A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 11 October 2012

People living in Borei Cholsa district, Takeo province concerned about the influx of Vietnamese illegal immigrants to their area បញ្ហា​ជន​អន្តោប្រវេសន៍​វៀតណាម

People living in Borei Cholsa district, Takeo province concerned about the influx of Vietnamese illegal immigrants to their area. 



Anonymous said...

Deports these Yuons people back to where they came from as soon as possible before the bamboo grow bigs and hard to get rid off.Stop being so nice learn from the histories,enforce the Immigrations laws idiot Cpp ah Hun sen.

Anonymous said...

Khmer army and police busy evicting it own people inside cambodia. at the border? vietname & thai will move in each of everyday. Khmer soon will live on the boat the Chams.

Anonymous said...

khmer's defense poor/weak, careless
needs to re-enforce immigration law's