A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Who is the real Mr. Ear Kimsreng? Is he Mr. Pang Lang, the bandit/killer in 1979? តើលោក អ៊ា គិមស្រេងជានរណាពិតប្រាកដ្ឋ? តើឈ្មោះពិតរបស់លោកជា ប៉ាង ឡាង​ ដែលជាចោរព្រៃនិងជាឃាតករក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩ឬ?


Kmenhwatt said...

It's interesting indeed,accusation on line in the form of communication,wow, What's a story!!

The key to solve this issue is at AUSTRALIA INS or the widow whom her husband got killed and divorce Kimsreng lived at Ausie,find her and interview her because suspection without proof.Too many killers lives among us in Khmer society these days in Cambodia and abroad.

Anonymous said...

Interested to know what will be Ear Kim Sreng's response to this accusation. True, the key to answer the accusation is to find Ear Kim Sreng's ex-wife who can say who Ear Kim Sreng really is. Who he a killer who killed her husband and took her as his wife?

Anonymous said...

ឃើញហើយ សង្គ្រាមជេរគេ ហើយអួតថាគ្មាននណាចេះស្មើខ្លួន ហើយជេរគេប៉ាតណាប៉ាតណីមិនរើសមុខ ឥឡូវទោះពិតឬមិនពិត ក៍ពិបាកឆ្លើយដូចជា សំនួររបស់គាត់ទៅ សំ រង្សី ដែរ គឺសុទ្ធតែរឿងស្លាប់រស់ ព្រោះមានគេស្គាល់ច្បាស់ហើយមើលទៅ។

Anonymous said...

Every body should stop blame each othe not to point or said anything to the public before you have a clue or real document it can be hurt to some one that they don't have anything,I head all of you are support the same party who fight for democracy any way thank you guys.

Anonymous said...

ស្តេចជេរ អើយមើលទៅដូចជាគ្មានបានការអីទេ គេថា្ររួញក្បាលចូលក្នុងឈ្នោកវិញទៅវាល្អជាង