A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 2 August 2008

Defending The Nation - Operation Raksmei Samki

August 1st, 2008

Montreal, Canada

Operation Raksmei Samki

Dear Fellow Khmers,

By this time, I trust the vast majority of us have heard and seen online images of the ongoing military standoff at Preah Vihear.

Everyday, our soldiers risk their lives at the front line to safeguard our heritages and to defend our territorial integrity so that we all have a place to call home. They leave their love ones behind to answer the call of duty, and prepare to make the ultimate sacrifice. Without question, they represent our best hope, our best defense.

We can not conciously be indifferent to those who assume such enormous responsibility and who make the ultimate sacrifice. As a citizen, we have a moral obligation to share that responsibility. The nation expects each and everyone of us to do our fair share in any way we can to support our soldiers on the battleground.

Operation Raksmei Samki is a way for us to collectively demonstrate our sense of duty and to provide financial support to our soldiers (see the attached CGF brochures). I am hopeful that everyone abroad will contribute financially, small or large amount. Facing the present threat, we shall not be passive as it could put the nation in a precarious position in the eyes of the antagonist. On the other hand, our solidarity will send a clear message to deter potential hostility against our country. Please make your contribution.

Thank you for distributing this message within your local networks, communities and newspaper.

May the nation be for ever grateful to those who relentlessly stand fast to safeguard its sovereignty.


Davan Long, M. Sc

NDA Acting Chairman


PS: Lauk Touch La and colleagues - What is the best way for our citizens abroad to send in the contributions?


Anonymous said...

Isn't it government's responsibilities to provide shelter for these soldiers? Why don't soldiers and Cambodian citizen request help from the government?

Why are we doing the job for the governmen?

Khmerization said...

You are right. It is the government's responsibilities. It is regrettable that the government and its officials are pre-occupied with their own agenda and neglect our soldiers, the protectors of our nation. It is a shame really. we saw on TV and pictures that most of our soldiers do not even have boots, proper military uniforms and they look mainourished compared to Thai soldiers. Government is so corrupt that it doesn't even care about protecting our borders.