- ធ្វើឲ្យមានសុពលភាពឡើងវិញនៃសន្ធិសញ្ញាខុសច្បាប់ខ្មេរយួន១៩៨៥។
- គូសបន្ទាត់ព្រំដែនថ្មី តាមនិយាមការនៃបន្ទាត់ព្រំដែនក្នុងកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងខុសច្បាប់ខ្មែរយួន១៩៨៥។
- បោះបង្គោលព្រំដែនថ្មីតាមសន្ធិសញ្ញាខុសច្បាប់១៩៨៥ ដោយមិនគិតពីទីតាំង បង្គោលព្រំដែនចាស់សម័យសង្គមរាស្រ្តនិយម
- គូរផែនទីថ្មីខ្នាត១/២៥០០០ ផ្ទុយពីផែនទីតម្កល់ទុកនៅអង្គការសហប្រជាជតិ និងខុសពីរដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញមកប្រើប្រាស់សម្រាប់ដោះស្រាយកិច្ចការព្រំដែន។
The key elements of the 2005 Supplemental Treaty:
1. To legitimise the illegal treaty of 1985.
2. To draw a new coordinate of borderlines in accordance with the illegal treaty of 1985.
3. To plant new border posts and nullify the border posts of the Sangkum Reastr Niyum regime.
4. Draw a new map with 1:25,000 scale in contrast with the Cambodian map deposited at the UN in 1965.
Please download the whole treaty here: The 2005 Supplemental Treaty.
Using border that deposit since 1965 to be right for our border legitimately,not 1985-2005 under yuon's puppet Cpp is illegal.Wrong ! WRONG!WRONG!...DISCARD this treaty 1985-2005 by Hun shit illegal.
I would like to urge our compatriots from different parties to think about our nation.
It time to break free from the mindless traitor Hun.
There no meaning of life to live under this mindless puppet.
In along history of the world,we have never seen any leader giving land and sea away to other nation like Hun and Heng Sam Rin did.
Party second,nation first.
True Khmer
Dear All,
Two solutions :
1. Remove Hun Sen by votes, and / or otherwise
2. Bring the illegal land giveaways against Vietnam to
the International Courts at The Hague
Khmer Girl
Keep all record like map that deposit in UN present that as proof to ICJ discard the so called treaty under puppet control Yuon from 1985-2005 as illlegitimate and unlawful,because Cpp under Yiek cong controllers.Hun Sen & Heng Samrin can gives Yiek cong their wives and kids not khmers land for their gratitude of saving his ass in 1978 defection from K.R.
Once a traitors always be traitors,nothing is to cure this illness of the mind of a traitor/treason that is seriously crime betrayed a whole nation and their [Hun&Heng]own childrens & grandchildrens, also betrayed their death ancestors as well...
Plz understand , we can not be blamed to current government ,, they were trying thier best to protect our lands
Current governments, will do thier best to protect its..
Coz, we under French , French control Cambodia for along along time, more than 100 years..
French , the one who was screwed up - messed up, every thing that belong to Khmer , we should be blaming French for all of this..
Overall, French should be blamed for every thing...
We no loger talk about what the French did.
We are talking about the giveaways of our
lands to Yuon as Hun Sen's paybacks, since 1979.
Do not get the two issues mixed up.
9:01 AM, if the current government tried to protect Khmer land, why it put Sam Rainsy and other farmers, who tried to protect Khmer lands, in jail? Why it signed the 2005 supplemental treaty, knowing that the treaty gives land to Vietnam?
This government and Hun Sen is a traitor selling Khmer land to Vietnam.
While being as the President of ASEAN,H.S,P.M,could not see and heard clearly of the whole member of asean,which have four of them such as Ayoun, Philipine,Malaysi,and Brunei, were complaining about the two islands and the maritime were part belong to them. How about you H.S
about Khmer Koh Tral Khmer Maritime?
Shame on You if you think that you cann't do it let Khmers Nationlishm with all generation to handle those problem and protect ours motherland as well, Or you might be afraid your boss get upset you or what!
Stop being paid a loyalty with them and come back join with us a Khmer truly love khmer and protect khmer.
And then let forget all the heck treaties were signed by YOu and King,etc. then you'll be fine by adapt the peace agreement accord 1991 then you should be fine Okay.
Don't worry no one has two lives,at least, you can become a Khmer Hero once again.
French favor Vietnam more than Khmer on that era.
French , made our mother land so complicated.
Such as, draw uncleared map, uncleared on borderline ,etc
Therefore, current government can not be blamed..
We are - we all loved our motherland ,, no one wanted to lose , not even 1cm of land.,
Even, Lon Nol, regimes, should be blamed
Lom Nol, do nothing to protect its,
If it was unclear how is in the hell Yiek cong knews what is the clear lines? stop talking contradiction to your own freakin' words! You,11:08AM stop defend Cpp and Yiek cong, a person like you betrayed your own country by defending Cpp/ Yuon , you don't helps but hurting your own country instead.
If the French were made mistook then,why this happened under freakin' puppet-Hun zen? Tell me the real reasons!!!
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out,three reasons are " gratitude" that Hun& Heng owed to Yiek cong in 1978 defection from K.R. Pay back for their lives were spared by Yiek
If the border lines unclear now leave the way it was because all land in the south was belong to Khmer empire anyway.Khmers that had been living for many generations why kicked them out? Can you answer to proof that I am wrong on the subject,I asked you 11:08AM to explain to these viewers in here, why you think that Cpp action was just n' legitimed by law?
Here,again blamed the death man,you should blame your Sdach Sinorook and king Sihanmony for not contest the Cpp action to ceding more land to Yuon in 21st century.We have UN to protect the weak don't signed give away land to anyone/country.
it was so complicated, it was sad & sorrow to see our lands lost.
i'm khmer, who likes our motherland
liked u.,
again, it was a bad dream for our life generation.,
as u can see the past history,
french,was cut our lands to Viet, in which khmer krom today., without any permission from our governments.,
so, from bottom of my heart,
i will not & can not be blamed the current governments.
i'm sure, the current governments they was hurt - sad - sorrow, like me & u... without doubt
Dude! We are talking about new freaking land ceding by this freaking's Cpp your daddy's regime between 1985-2005 treaties with your Boss Yuon Hanoi.We ain't talking about the fresking's French loser in that era.We are talking about Cpp's Yuon puppet now!!!! Heng dumbrin village and Kosh Tral for example.Please get your head straight stay on the topics.
Kmenhwatt, you are good.
I agree
To 2:24pm
Let's hit this DUDE.
I think this dude had already flushed his brain down the toilet.
Watch ur mouth, when speak, don't say bad words
Be nice, be polite & take it easy
You don't have big stick like Hun cent,you can not hit my friend 2:24PM.His stick is bigger than yours,careful what you're wishing for little sissy wimpy's boy!!! My friend 2:24PM said it right,you're off the topics every time.You have no brain in your head,we are talking about nowadays,you're talking in the about the past.
Whatever in the treaty 1985 or 2005 or they just signed last month, it became law of the current government of Cambodia. It's history. We can cry all we want online, and that won't change a thing. Accept it and move on. Protect what we have left and build a strong country... United we stand, divided we lose and youns win.
So 3 months from now, when King ( Kong ) Hun Sen gives away some more villages or other Khmer lands, you, the traitor will repeat
" accept it and move on " again ?
You must be Yuon, or a TRAITOR to your own country !!!
Good you tell this numb's skull at 4:00Pm to be polited & civilized or beware of someone may hit his head with Hun's stick,if he so wacky like that.
Yuon aggressors always wants more land for their 90 millions plus populations to live on, in order to get land Yuon must steals from Khmer,if Cpp allows it too.
Vietnam are much smarter than u,
Youn is smarter than you but not with China. So Khmer will pick China/U.S. as their own boss much better than Ayoun Yiekcong.
Yeah! Yuon were smarter than Your families and Cpp's clans or you!!!
Stop putting all khmers people down you dumb idiot,your view is reflection of your stupidity's voice that giving credit to your own enemy [Yuon] Who is the hell are you by the way? Why you kept on repeated the same words and putting all khmers people down like this?!!!???
You're probably insane! Or lop! Lop! Lop!
Or retarded, have no consciences as a person.How can you look at your parents knowing that they were not smarter than Yuon? I knew that only khmers that were not smarter than Yuon are Cpp's Hun& Heng and their cronies,that including your families the poster above 2:31AM
especially,you idiot that kept on repeated the same shit all over the website here.Stop it now dumb'skull!!!!
I had high hope for Cambodia, but now seeing that we are ruled by this corrupt government as the previous Lon Nol, I lost faith in our people ability to rule itself. KR was thought to be different but turned out killers of our race. HunXen is not ideal but at least he does what he can. Cambodia is a small country, we must survive by playing the big guys. Some day we win, some day we lose. That's the nature of being small and weak. Only united we have strength. In order to do that we must let go the past, there is no point to point fingers. Let the border be erected, and from then on we just make sure to protect it.
To3:31AM ,
Do me a favor,would you little frog!? Go ask your parents and grandparents/sisters/brothers/uncles/Aunts everyone in your household that why they were not smart like Yuons? Ask'em like why all of you (your relatives) so dumb unlike Yuon Yiek cong????? And tell me how do they response to you ltitle frog!!!
We must NOT accept the fact Hun Sen gave away OUR lands.
We must bring the case to the International Courts at The Hague, just like we did against Siem.
9:49 PM
The Hague does not resolve border issue, especially if a treaty were signed by two governments. It can make a judgement regarding a site or temple. However, it has no authority to enforce it. It is still up to the competing parties to resolve it peacefully by themselves. Unfortunately that's how it works.
You're right,ICJ didn't do the border issues,the only way to get the land back is kill all traitors or treason whom signed away our land and fight the barnarian-yuons Yiek cong head on.Take it from Muslims people in Kashmire(India) or in Palestine that fought for what is called GaZa strip or Westbank border Israel today.Do kamakushi with Yuon Hanoi,to make your voice heard around the world,to get the world attention.
A good and competent legal team can challenge the lands giveaways.
The legal complains shall include :
1.The illegitimacy of the Hun Sen's government
2. Paybacks using national properties for personal
3. Base on Viet traditional expansionism policies,
Hanoi created a puppet government to
intentionally sign away Khmer lands to Yuon :
". Sign upon duress "
To 3: 31am,
Yuon are NOT smarter, Yuon are TRICKIER !!!
We must learn to outrick them.
Its not legitimate[treaty 1985-2005] Here are the reasons:
-Forcefully to signed the treaty.
-The gov't [Cpp] was under Yiek cong controlled during the treaty signed by Hun cent.
-Threatening Hun's + his families,lives,if not sign the treaty during that time (1985-2005)
-If Hun cent has proof to turns against his boss,or willing to cooperate with Khmer
patriotism to get back our land back.
-Hun cent and Heng Samrin must be willing to stand with khmers and testifies against Hanoi.
-Last Hun cent and Heng Samrin are witness to all of the tricks that Yuon using to steals our land.
*All a bout Hun&Heng,these two can undo all the treaties during the occupation of Yiek Cong that forced them to signed illegal treaties.
To 5:04 AM,
You are marvelous !
Those are more great legal basis.
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