A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 April 2014

CBN interviews with Alex Gonzales-Davidson, Director of Mother Nature Cambodia, about his fight against a Chinese hydroelectric dam in Areng River in Koh Kong លោក អាឡិច កុនសាឡេស៍ដេវិដសុន ប្តេជ្ញាការពារដំបន់អារ៉ែងក្នុងខេត្តកោះកុង


Kmenhwatt said...

Alex sir,
You are Os jah = amazing person,I admired your courage ambition to protect NATURE,all Khmers around the globe would appreciated your effort to save Mother Nature from this GRREDY PIGS (Chen& Yuon+ Cpp) I think you are absolutely nature's lover,so do I, I thanks you from a distance and willing to help you with financially any way I can... May God bless you Alex Rod Davidson. Thanks once again.

Anonymous said...

កាពារនូវដំបន់អារ៉ែងនេះ លោកជាអ្នកស្រឡាញ់ធម្មជាតិពិតៗ!ជូនពរលោកសុខភាពល្អនឹងអរុក្ខអរក្សអ្នកតាព្រៃភ្នំជួយតាមថែរក្សាអ្នកគ្រប់់វាលា។