A Change of Guard

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Friday, 11 March 2011

Cambodian trek with son in mind

Pedal power...Neil Green gets ready for his charity cycle trip to Cambodia. (Picture: Andrew Carpenter/001369-6)

The Lutterworth Mail, UK
Friday 11 March 2011

A CATERER and retained firefighter is embarking on a mammoth cycling challenge to raise money for a charity which has helped his young son.

Neil Green, who runs Neil Green Catering, is cycling through Cambodia later this year to raise money for Epilepsy Action.

It will be the second time he has jetted to Asia for a charity challenge in recent years – in 2009 he took part in a ten-day trek across Vietnam to raise £3,200.

This time the cycle ride will last 11 days and will see Mr Green jet to Ho Chi Minh City in south Vietnam in November before crossing the Cambodian border and cycling across mixed terrain in very humid heats of 40C.

Mr Green said his 12-year-old son was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was two.

He added: “Tom has medication which helps control the condition, and he still does what most normal 12-year-olds do.

“But since I got involved with the charity I have met people who still fit regularly and parents whose children have to go to special schools because they can’t cope.

“It really does hit home how lucky we are and it spurred me on to raise more money."

Mr Green is organising several events to try and hit a £5,000 target.

A 70s and 80s night takes place this Saturday at the Wycliffe Rooms.

Tickets at £10, including a disco and hot food, are available from Flackies Meats or Butties Sandwich Bar in Church Street, or on 07789 378386. To sponsor Mr Green, visit www.justgiving.com/neilcyclescambodia.

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