A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Four missing after illegally logging in Thai territory: source [Presumably killed by Thai soldiers?]

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UDDOR MEANCHEY, 28 August 2013 (The Cambodia Herald) – Four Cambodians have been reported missing since Monday after they had illegally entered Thailand to poach rosewood, according to a source from the village of Ou Svay.

The four poachers along with around fifty others had entered Thailand via the Ro Beang border entrance to illegally log rosewood.

The four illegal loggers were suspected to have be been arrested by Thai border patrol, said the source.

The missing loggers could not be identified because they were from other provinces far away and had only stayed temporarily in the village of Ou Svay, Tropang Prosat district of Uddor Meanchey province.

The residents of the village said that after the poachers had heard that the Thai border police were surrounding them, they dropped everything including the already cut rosewood as well as their equipment, in the forest and ran back across the border.

According to the source, anyone who wanted to cross the border entrance to illegally log rosewood would only have to pay around 150,000 riels to Cambodian border police from that area, adding that payment was made after they had sold the illegal rosewood.

- See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=15&token=YjMzMGE3MzcwOGR#sthash.3Fihjus6.dpuf

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