A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 17 March 2009

Vietnamese, Cambodian National Assemblies promote cooperation

Delegations from the Vietnamese and Cambodian National Assemblies met in Phnom Penh on Mar. 12 to discuss plans to promote the two legislative bodies’ cooperation to a level commensurate with the two countries’ traditional friendly ties.

The talks took place after the Vietnamese NA delegation arrived in Phnom Penh for an official visit from Mar. 12-15.

The Vietnamese delegation, led by NA Vice Chair Tong Thi Phong, and the Cambodian delegation, led by its NA first Vice Chairman, Nguon Nhel, briefed each other on the current situation in their respective countries.

The two sides agreed that the cooperation and information exchanges between their national assemblies have been promoted effectively in recent years.

They agreed to support each other at multilateral and international parliamentary forums.

During the visit, Vice Chair Phong and her delegation were received by Cambodia’s NA Chairman Heng Samrin, President of the Senate Chea Sim and Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The delegation also paid a courtesy visit to King Norodom Sihamoni.

Durings these meeting, the Cambodian leaders appreciated the visit, describing it as an event to mark the development and intensification of the friendly ties between Cambodia and Vietnam.

The Cambodian leaders thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their assistance to the Cambodian people during their past struggle for national liberation, freeing them from the genocidal Pol Pot regime, as well as in their current cause of national construction.

They also expressed their hopes that the two countries would urge the young generations in both countries to respect and nurture their friendship and good neighbourliness.

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