A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 23 December 2008

The Keng Vannsak email scam

Dear All,

Some of you might have received the same email as me. Today, I just received an email from someone who purported and claimed to be Prof. Keng Vannsak. I knew that the email is not from Prof. Keng Vannsak as he had already passed away. And the language used in the text was not a language spoken/written by a learned man like Prof. Keng Vannsak. The person/persons who had written this email has only one intention, and that is to destroy his good reputation. Whatever disagreements people might have with him, I hope they will leave him and his soul to rest in peace. Please click to read to judge for yourself.

Note: This is the email address that was used to send the above email to me: kengvansak@yahoo.fr . Please note that even the spelling of his name is incorrect. Vannsak is spelled with double "n", not one "n".


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