A Change of Guard

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Friday 13 March 2009

S Korean President to visit Cambodia this year

Cambodian PM, Mr. Hun Sen (L) posed with S. Korean President Lee Myung-bak (R) during the latter's inauguration. On the far left is Mrs. Lee Myung-bak and on the far right is Mrs. Bun Rany Hun Sen.

PHNOM PENH, March 12 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Lee Myung-bak is planning to visit Cambodia this year, said official news agency the Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP) on Thursday.

South Korean Ambassador Shin Hyun-suk told this to Cambodian Senate President Chea Sim during their recent meeting.

The South Korean diplomat did not mention the exact date of the visit, Pheng Kunthea Borey, protocol chief of the Cambodian Senate, was quoted by AKP as saying.

The ambassador said that his country always intended to help develop Cambodia by encouraging its investors to invest in the fields of tourism, banking and commerce of the kingdom, she said.

He also highly valued the Cambodian leaders' efforts to develop the country and bring about peace and social stability to its people, according to Pheng Kunthea Borey.

He further affirmed that South Korea will continue to support Cambodia in all fields, she added.

South Korea has played a leading role in some major development projects of the country, such as road rehabilitation, dam construction, skyscraper building and human resource training.

Editor: Zhang Xiang

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