A Change of Guard

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Friday, 14 September 2012

CCHR Press Release - Lack of evidence leaves court little choice but to acquit Mam Sonando and set him free

CCHR PRESS RELEASE – Phnom Penh, 13 September 2012

Lack of evidence leaves court little choice but to acquit Mam Sonando and set him free

Over the course of the three days to date of close monitoring of Mam Sonando’s hearing at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) has heard no evidence that in any way connects Mam Sonando with the events in Kratie province in May 2012 or the charges he now faces, and urges the court to do the only rational, reasonable and legal thing it can: acquit Mam Sonando of the charges against him and set him free immediately.  If convicted, Mam Sonando could face up to 30 years in prison.

Mam Sonando founded Beehive Radio, one of only three independent radio stations in Cambodia which regularly broadcasts reports that are critical of the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”) and its allies.  On 25 June 2012 Beehive Radio broadcast a report about a complaint brought to the International Criminal Court accusing the RGC of crimes against humanity.  The following day, Prime Minister Hun Sen called for the arrest of Mam Sonando.  After returning to Cambodia on 12 July 2012 to answer to the charges filed against him, Mam Sonando was arrested at his home on 15 July 2012 in connection with the alleged secession movement in Kratie province in May 2012 in which a 14-year-old girl was shot dead by the military.

CCHR President Ou Virak, closely monitoring events, comments:

I have been present at every day of the trial so far, and I have heard all of the witnesses.  Not a shred of evidence has been heard that in any way connects Mam Sonando to this alleged secession attempt in Kratie in May.  Any defendant is innocent until proven guilty – under the Cambodian Constitution as well as every international legal principle under the sun.  The court therefore has no option but to find Mam Sonando not guilty, and let him return home to his family.  Anything else at this stage would be a travesty of justice, and an embarrassment to Cambodia.  What is really clear to me from hearing all the evidence is that whichever way you look at it, this is a land conflict that we’re dealing with here – and the courts should start treating it as such.

For more information, please contact Ou Virak via telephone at +855 (0) 12 40 40 51 or e-mail at ouvirak@cchrcambodia.org.

Please also find this press release attached in PDF.  A Khmer translation will follow shortly.

Kind regards,

CCHR, founded in November 2002, is a non-aligned, independent, non-governmental organization that works to promote and protect democracy and respect for human rights – primarily civil and political rights – throughout Cambodia.

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