A Change of Guard

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Friday, 13 June 2008

Astro Corp enters Cambodia

  • By Phil Clegg

Astro Corporation of Taiwan attended G2E Asia in upbeat mood, having just arranged its first large installation in Cambodia. A total of 120 machines are due to go into a casino there.

On other fronts, the company’s range of GLI-approved products continues to expand, with more games coming through the process all the time. And all the games on the firm’s stand at G2E Asia featured new, improved graphics.

Astro also launched five new games at the show, including Flagship and Knockdown, two GLI-approved games, and Dragon Saga and Golden Empire, new games for Macau and Peru. Also new was Carnival, a game for the AWP markets in Europe and South America.

“We are still getting GLI approval for games all the time, on an ongoing basis,” said sales manager Scott Huang.

“Our main task here in Macau is to find out what the players in this market place want; we believe this is another market that holds huge a mounts of potential for us.”

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