A Change of Guard

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Friday, 7 March 2008

Khmer Krom Group Requests Programs, Curriculum

By Chiep Mony, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
06 March 2008

The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human Rights Organization has asked state media to broadcast programs surrounding the history of the minority people and their culture and the Ministery of Education to insert the group's history into school curriculum.
Without the dissemination of this information, Khmer Krom minorities are at risk of rights violations, said Ang Chanrith, executive director of the rights organization.
Chea Se, undersecretary of state for the Education Ministry, said he supported educating people on Cambodian history, and the history of the world, and a request from the group would be discussed.
Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said Thursday the group should not rely on the state to promote its message, but can publish its own literature.

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