A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Constitutional Council orders opening of Siem Reap ballot boxes [There were serious irregularities during the openings of the Kratie and Battambang safety ballot boxes, but what was the solution now?]

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PHNOM PENH, 28 August 2013 (The Cambodia Herald) -- The Constitutional Council has ordered the National Election Committee (NEC) to open the safety ballot boxes from 12 voting stations in Siem Reap province on Friday of this week, to search for and verify alleged election irregularities announced by the opposition party.

The decision was made by Ek Sam Ol, president of the Constitutional Council, after Wednedays's opening of the ballot boxes from Battambang province's eight voting stations.

The NEC has been ordered to open the safety ballot boxes from voting stations: 0283 and 0285 from the commune of Krobei Riel; 0425 and 0442 from the commune of Svay Dongkom; 0817 from the commune of Slor Kram; 0323, 0324, 0326 from the commune of Roeul; 0294, 0673 and 0718 from the commune of Lvea; and 0346 from the commune of Trei Nhor to verify and coroborate with election documents 1102, 1108 as well as other similar documents pertaining to last month's parliamentary election.

The opening of the ballot boxes will be held at the NEC head office at eight o’clock in the morning.

Ek Sam Ol said that the Constitutional Council will send some of their representatives to oversee the opening of the ballot boxes.

This will be the third instance that the Constitutional Council has ordered the NEC.

- See more at: http://www.thecambodiaherald.com/cambodia/detail/1?page=11&token=NzAxMjQ1NjI0YjQ#sthash.stz3xJqN.dpuf

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