A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 17 March 2009

Websites blacklisted by Cambodia for giving fake visa information

PHNOM PENH, March 16 (Xinhua) -- The Cambodian government has names three "fraudulent" websites as providing fake visa and wrong information about Cambodia, said official news agency the Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP) on Monday.

These fraudulent website were addressed as www.cambodiaonarrival.com, www.cambodiaevisa.com, and www.elovecambodia.com, AKP quoted a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation as saying.

Some of them offered visa service which turned out to be fake and deceptive, it said.

The ministry "would like to inform the users of e-Visa that the ministry's website, www.mfaic.gov.kh, is the only authorized website to issue e-visa" for travelers coming into the country, it said.

The ministry "welcomes visitors to the Kingdom of Cambodia to use the convenience of our e-Visa services that enable you to participate in the E-government initiative," it added.

Editor: Zhang Xiang

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