A Change of Guard

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Friday, 12 September 2014

Cambodian-American Developer Cleared

BY  | SEPTEMBER 12, 2014
The Siem Reap Provincial Court on Thursday found Cambodian-American architect Ronnie Yimsut and his fiancee not guilty of falsifying public documents, defamation and verbal abuse—crimes the couple was accused of by a former manager of their Bakong EcoTourism Technical College project.
Cha Sa-eng, who was fired as executive director of the 10-hectare development project last year, filed the charges with the provincial court in March following a dispute that saw the school-building venture shut down by the Interior Ministry last year.
Judge Koy Sao said Thursday that there had been insufficient evidence to convict the couple.
Mr. Yimsut said he had designed the ambitious project from scratch, and was building on his own ancestral land for the benefit of locals, but had come up against individuals who sought to exploit the fact he and his fiancee were residents of the U.S.
“The charges against me and my fiancee were very serious, carrying potentially 10- to 15-year jail sentences if we were convicted, so this is good news and a great relief,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia is such a sick country. Even when some good Cambodian American try to help, they might be harmed.

It's like jumping into the water to save a drowning person, and the drowning person grapples on you so hard and cause you to drown a long. You cannot reason with the drowning person, "Let go, I will carry both of us."

Just read on the forums, can I even reason with the Khmers on the forums? No, these Khmers are already drown in the minds. I say, let them drown, don't rescue them.

The most effective way to deal with the Khmer folks is to apply the batons. Oh, one more thing, keep them poor. I start to worry what they would do if they have money and resources. Thank God, they are poor and weak, thus, they could not do much harm to other races.


Anonymous said...

Is that why you youns keep coming into Cambodia; because your government keep you in poor and weak conditions ?

Is that why you youns can NOT overthrow your dog shit eating government and your shit-nam is still a shit-hole ?

STUPID youn...