A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Aussie Jane Upton reveals what life in Cambodia is really like

APRIL 30, 2014
Spot the tourist.
Spot the tourist. Source: Supplied
AUSTRALIAN Jane Upton has been living with her boyfriend in Battambang, Cambodia for almost a year. Working as a volunteer with a Cambodian NGO, she explains why life is nothing like it is in Australia ...
I cycle to work every morning, enjoying the relative cool of low 30s before it inevitably hits 40 plus degrees in a couple of hours. I pass a family of five, all jammed onto a motorbike and they stare impassively at me.
I smile and wave at the kids and I’m rewarded with big toothy grins and a shouted “hello!” and a shy smile from their mother.

The best way to get around. Read the full article and see more pictures here.

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