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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Who killed more than 2 million Khmers?

Re: Hun Sen and Pol Pot were "useful idiots" of Joseph Stalin 

Courtesy of MK

Dear KmengWatt,

Again, you stated that "Pol Pot killed estimate about 2.7 millions innocents Khmers."

I don't want to turn this into a battle, but I want to understand where you are getting this information from. As much as I hate Pol Pot and hwo the Vietnamese trained Pol Pot to kill Khmers and how the Vietnamese have influenced the Pol Pot into killing the Khmers, you still seem to support the Vietnamese and blame Pol Pot.

How about you show me your information??

Here are my information,


Saloth went into hiding after his name was published in a list of leftist suspects put together by the police for Norodom Sihanouk. He fled to the Vietnamese border region and made contact with Vietnamese units fighting against South Vietnam.


Sar went to North Vietnam to gain approval for an uprising in Cambodia against the government. North Vietnam refused to support any uprising due to ongoing negotiation with the Cambodian government. Sihanouk promised to allow the Vietnamese to use Cambodian territory and Cambodian ports in their war against South Vietnam.


Sar called a party conference and decided on a change in the propaganda strategy. Prior to 1969, opposition to Sihanouk was the main focus of their propaganda


in Cambodia. Sihanouk, while out of the country, ordered the government to stage anti-Vietnamese protests in the capital.


The National Assembly voted to remove Sihanouk from office. Afterward, the government closed Cambodia's ports to Vietnamese weapons traffic and demanded that the Vietnamese leave Cambodia.


The North Vietnamese reacted to the political changes in Cambodia by sending Premier Phạm Văn Đồng to meet Sihanouk in China and recruit him into an alliance with the Khmer Rouge.


the Vietnamese had taken matters into their own hands and launched an offensive against the Cambodian army. A force of 50 Vietnamese quickly overran large parts of eastern Cambodia reaching to within 15 miles


the Vietnamese (North Vietnamese and Viet Cong) did most of the fighting against the Cambodian government while Sar and the Khmer Rouge functioned almost as auxiliaries to their forces.


the Vietnamese army forces began to withdraw from the fighting against the Cambodian government. Sar issued a new set of decrees in May 1973 which started the process of reorganizing peasant villages into cooperatives where property was jointly owned and individual possessions banned.


A new constitution was adopted on January 5, 1976, officially altering the country's name to "Democratic Kampuchea." Prince Sihanouk was given no role in the government and was placed under detention.

Here is my information about the American bombings.


legislated an end to U.S. military action in, over, or off the shores of Indochina, the only U.S. military activity then going on was air support of a friendly Cambodian government and army desperately defending their country against a North Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge onslaught

What destabilized Cambodia was North Vietnam's occupation of chunks of Cambodian territory from 1965 onwards for use as military bases from which to launch attacks on U.S. and South Vietnamese forces in South Vietnam.

Next came a North Vietnamese attempt to overrun the entire country in March–April 1970, to which U.S. and South Vietnamese forces responded by a limited ground incursion at the end of April...The outcome in Indochina was not foreordained. Congress had the last word, however, between 1973 and 1975


To put 2,756,941 tons into perspective, the Allies dropped just over 2 million tons of bombs during all of World War II. Cambodia may be the most heavily bombed country in history.


Vietnam promised repeatedly to leave Cambodia by 1990, and by the end of 1987, Hanoi had staged six partial troop withdrawals. Officials in Hanoi indicated, however, that phased withdrawals would end and that Vietnamese forces would return to Cambodia if there were a threat to Vietnam's national security.



Please take your time to read my information. Don't reply with your "Pol Pot killed estimate about 2.7 millions innocents Khmers." without showing me your information.

Fair?? I am willing to share my information, but let's share ideas and suggestions. We are adults and as adults one can see that the Vietnamese had many roles in the genocide of the 2 million deaths of Khmer.

So show me where you believe "Pol Pot killed an estimated 2.7 millions innocents Khmers."

Only the Vietnamese make that kind of assumption.

As you see the bottom page here is the excerpt by Ted Galen Carpenter

Ted Galen Carpenter is a foreign policy analyst with the CatoInstitute.

The Cambodian resistance to Heng Samrin's puppet regime and the Vietnamese army of occupation is divided into three sharply divergent factions. They are officially united in a coalition government recognized by the United States and many other countries, but the mutual animosity is deep and abiding. The most promising group, in terms of ideological orientation, is the Khmer Peoples National Liberation Front (KPNLF). Headed at least nominally by 75-year-old former prime minister Son Sann, the KPNLF professes an enthusiasm for both democracy and free enterprise. Son Sann was the principal founder of the Cambodian Democratic party and has worked for several decades to fashion a multi-party parliamentary democracy. One of the chief KPNLF military commanders, Dien Del, also seems committed to a pluralistic political system and has stated that he wants "an economy like Singapore's' for Cambodia. A healthy degree of entrepreneurial capitalism is apparent among KPNLF followers in various refugee camps maintained by the organization.[28]
A more amorphous group is the Armee Nationaliste Sihanou- kiste (ANS), consisting of guerrillas loyal to former head of state Prince Norodom Sihanouk. During the 30 years he ruled Cambodia prior to his ouster in 1970, Sihanouk was noted principally for an opulent lifestyle and authoritarian methods. Throughout his long political career, he has at various times cultivated the Vietnamese, the Communist Chinese, the United States, and the Khmer Rouge, as well as noncommunist Cambodian elements. If his faction should ever regain power, there is little evidence to suggest that this record of rank opportunism would not be repeated.
The third component of the rebel triad is the Khmer Rouge. Although Pol Pot resigned his leadership post in early 1986, he is still rumored to be the guiding force behind this faction. The two other principal leaders, Ieng Sary and Khieu Samphan, were both top-level officials in the Khmer Rouge government that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1978 and committed unspeakable atrocities.
A troubling issue that proponents of military aid to the Cambodian insurgents must address is whether an attempt to oust the puppet regime of Heng Samrin might inadvertently return the Khmer Rouge to power. This is no idle fear. The ANS fields scarcely 5,000 guerrillas, and the KPNLF has 12,000-15,000. Neither faction is particularly well trained or equipped. The Khmer Rouge, on the other hand, has more than 30,000 experienced troops, and, thanks to Chinese largesse, they are supplied with an array of modern weapons. This severe disparity in strength does not bode well for any post-revolutionary struggle for power. It is true that the KPNLF has a sizable civilian following, perhaps as many as 250,000, among refugees in camps across the Thai border, but there is no certainty that this factor could be translated into sufficient military power even with external aid.[29] While the ongoing Vietnamese presence in Cambodia is clearly a violation of international law and partakes more than a little of imperialist exploitation, the alternative might well be a new Khmer Rouge government and another round of genocide. It is a distressing dilemma that cannot be ignored.


Anonymous said...

I think Sinhanuk,pol pot and Hun sen killed the most khmers people because of they were slaved to communist and they were so useful idiot to communism like K.watt said or perhaps they learned their philosophy from Joseph Stalin or Ho Chi minh,and turned to paranoia ,that the reason why we have genocide killingfield.Did they killed khmers for Yuon?

Anonymous said...

What is the real number of people that got killed during khmers rouge era? Some says 3 millions,some says 2 millions.What is the facts? And who is behind the killing of these khmers people?

Anonymous said...


I know that you mean well for the Khmer people. But my research is to show you that Pol Pot had a small role in the 2.7 millions innocents Khmers that were killed in the lead up to the Khmer Rouge Regime. Where as the Vietnamese had played every role, from causing the Americans to bomb half of Cambodia to killing and influencing SIhanouk and Pol Pot, to Training the Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and the Khmer Vietminh.

As I have mentioned before, I have studied and showed you soem of my research. I have other research, which can be found via online.

I have yet to see any of the research when debating with the Vietnamese who often claims the CHinese trained Pol Pot or that the Vietnamese had nothing to do with the genocide.

So if you can show me where you get your information about 2.7 million Khmer were killed by Pol Pot from, that would be appriated.

If anything all my research, and plenty of evidence about the Vietnamese in the genocide leading up the Vietnamese Invasion, into another genocide by K5. All implemented by the Vietnamese, signed by Hun Sen and Chea Sim, not Pol Pot.


Thank you for posting my research as a discussion. I do feel that we Khmer should discuss this detail and debate in a civilised manner. Often i feel annoyed that with so many information, yet we Khmer still blame Pol Pot for everything (2.7million death). While the Vietnamese comes out with clean hands.

Also, Thanks for correcting my grammas and giving me credit. MK is my ID here, but i am in no way related to Matak Khmer nor in any organisation. I am just another Khmer, who will die as a Khmer.

As a Khmer, I forgive but i will never forget. :)

Anonymous said...

Many innocent Khmers die during the Khmer Rouge era of 1975 to 1979.The govt of the days were the KR and Sihanouk, the mother of the worst tamil, be it he had no power or whatsoever as he claimed.So,as govt of the days, they were and should be responsible for the death of Khmers die from starvation, harsh labour camp,purges or organised murder at the killing fields.Simple.If yuon had a part to play in those Khmer death, it is because stupid Khmers like Salot Sar, Sam Sary, Sihanouk, Hun Sen let them.
In the end - the worst monster of them was Sihanouk who orchestrated the killings since 1970 out of his own revenge against those who toppled him, against those who did not enter maquee to rally in his support - let no one forget this and Khmer history should take note

Anonymous said...

So I agree that Sihanouk and the Vietnamese had orchestrated the killings since 1970.

But Pol Pot came to power in 1975-1978. Did Pol Pot really kill 2.7 millions innocent Khmer under the regime?

What about the Vietnamese who had implimented and installed Pol pot to power?

What about the Americans who had bombed the country for 8 years?

Why is Pol Pot to be blamed for all the killings, but the Vietnamese got away with the killings?? What about the millions of Vietnamese civiliians killed during the Vietnamese war by the Vietnamese government?

Even the Vietnamese government got away with killing millions of their own people. How do we know the Vietnamese didnt kill any of the Khmer before, and during, and after the Pol Pot regime. The regime the Vietnamese installed into Power? Why did the Vietnamese installed Pol Pot into power?


Anonymous said...

I agreed with the point of view of the poster @ 1:54 PM and I also agree some of the posted by Mr MK some parts.Well,for the sake of debate or discussion about who were behind all the killing of khmers people?

My view was that khmer's leaders started from Sinhanuk and his clans,during Lon Nol regime that ousted him[Sinhanuk] the flameboyete/playboy's king,that allowed Yiek cong to used khmer's land as battlefield against America from 1968-1975,this part I blamed Sinhanuk,Yiek cong and America for bombardment of Khmer&Laos.

From 1975-1979 killingfield,starvations,diseases famines,over worked,killed approximately between 2to3 millions khmers people this just an estimation the facts is no one know what exactly the real number was.My personal estimation was 2.7 millions khmers killed during K.R era.Mr Hor Nam Hong said 3 millions were killed during pol pot regime.So what is the truth figure in term of accurately number? No one know....

Now,let talk about Hun sen regime,again,no one know the real accurated number of people that his regime killed from 1979-now,we all knew that Hun sen commited k5 atrocity against his own people and attacked on coup de'feat 1997 as well.

Therefore,As a trained lawyer Mr MK with due to all respect to your opinion that point out to Yuon that behind all the killingfield,your case won't proof anything but rumour and speculation,the judge will throw out your case,they won't want to hear the case solely purely speculations,you have to proof to me beyond my reasonable doubt or beyond the shadow of a doubt that Yuon were responsibled for these genocide called KILLINGFIELD,I'm talking about international court or western civilization's court,not the court that come out of Hun Nal's lips, And my opinion is all khmer's leaders were responsibled for the killing,Yuon probably quilty by association that all.Now I rest my case!...


Anonymous said...

I still havent seen your evidence that Pol Pot killed 2.7 million innocent Khmer other then you mentioned a few words about Hor Nam Hong stating that 3 millions Khmer died.

Speaking of Hor Nam Hong, i dont believe a word this Forme Khmer Rouge say. Simply because he was also one of the killer in the Khmer Rouge regime.

Based on my research, Hor Nam Hong may have killed thousands of Khmer. He was the Chief officer of Beng Trabek. He was a close friend of Ieng Sary, also another Khmer Rouge. Now hes close friend with the Vietminh Hun Sen who was also a Khmer Rouge commander in the Khmer Rouge Regime.

Again, i have done my research, happy to share it with you. But i still havent seen any information from your side. Beside you blaming everyone, even "Pol Pot for killing 2.7 million innocent Khmer"

I agree with you, that there were many Khmer killers. But until i see your evidence of Pol Pot, i dont think you should blame Pol Pot.

Pol Pot may have been stupid, but he wasnt born to kill. He was born to be a teacher. Look at the Vietnamese, born to kill, breed to kill, its in their blood.

Yet, the Vietnamese still claims Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge were all trained by the Chinese. :)

I rest my case too.

Anonymous said...

I find it very far fetch for Hanoi government to have no participation of the death of roughly 2 millions Cambodian. Ho Chi Minh is one clever SOB, yet very synical in fulfilling Nam Tien agenda. It wouldn't surprise me whatsoever if Hanoi agents infiltrated into among the top ranks of the KR regime and order the mass killing of Innocent Cambodian. No doubt, there were chaos and confusion of lies and betray. Hanoi government is capable of creating such madness, at the same time, capable covering it up. Fxxk proofs and evidences. If you tried to dig for the truth, you're probably better off being dead because Hanoi agents silence you.

Anonymous said...

Instead of saying Pol Pot killed 2.7 million innocent Khmer. It's more logical to say Ho Chi Ming killed 2.7 million Khmer as they orchestrated everything at every phase from 1950-1975, 1976-1979, 1979-1989, 1989-2012.

Anonymous said...

Here is a brief of Khmer issued that I want to approach with you all concerning issue about the causes of the dead of Khmer citizens.

The numbering of the dead khmer citizens, sadly, were most likely to be in the communist regime under both leaderships Pol Pot during in year of 1975 - 79 and Hun Sen continuing from 1979 - 12,…? Who were controlled on that regime to the maximum of their power?
1- ) Which country is loved to waging this kind of war crime anyway? Besides, a few of superpower countries such as: US, USSR and China. We knew it for fact Hanoi is the one of the so-called moved toward the west or expansionist since an early year of 1940-45 and that is a mainly reason that was created by Ho Chiminh.
2- ) How, where, why, and when does the Khmer Yiekminh have begun it? For what it causes to have a reason for?
3- ) Who is mainly made a mastermind behind that scene?
4- )How come the Khmer Rouge they have to make inside the country instead to have constructed at somewhere that we all would know and clear of independent of persuading or persecuting on all the cases of Khmer Rouge leaderships, who were responsible in their reign of ruling the country.
5- ) Even so, today the court of the Khmer Rouge was resided in Cambodia. And does anyone know of how many of an internal lawyer has been resigned from their Job because of the interference from the government? Plus more than that does anybody ever heard that if the lawyer, who is representing to the innocent or the victims of Khmer citizens like to precede on some more cases 003-4-5-6’s. and all the sudden “ Hun Sen, leaderships of Cpp’s government , warned them in publics as if anyone want to do or have the court seeking more onto all of those cases that he is not guaranteed as safeguard to the Khmer nation once again so that the civil war it will be happen,” he said it. “As we all are the citizens Khmer realized that was part of the political motivation from his boss, for sure. And that it must be clear that the regime of the Cpp’s conducting today is installed by Youn. As the result, this government needs to keep this court as their propriety tools of being scared to the rest of younger generation causes the confusion that only the era of Khmer Rouge was killed all Khmer citizens.
In a resumes, generally, I would say Yiek Cong they have been playing a good game behind the scent, for sure because they obey to their mastermind “Hochi” to use their bullet just only getting one shot to get two birds’ Khmer.
1- ) The biggest bird is Samdech Ov King Shank, especially, his lovely wife who has important key rolling in politics to her origin [Viet Cong]. The proof of that this important issue needs to check it out the old document from Mr. Sarimatak.
2- ) The following birds, regardless, who they either have an academics or not such as Pol Pot, Ieng Sari, Ieng Thirith, Noun Chea, and Khiev Samphon and so forth.
3- ) During the war time in 1970, Yiek cong support these two groups #1 & #2 in their secrecy to overwhelming force to throve the Lon Nol regime. After H.E. Lon Nol’s regime was totally collapsed it then YieK cong they have used the other group # 3 which was belong to its that it was trained by VC with very confidential to intermediate and mixing them among those the two group . At the end, as far as I still remember lately and nearly of 1977-78. The soldiers come from Nearadey fighting with Peay Yop, and the group of Peay Yop have to hit Bo Pia, etc.
4- Within all of the reason above is called youn has been used Khmer hand to Khmer among of themselves because of our Khmer leaderships in that era of being …. , of course, you can go ahead make on your own judgment.
5- Here is the last resort that is facing all of us to do it by next year of what we can do for our country, Wish you all have listen to the radio Khmer post on 10.09.12 about How Mr. Soung Sophorn he has citing to puppet’s gov, directly, focusing on Hun Sen.