CASC PRESS RELEASE: Acid case goes to appeal on Monday,
March 25, 2013
PHNOM PENH, March 21, 2013 – Acid attack sentence is being
appealed on Monday, March 25 at 8:00 am at the Court of Appeal of Cambodia.
Kong Touch was attacked with concentrated acid on September 15, 2011 in Kampong
Cham province, leading to serious mutilation and the loss of one eye. On June
27, 2012, Pov Kolab was found guilty on the charge of “intentional violence
using concentrated acid leading to mutilation or permanent disability (art 20§2
Acid Law)” and was sentenced by the Kampong Cham Provincial Court to 10 years
of imprisonment and ordered to pay USD 5,000 of damages to Kong Touch. Pov
Kolab has appealed the ruling.
“Based on the premeditated nature of the acid
attack, disabling injuries caused and psychological and social implications for
Ms. Kong Touch, and the evidence that has been presented; we are confident that
the sentence delivered last year by the Kampong Cham Provincial Court last year
will be upheld.” CASC
For more information, please contact CASC Project Manager,
Ms. Erin Bourgois, via telephone at
+855 10752683 or email at
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