A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A man's message to a Facebook rising star សារពីបងប្រុសម្នាក់ ផ្ញើរជូនតារាហ្វេសប៊ុករះថ្មី


Anonymous said...

I like his style. Teach her some history.

Anonymous said...

The guy is an idiot. You did not talk to a real person. You are an idiot. Such conversation should happen to brain damage person.

Anonymous said...

7:46 pm, did you get kick out from school when you were 4? If you are still in school you might be in SPECIAL ED. I know you are not Khmer but to have such a stupid comment is beyond "brain damage".

Anonymous said...

This girl does not understand anything at all. She does not know who she is? she must do her homework harder by looking for all information from everywhere and every corner. Study about history and politic of the country. Asking herself why Cambodia still suffers so much , who brought the war into the country during the 60's and 70's? who is involved with the war and who is behind the current government Hun Sen ? pray for her not to marry to vietcong dog man who disguises as khmer because the dog can speak khmer fluently but his heart is vc dog. Watch out girl, you will be sorry later. Not welcome in society when the right time comes. Not trust.