A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 11 October 2012

'Useless' soldier shoots father to death

Rim Reth was shot dead by his son
suspect Rin Saren
KAMPONG CHHNANG (Cambodia Herald) – A soldier from Phnom Trop has shot his father to death after he denounced his son as a "useless person" for drinking with friends.

Chim Bunthoeun, criminal bureau chief of Kampong Chhnang, said the shooting took place Tuesday in Angdoung Russey village in Sre Thmey commune in Lor Lea Pha Ear district.

The suspect arrested was identified as Rin Saren, 27. The father, who was shot in the chest and thigh with an AK-47, was identified as Rim Reth, 44.


Anonymous said...

Instead of protecting Khmers at the border from getting killed by A KA PEK, this useless thug soldier killed his unarmed father. What a shame, sadness. Our soldier didn't even care about their family, that is why our peoples are getting killed every days at Siam border and no one protecting them.

Anonymous said...

95% of Khmer are un-educated we can't blame them. They're poor un-educated and when mix with alcohol is always dangerous thing happen I heard this billion of times. Even Khmer PM cursing in front of national tv. Khmer are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He learns from Hun sen his Priminister thug regime today.Like all Hun sen nephews killed khmers just looking at their face in public.This soldier learns and imitate these thugs regime.

Anonymous said...

This kid has been so blind and brainwashed. Then he killed his own father.

This kid reminds us how evil Yuon bastard Ho Chi Minh and other evil monsters from Hanoi exploited in Cambodia to recruit the young Khmer or teenagers and send them to Yuon Vietcong to be brainwashed and trained in Training Camp in Yuon/Vietcong. Then they became two different kinds of Khmer Rouges other than Pol Pol's Khmer Rouges.

Pol Pol and his inner circles did not plan to kill Khmer people, but tried to eliminate hidden Yuon/Vietcong folks in Cambodia who spoke Khmer really well.

That is why. Sihanouk is the one who allowed Yuon/Vietcong folks to enter into Cambodia illegally back then until Lon Nol tried to get rid of them by asking them to go back to Vietcong. However, they did not go back until they were shot to death instead. That was what happened.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sad and deep sympathy for the loss of the father, and feel bad for the son. Whose do take the blame ?
The answer is : Ah Sihanouk and ah Hun Sen.