A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 April 2014

Hun Sen's great nephew, Hun Panhabot who is the grandson of Hun Neng, pointing a gun at his drinkmate

Read more about Hun Panhabot here. នេះគឺជាចៅហ៊ុន សែន (ការពិតគឺជាចៅហ៊ុនណេងព្រោះជាកូប្រុសរបស់ឌី វជ្ជា (កូនប្រុសលោកហុកឡង់ឌី) និងនាង ហ៊ុន ច័ន្ថា ដែលជាកូនស្រីរបស់ហ៊ុណេង)។
តាក៏ពាល យាយក៏ពាល ឪក៏ពាល ម៉ែក៏ពាល កូនក៏ពាល ចៅក៏ពាល (ពាលទាំងពូជន៏ហ៊ុន ប៊ុន)


Anonymous said...

This thug should be eliminate from society.

Anonymous said...

This is a family of thugs and criminals.

Anonymous said...

his friend is probably from a rich family...so if rich spoiled kids want to kill each other is fine by me.

Anonymous said...

We should kill them all.

Kmenhwatt said...

In the world that I lived in now,it would be jailed for attempted murder with deadly weapon-intense to shoot and kill,it's not a joke!...It's seriously criminal act.In Scamafia, business as usual,thugs, thieves,criminals,robbers,killers with well connected to Cpp's thugs gets away with all kinds of criminal-wrong doing. Can we [ khmers] tolerate any longer? One life to live,live well as God intended or die for what is right as you own intention!...Does anyone of us [ khmer] wants to live under this condition? If your answer is YES! You are deserving to be threat like that!...For me, my answer is NO! Will not tolerate it,rather die than living like a slave= Tia sac kor dach thlai...! Fight back folks!