A Change of Guard

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Monday, 22 July 2013

The Life of Khmer Child Beggars in Vietnam

ស្រាបៀរ និង ខ្មែរធ្លាក់ខ្លួនជាអ្នកសុំទាននៅតាឞប្រទេស ជិតខាង ទា៓ងនេះហើយជាមោទនៈភាពជាតិខ្មែរ, កម្ពុជា ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រអច្ជរិយ សម័យ តេជោ សែន!
— with Domreab Solar and Kim Marshman in Svay Rieng, Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Only CNRP can save us from the path of destruction. Vote for CNRP to save our motherland from become part of the New Vietnam in 20 years. Hun Sen and the CPP do not care about Cambodia, that is why they gave thousands and thousands of prestige land to Vietnam, their puppet master. These lands will be occupied by Vietnam in the next 99 years and it would be part of Vietnam sooner than since Cambodia government has no control of that land.


Anonymous said...

Cpp Hun sen legacy,Nambodia=Beggar's state!
Vote for CNRP to save these childrens from Yuon exploitation.


Anonymous said...

Ah Sen vea samlap khmer chhreun nas taing pi 79 until now. drag his head to ICC.

Anonymous said...

How can i help these people? I want to have a girl that lost her sister and a boy that 11 yrs old that when begging in Prey Norkor.I want to put these kids thru school and stop begging at Prey Norkor,until they old enough to work at factory in Cambodia.Please help these kids! Tell me the safe way to help direct to these two families. no (middle man).Please some one give these kids a chance to be a kid. I am willing to pay 80$ month for these two families.Please response my message,and give me your number below,i promise i'll call you back,no scam please!....khmers must help Khmers!


Anonymous said...

Correction:i want to help not HAVE...

Anonymous said...

Kmenhwatt, email Khmerization. i'm sure he/she will be able to direct you to the right places.