By Khmerization
Source: DAP News
Deum Ampil online has just reported that Hun Manet, Prime Minister Hun Sen's eldest son, has just been appointed Deputy Commander of his father's Bodyguard Unit.
According to Deum Ampil, the announcement of the appointment was made by Gen. Hing Bunheang, Commander of Mr. Hun Sen's Bodyguard Unit, this afternoon.
Hun Manet, who is Prime Minister Hun Sen's favourite son, graduated from the prestigious West Point Military Academy in the U.S, holds a masters degree from Georgetown University in the U.S and holds a Ph.D from the UK's Bristol University.
Recently, Prime Minister Hun Sen seems to be positioning himself for a political succession as his two sons and son-in-law have been seen appearing in public frequently, including doing humanitarian works and visiting troops along the borders.
Source: DAP News
Deum Ampil online has just reported that Hun Manet, Prime Minister Hun Sen's eldest son, has just been appointed Deputy Commander of his father's Bodyguard Unit.
According to Deum Ampil, the announcement of the appointment was made by Gen. Hing Bunheang, Commander of Mr. Hun Sen's Bodyguard Unit, this afternoon.
Hun Manet, who is Prime Minister Hun Sen's favourite son, graduated from the prestigious West Point Military Academy in the U.S, holds a masters degree from Georgetown University in the U.S and holds a Ph.D from the UK's Bristol University.
Recently, Prime Minister Hun Sen seems to be positioning himself for a political succession as his two sons and son-in-law have been seen appearing in public frequently, including doing humanitarian works and visiting troops along the borders.
I don't too see Hun Sen's eldest to run srok Khmer because I think he is less corrupt than his father. And he is more educated than most CPP members.
I believe Hun Manet is better than his father, but I don't believe in political succession. All Hun Sen's sons have to be voted in power by the people, not appointed by their own father. I can see Hun Sen wanted to establish a political succession like in North Korea, Syria and other third world countries. We say no to this kind of dictatorship!
Its becoming like a personality cult like North Korea, damned.
King Norodom Sihanouk and his son should support PM Hun Sen, Hun Sen's son, and all khmers people on this Earth. I believe that King Sihanouk and his son had earned BA or Master degree but their heart are too honest. I meant, they are too kind and nice. That's why the Vietnamese communist and Thai people tried to use and take advantage of their kindness. Khmers people had lost so much land just because of the King of Khmers. However, PM Hun Sen has not abstained Bachelor or Master degree because he was born and raised up during the war time. Moreover, I believe that PM Hun Sen has ability to deal with Thai people and Vietnamese communist because he is able to reach their mind and knows what they want. He is fine, but if anyone who wants to invade and fight then he will be waiting for them. Everything will be all right.
Chairman Mao and Ho Chi Minh were not popular by outsiders' standard. Chinese citizen embraced Chaiman Mao for his communist idealogy that's bringing China to world second super power after America. Ho Chi Minh was hailed as the man who killed 3 birds with one stone. He was a hereo that united two Vietnams from French colonial ruler, repelled American forces from democratizing Vietnam, and fooled Norodom Sihanouk about Kampuchea Krom.
I have no hope that Hun Sen can achieve such status as Chairman Mao or Ho Chi Minh for Cambodia. " One must kill a few cows to have a beefsteak" doesn't seem to quite cut it with Hun Sen. Hun Sen had killed a few cows(innocent Cambodian)but there is no steak, except skin and bones on the plate. He seen very convincing to certain Cambodians that he's the only one that can revitalize Cambodia after decades of wars. After over two decades of Hun Sen rules, Cambodia is still one of the world poorest nation on earth. This is no excuse, regarless of where Cambodia came from since 1975. If given an opportunity for the right leader, Cambodia would achieve higher grade than Hun Sen, then again, whose ideology is it to see to it that Cambodia will not be a self ruling nation that can create her own destiny.
Most of the Vietnamese communist high officers had earned the third grade of the village school in countryside of North Vietnam.
Compared to the last six decades, For now, PM Hun Sen's military is the best that Cambodia ever had. Since 1941-1978, Sihanouk, Lon Nol, and Pol Pot's militaries had weakened (useless). However, PM Hun Sen and his son Manet have capability to create a military strength, so that i can prove that they know how to protect Cambodian people and country as well. I gave him a B+
If Thai government thinks that Cambodia is a small country and military is weaken then them, just let them tried. I suggest that if Thai continue to brake the law, Cambodia's military must be moving toward to Bangkok and take the land back. I believe that the central land of Thai is belong to Cambodia.
if we want to claim Kampuchea krom land back from Vietnamese communist. First, the Country of Cambodia must be strong of Economy, so every individual has a job and live a better life. second, to build more school, so young generation will get a better Education. Third, the Cambodia Government must be encouraging the world to do the business in Cambodia as many as they could. However, Cambodia must be accepted to any aid (assistance) from any country; especially the United States and China. at the same time, the Cambodia Government must be created of the military strength(power). I mean, whatever we plan, we must think about ourselves first. Therefore, we must confident that we have enough power defeat the enemies, then we will do it. If not, we'd better keep silent for a moment. Think about it! anyone on this Earth has the same things isn't it? bone, blood, and meat.(hihihi) if you think that you're a smarter, stronger, and braver, then you're the winner. That's it! it's easy to understand the situation, right? actually, I'm the one of Khmer krom, but fortunately I came the U.S. just a few years after the Vietnamese Communist took over our land (kampuchea krom) (South Vietnam) I hope one day in the future, I will help the Cambodia Government to claim the land we had lost.
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