneducated Vietminh the right answer to the growing need for "change"?
Please reread my statement again, and paste where i stated that you are a Youn or Youn agent. I only questioned if you are a CPP, as you seems to be. Only the uneducated Khmer blames or accuses the oppositions as Youn when they cant win an argument, and i am not one to accuses anyone of being youn to end the discussion.
25 February 2012 6:07 AM,
You are bullshitting us. We are not kidding. We would like you to think and think deeper until you started to realize what is going on. Some of Khmer people like you do not see the reality that Khmer people and nation are facing right now under the CPP regime and Vietnamese puppets. It is worried that some Khmer people like your out there are so ignorant.
You believe in what you saw is just the outside of the book, but you don't read what happened inside the book. That is why some Khmer people like don't care or worry until the day you begin to regret. I saw your blogger page, but it is nothing there, but you mention you are a business owner. It is clear to us that you are doing the business with CPP cronies, isn't that true?
We are wondering why you called yourself "The Great Khmer Empire" so that it is so embarrassing that some Khmer people like you who supported the bad CPP regime and Vietnamese puppets destroying Khmer people, Khmer nation, Khmer natural resources, and beyond.
Khmer Yeurng
6:07 AM. I have to once again agree with Khmer Yeurng. His reasons may be a bit extreme for my judgements, but I understand his point of views.
Can you take a moment to answer his questions, why are you working with CPP and only looking at the books and not the contents as seen in your blog. But at the same know knows how dangerous CPP ares?
As we are all mature, isnt what you are doing (working with CPP) is prolonging the suffering of the Khmer people and indirectly keeping Hun Sen and CPP stay in power, selling the nations resources and continuing to disregards the contents of the book.
Why we care that much, who is and who is not the prime minister of Cambodia.
Important is the one, who has great ability to rebuild and to lead our country, he should do this job and not the person, that we personaly love or we want to have.
Most of us just don't like the personality and the behavior of Mr. Hun Sen. Some don't like him, because of his academic-level and the humanity value.
Contrary Mr. Hun Sen demonstrated, that he is able to do this job, can control the situation and did his best for the future of our country and our Khmer nation. During the years of his responsibility, he has learned a lot of news things, upgraded his humanity and personality value, how to be a good, and nation caring leader person. He also learn, how to integrate our country in to the international society and community.
Cambodia democracy is still very fragile and able to fall down into the same situation like some years before. We like or not, we therefore need a strict and controlled politic (can say a dictatorship) to protect our country.
6:02 PM. Dictator Hun Sen protect the country or sell the country?
Protect the country from who? Protect from Seim but sell to the Vietnamese?
Forget about these two dogs and their whole group communist CPP and ah kanchas xihanouk.
I pick my pregnant dog, Bruser, that has better brain than pooch ah xihanouk and ah traitor CPP.
Part 1
The long rivalry between Hun Sen and Sar Kheng has of course attracted interests from long-term Cambodian political observers since at least in the mid 1980s, but particularly around early 1994 when the victorious Funcinpec Party and the vanquished Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) were trying to form a coalition government.
Right after the election in September 1993, when the Funcinpec Party and the CPP formed a provisional coalition government, Hun Sen, using his executive power as a Second Prime Minister, appointed all people from his faction from the CPP to the newly-formed government. This action of Hun Sen has angered the Chea Sim-Sar Kheng faction as they viewed Hun Sen’s action as an attempt to sideline them from the new government altogether. Chea Sim sent Sar Kheng to negotiate with Hun Sen to get a fair share of the government positions for his loyalists. I remembered that Sar Kheng had come out of the negotiation, which took part inside Hun Sen’s house, very angry that Hun Sen did not want to share the positions with his loyalists. However after that angry confrontation between Hun Sen and Sar Kheng, some of Sar Kheng’s loyalists were appointed to the positions within the coalition government. Afterward diplomats and political observers viewed the resurrection of the Chea Sim-Sar Kheng faction as a sign of its immense influences within the CPP, as has been reported by Nate Thayer in the Phnom Penh Post.
However, in around September of 1994, Hun Sen had cleverly managed to significantly weaken the Chea Sim-Sar Kheng faction by inventing a fake coup and accused the Chea-Sim Sar Kheng faction of being behind that coup. Many of Chea Sim’s and Sar Kheng’s loyalists like Sing Song, Minister of Security, Sin Sin, a powerful police chief, and Prince Norodom Chakrapong, son of King Sihanouk and also deputy prime minister from the CPP, were accused of plotting a coup against Hun Sen and were arrested. Chakrapong was freed after an intervention from Funcinpec Party and exiled to France. Many of Chea Sim’s and Sar Kheng’s powerful people, like many police chiefs, have been either arrested demoted or sacked. There was a rumor that Hun Sen also planned to arrest Sar Kheng or sack him, but backed down at the advice of Prince Norodom Ranariddh, the first prime minister, and only after Sar Kheng’s loyalists had threatened bloodshed if Sar Kheng is arrested or sacked.
Now, let’s us go back to the question of who I want to be prime minister of Cambodia. Frankly, if have the choice, I would choose neither of them because both were brutal ex-communist leaders who had committed crimes of genocide when they served under the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. However, if I have to choose between the two, I would choose the lesser of the two evils, and that is I would choose Sar Kheng.
Part 2
My reason for choosing Sar Kheng over Hun Sen is this: that Hun Sen has been presiding over a very dictatorial, brutal and corrupt government for the last 33 years. Under his reign, human rights abuses, corruption and mismanagement are rampant. Land grabbing and forced evictions have intensified and land concessions to foreign companies, sometimes at the expense of poor land owners, have been awarded to foreign companies, leaving many poor farmers landless. Unemployment rate has not been reduced and poverty not been improved either. His behavior is erratic and sometimes maniac and uncompromising.
Despite my grim assessment of Hun Sen’s rule, I have to give him some credits where credits are due. In the last 10 years, we have seen an influx of foreign investments to Cambodia, we’ve seen better roads were built and a rise in the developments and constructions in around some major cities, such Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville etc.
Consequently, these so-called achievements, in my opinions, have outweighed the benefits that the ordinary people have received due to mismanagement and corruption. These developments and constructions have affected many poor land owners when their lands were forcibly confiscated to make way for developments and most of the money received from the investments has mostly gone into the pockets of corrupt officials.
Sar Kheng, on the other hands, has never been a tested leader because he is always in the shadow of Mr. Hun Sen or Chea Sim. But his behavior is consistent and compromising as he has proven to be a very moderate, less corrupt and capable leader. All his children have never been in trouble with the law or the public. On the other hand, Hun Sen’s children and his relatives, especially his nephews like Hun To, Nhim Sophea and Hun Chea, are bad boys who have committed serious crimes, but still roam free under the protection of Mr. Hun Sen.
I believe that Sar Kheng will be more democratic and more open to criticism and more receptive to the oppositions than Hun Sen. He seem to be more caring about the wellbeing of the people, such as on many occasions, he had expressed sympathy with the people who had been abused by officials, as has been proven when he ordered the arrests of those who shot three garment workers recently.
At this moment, it remains impossible for Sar Kheng to wrestle power from Hun Sen, either through democratic means or military means because Hun Sen is deeply entrenched politically and militarily. He had put all his loyalists in all the powerful positions and, importantly, he had significantly weakened the Chea Sim-Sar Kheng faction to the point of near destruction. Many of Chea Sim-Sar Kheng’s loyalists, like Ke Kimyan, former Commander-in-Chief, Moek Dara, former anti-drug chief, Chhoeun Chanthan, Chea Sim’s ex-body guard chief, Pheng Kunthea Borey, Chea Sim’s chief of protocol, etc were also arrested with dubious charges.
In conclusion, with my analysis above, I strongly believe that Sar Kheng would make a better prime minister than Hun Sen. What does everybody think?
ស ខេង នឹង ហ៊ុន សែន ថាតើនរណាធ្វើ
នាយករដ្នមន្ត្រីប្រសើរជាង ?
បើតាមសុមត្ថភាពប្រជាប្រីយ៏ ស ខេង មិនអាច
ប្រៀបធៀប ហ៊ុន សែន បានទេ ។
សុមត្ថភាពគឺ ហ៊ុន សែន គេហៅថា អាប្រសប់
ដូចពាក្យចាស់លោកថា អ្នកចេះដប់មិនស្មើប្រសប់
ស ខេង កាន់កប់មហាផ្ទៃ បើនិយាយកិច្ចការ
បរទេសគឺគ្មានការពិសោធ ឯលក្ខណៈប្រជាប្រីយ៏
ជាពិសេស មេ ពុករលួយគឺ ស ខេង នេះហើយ
អ្នកដែលនិយាយថា ស ខេង ធ្វើនាយករដ្នមន្ត្រីប្រសើរជាង ហ៊ុន សែន គឺចង់ឳយបក្សឹប្រជាជនរលាយហើយ។
បើអ្នកសិក្សារអំពី ហ៊ុន សែន ប្ព្រមទាំងបក្សប្រជាជនឳយបានច្បាស់ ឳយស៊ីជុំរៅ ទើបបានដឹងថា
ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមនុស្សប្រសប់ដើរនរយោបាយដ៏ពិតប្រាកដហើយមានប្រជាប្រីយ៏។
ដូច សម រង្សី គួរណាស់សំពៈបាទជើង ហ៊ុន សែន ធ្វើជាគ្រូហើយ។
I say that I'm not a political party. I am a real khmer people.
Sar Kheng is no different from Hun Sen. They both are evil people.They like to kill, steal and fk. They think they can get away, but I don't think so. 3 million of innocent souls including pisit pilika and chea vichea are waiting for their rights and justice be done for them. So, to hell Mr PM and Sar Kheng. We need new comers not these thugs and chug people, Shame on you all!
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