A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 April 2014

Amazing: President Obama welcomed by a robot on his visit to Japan គិតកូនខ្មែរ៖ អូបាម៉ា ស្វាគមន៍ដោយមនុស្សយន្តនៅជប៉ុន

1 comment:

Kmenhwatt said...

According to world record of the smartest race on this earth here they were :-)
1) Jewish race -:) the race that brought your Christianity and gave your the basic of democracy that we now in joyed in the WESTERN SOCIETY,the bible that paves the way for democracy in the west.

1) Japan Race :-) See they show off their Robot to the president of United States,what was created by their country-men with genuinely innovation of technologies be able to acts like us.
3) white race :-) Perhaps German race the white supremacist that Drgookshick always wanted to be apart of, the rest were not list,Drgooksick wasn't among the smartest's race.If they were smart (Yiekcong) they won't eats man best friend= congchor! Facts :-)