មិនដឹងជាខាងណាអាចបំភ្លឺបាន? www.pangsokheoun.wordpress.com
រឿងពិបាកគឺបើសួររកមូលហេតុពីប៉ូលីសព្រំដែន គាត់ថាមិនដឹង ឬថាជាកិច្ចការថ្នាក់លើ តែបើសួរថ្នាក់លើអត់មានអ្នកឆ្លើយ ឬ បើមកឆ្លើយគឺឆ្លើយដូច ហ៊ុន សែន ថា អត់បាត់ទេ មានតែចំណេញដី។ អ្វីដែលចំឡែកគឺព្រំដែន ឬសូម្បីតែបង្គោលបុស្តិ៍ព្រំដែនខ្មែរក៏ដើរថយចូលមកក្នុងដីខ្លួនឯងដែរហើយយួនចេះតែពង្វាតទីវិញ។ ដូច្នេះមានតែសួរប្រជាជនទេ។ សូមបងប្អូនទៅសួរសាកមើលទៅ កុំអោយគេថា មិនបានដឹង និងលឺផ្ទាល់ត្រចៀក។
A new border checkpoint (see arrows) in Memot district, Kampong Cham province, has been moved deeper inside Cambodian territory, but local officials said they knew nothing about it. When asked about it they asked the questioners to ask the "higher authority". When the "higher authority" was asked about it, they said no one was available to give the answers. So, the answers lie with the local villagers who knew clearly who moved the border line/post deeper inside Khmer territory.
Stop fooling around urself,
U were underestimate our broder guards, u made them looked stupid,,,
Well,they were all so stupid start from your king to Hun xen and Heng Samrin and more of your dumb-Ass Cpp cronies let Yuon did everything they want from robbed khmer's land to killing khmers innocent.Don't act Dumb,oh u r dumb any way.
Dumb Khmer swapping Khmer land with Khmer land. Only dumb Khmer will do anything the Vietminh Hun Sen wants to make the Vietnamese happy.
We don't underestimate the border guards, but we blame Hun Sen and the CPP leaders for not protecting the border. They are the ones who give the land to the Viet.
stop fooling around, again, again
i did not believe this propaganda news
u looked down on border guard.
We have no use for the land in this area that's why the officials can sell it. Our population is small, the land is big, so we still plenty of land, even after the sale.
if,,, u don't like our governments
plz, don't go, don't visit, don't live, in Cambodia,
u can lives & die in abroad.
Cancers...cancers....cancers to khmers society only the pigs/leaches can survives in the corruption's society....I felt sorry for this piglet barking for people not to go back see their families in Srok Khmer.Because he wants to sell Srok Khmer to Yuon.
Not only corruption, but treason. Hun Sen and his traitors/gangsters must by tried for treason for allowing Vietnam to encroach on Khmer land.
Agree, most CPP leaders and current parliamentary MP and King were all traitors. One if opposition able to take power we MUST arrest them ALL.
To 12:55_AM,
Don't use the word "We ", you bastard !
You are Yuon. Don't try to fool us Khmers.
You will go back to Vietnam either by running accross the border while being shot at, or by dead corps floating down the Mekong river !!!
To 6:59 AM,
We always love Cambodia.
But we hate the Cambodian, so called leaders.
We will come back to live, die in and for
Cambodia !!!
The Khmers
all countries are the same rules of law..,
no one perfect in the wordl., even god's.
i'm proud of my country, i'm proud to have my country on the worldwide map
No country is perfect in the world. Look around, even USA or China is not perfect. Thats why the leaders are changed consistently and even prosecuted for crimes.
Look at Cambodia and why its the poorest country and most corrupted country in the world? Even the oppositions are killed. Hun Sen is above the rules of law. CPP are above the rules of laws.
Hun Sen will die as a Khmer traitor. Giving land to Vietnam and killing the Khmer heroes. Mom Somando will die also a traitor under Hun Sen 33 years of ironfist ruling.
No country perfect all over the world according to you! Why Hun &Heng the treasoners still ruled Cambodia with its ironfist almost three decades?Can you tell me the reason?Are they perfect!?
Answer the question a little frog 12:03pm,they were perfect thatwise they refused to changed ,right? Change is needed in Srok Khmer before Srok Khmer turn to second Champa.Please don't vote for Cpp,vote for democrat for the changes,real changes....
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