A Change of Guard

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Friday, 25 May 2012

Thai military makes unusual deployments near Ta Moeun Temple

ODDOR MEANCHEY (Cambodia Herald) - The Thai military has made unusual deployments near Ta Moeun Temple that have reinforced existing border forces, a senior military officer said.

Brigadier General Pen Voy, commander of the military brigade in Oddar Meanchey, told The Cambodia Herald that the deployments on Thursday involved no more than 100 soldiers.

He said he suspected that the Thai military was dissatisfied with Cambodia because it could not control the temple.

Despite the unusual activities, the brigadier general said the Thai soldiers remained within their territory and that the Cambodian military was ready to protect the nation.

"Cambodia will be patient, setting a good example and respecting the orders of the head of the Cambodian government in protecting the border from enemy occupation," he said.

The Cambodian military has not contacted the Thai side as Cambodia considers the deployment a Thai affair.

Moreover, the Thai soldiers have not entered a disputed border area which is subject to prior notification under an agreement between the two countries.

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