A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Interior Minister: CPP and CNRP is trying to arrange another summit to break the deadlock

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald)- Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and one of the highest ranking members of CPP, Sar Kheng told reporters this morning that CPP and CNRP are arranging another meeting between its top leaders in solving current political deadlock.

When asked about a possible summit between Hun Sen and Samrainsy, Sar Kheng said it is in the process of arranging.

His confirmation was made following a stalemate of the two parties’ negotiation regarding electoral reform. 

The joint committee decided to leave authority to their respective leaders for solving the deadlock. The negotiation came to a stalemate over the proposal that National Election Committee shall be a constitutional institution and its members need to be elected through an approval of at least two third of the Members of Parliament.

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