A Change of Guard

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Monday 23 June 2014

6 Cambodian migrant workers killed after Thai police shot the tyres of their vehicle and it overturned

This wounded returned migrant worker said the truck transporting him and 20 others back to Cambodia overturned, killing 6 people and wounding 11 people after Thai police shot many rounds of bullets into their their truck after the driver failed to stop at the checkpoint.


Anonymous said...

These are the minimum wages in countries around Cambodia:
_ Myanmar (Burma) $45.
_ Bangladesh $65.
_ Laos $80.
_ India rural $65, city $110.
_ Vietnam rural $90, city $125.

Mr. Hun Sen sets the minimum wage at $100 so that Cambodia can remain competitive while he tries to bring in more jobs. He wants more jobs so that Cambodians don't have to come to Thailand to be abused.

The opposition demands to set the minimum wage at $160 to gain votes from the workers. Once they gather support, they create fight and disruption to drive away jobs, investment forcing Mr. Hun Sen to share power, "Give us power or we will not stop."

Proof, violent Khmer workers attacked factories, destroying clinic, business:


P.S. I have no relation, no contact with any political body. I am just a Zen-master. I read a couple thousand books and tens of thousands articles. That's why I know a lot about Cambodia. What the opposition's doing is very wrong. They are driving away jobs for the poors in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

it is very unfortunate that it had to happen in this way and during this trying time for them.... but when it is time to go , one will go regardless of where or why .... we are not really the master of our own fate... my condolence to their families.