A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 21 July 2013

CPP and CNRP threw water bottles at each other on 19th July, but police only trying to stop the CNRP supporters from throwing while allowing the supporters of the CPP to throw at will ប៉ូលីសគាត់បានឃាត់តែខាងសង្រ្គោះជាតិឯខាងប្រជាជនគាត់ដូចជាអត់មានឃាត់


Anonymous said...

i can measure the moon the sky and planet and the sun but i cant understand the madness of thepeople motion. said sir issac newton. rainsy weak mad and no quality for leadership at all he rainsy never achieved anything in life. isnt it true?. from 1975 to 1985 khmer in savage suffer hunger rainsy lived and spen his father corrupted money in paris. wasnt it right ?. 1993 we are at peace . rainsy show up and cliam himeself a khmer compatroit. and hun sen slave youn traitor. doese it make any sense to you ? no right ?. if this weakness rainsy win all khmer are supper ignorance. and i will stop all my investment. wasnt it fair ?. mike

Anonymous said...

It's not about the past. It's about the future. If you want to stop any of your investmenst in Cambodia, it's not going to make any different at all, because this election is not about you. The people of Cambodia want freedom, liberty, and justice (the rule of laws). Today, Cambodians see Prime Minister Hun Sen has all the powers. He has military power, judicial power as well as the the power of money. The prime mister able to use these powers to oppress any one who disagree with him, let alone imprison them when ever he please. People could lose their jobs, if they're not show loyalty to him. That'd being said, all medias must report of what the prime mister wants to hear, not what public wants to know. The meaning of civil society dese not mean people merely may live in peace, but also live as free with the equal rights under the laws.

Anonymous said...

This Youn animal have no morals. Last time they were paid to throw grenades and later on they were promoted and rewarded with higher rank in CPP. When CPP looses the election, these animals will be executed just as the Chinese are executing those corrupted officials.