May 24, 2012 - Venerable Loun Sovath was arrested and sent for
defrocking process. At the time of this video posting, the situation is
still unfolding.
Arresting Ven. Luon Sovath, great Khmer Buddhist monk does not look good in the International Stage. Those CPP dog committed evil acts will not be tolerated. The Cambodian government under the Communist CPP regime led by the Yuon/Vietcong masters in Hanoi. Vietnam will be warned and put under the extreme pressure and sanctioned for what Vietnam leaders in Hanoi have had no respects to 1991 Peace Agreement/Accords in Paris and always interfered with Cambodia affairs for more than 3 decades and Human Rights Violations against Cambodian/Khmer people in Cambodia and Southern Cambodia (today South Vietnam)
Cambodian Buddhist people should stop giving food to these politically motivated monks who supported the CPP and Hun Sen. They are not Buddhist monks, but become political tools of the ruling CPP. I have no respect for all these monks. If Non Ngeth or Tep Vong come to America or Australia, Khmer people in these countries should not welcome them, but protest against them.
This is V.C tactics in the making Folks!
Without religion people will be vicious like an animal,look at the Pol Pot no religion,killingfirfield easy borned.
Now frocking monk is V.C plans to eliminates khmers,because khmers respected monks/ religion.Monks working for good of Buddha teaching.
Monks,give up everything,Monks doesn't possesses any materials things like Cpp or Yuons.monks loves peace; fairness,kindness,promote justice for all.
Why Cpp defrock monk because they see as a threat to their communism/V.C plans.Huncent once relying on food from Watt Lork(temple) now he turns his ass on Monks.
This a classic case of " kro poeu vong venh bring"=crocodile lost its lake....
We must work to separate RELIGION FROM STATE to promote peace for all.
Young k.pro
We are so worried about our Khmer Buddhist Monk, Ven. Luon Sovath. Hope he is OK. We will send the message to the U.S. Congress and Senators, and President Obama about the CPP arrest of Ven. Luon Sovath.
That is not right.
Can anyone explain to a outsider like myself why he was arrested n what he has done against the dharma and monastic code?
Noun nget /Tep Vong were Yuon secret agents these two(s) fakes monks put charge by Cpp=corrupted pigs party to eliminate khmers in order to control and eliminate patriotism.
Don't be alarm folks! This is just beginning of V.C plans to take over our country slowly bit by bit.
V.C plans+Cpp corrupted pigs party plans to open border lets more Yuons flood in our land by millions each years,now approximately 5,6millions ilegal Yuons on our soil today.
Laos is the classic case of encroachment of land by using Ho Chi Minh tactics without bloodshed
Laos border were open border with Yuons now V.C come and goes freely....
Khmers will be next,thanks to those khmers that put up resistant to these encroachment of land from V.C.to swallow Sroj khmers.please don't let this happen folks!!!!!!
Kmenh watt
to 25 May 2012 12:54 AM
your the stupid one, don't you realise he fought for our people.
and whats with these 'monk police' arresting him along with cops. stupid no wonder Christianity is taking hold because fake cpp affiliated monks and pagodas.
dcpp guy
Youns have nothing do with your politics nowaday. Stop the hate speed. HunXen and his crew run your country. He is selling out to China. Remember the last ASEAN meeting? He's bought by China. Blame your Chen master now. Once against, stop the racism and the hate on Viets.
25 May 2012 12:54 AM,
Hey Kid, you are very stupid and dumb. Watch your mouth and shut up your stupidity and low-class mindset.
You will be next chopped to death as you claimed our Khmer icon and intellectual as Great and Peaceful Buddhist monk Venerable Loun Sovath. He has been well known to the world and he is very different bad Yuon/Vietnamese cruel Monks Tep Vong and Noun Nget who are set up as political tools of CPP (Vietnamese secret and dirty plan).
We are sorry to see your parents have made you such a cruel and violent kid with bloody murder. You are insulting the other Khmer icons or heroes like Mr. Chhut Vuthy, Mr. Chea Vichea, etc had been killed by corrupted and murderous CPP regime under the secret plan of Hanoi, Vietnam.
Now, who the hell are you?
I am an outsider. Looking at all the protests and arrests during daytime, you have to wonder what is behind this from CPP? The fact that videos are allowed, and not knocked down by CPP is baffling. Is this a lack of control by CPP or is Cambodia so democratized ?
It could be a power struggle within CPP. Could be different factions are fighting and no one group is in charge.
25 May 2012 2:07 AM,
Yuon masters in Hanoi have been controlling Yuon slave Hun Sen. There are many Yuon officials and crooks in CPP higher offices in Phnom Penh as dumb/blind Hun Sen's Yuon/Viet advisers. Those Yuon officials and cronies have been doing illegal businesses with China by suggesting dumb Vietnamese dog Hun Sen to do this and to do that to destroy Cambodia's natural resources and evicting the Khmer land owners and farmers illegally. You should know that Yuon/Vietnamese officials and crooks are behind dumb Vietnamese dog Hun Sen to cause the major problems. Hanoi masters have given direct orders to CPP Yuon officials and crooks under faking PM Hun Sen (a Vietnamese dog). Then, China was invited to invest in Cambodia because of Yuon officials and advisers to assist to Vietnamese dog Hun Sen in the wrong direction and by misleading Cambodia into Chaos and under development.
The worst enemies inside Cambodia are Vietnamese masters and Yuon/Vietnamese CPP officials who involved with Chinese investors and leaders in China to come invest in Cambodia and suggested or pushed dumb Vietnamese dog Hun Sen to sell the country to foreigners, mainly to China and Vietnam.
Yes, Yuon/Vietnamese master-minded killers and monsters in Hanoi and in Cambodia have started to involve first to see the profits and take advantage of Cambodia's natural resources and property and beyond.
We know all so well about Yuon/Vietnamese dirty involvement and secret plans in Cambodia to bloodily murder Khmer icons, intellectuals, activists, heroes or patriots by borrowing the hands of Vietnamese dog Hun Sen and Hun Sen's dumb dogs plus hidden Yuon/Vietnamese faces in Khmer Military uniforms.
Ignore a little lone kook @12:54am poster.He is a lost child,he didn't realized that he lived in the land given him access to the internet freely because of person like Chea Vichea/Chut Vuthy/Loun Sawat,they all have one thing in common that is "freedom for all whose live in Cambodia"without these brave men,Cambodia will be tolalitarian's state.
Therefore,just ignore that little lone kook for the sake of Unity to all khmers.pick a fight isn't a solution to solve khmre's problems in today situations,soon or later little guy [poster @12:54am] will know that these freedom fighters were good guys indeed, they fought for his freedom to voice his ungratitude in here.
Yuons doesn't knew what gratitude is.....Yuons think they are entitle to everything on earth without a fight like this little kook in here for an example.
I have just a place for this little kook called crocodile's tank located below my recreation place in my Villa in Srok Khmer,so if this little kook keep on say these things he will be food for my gators like their kook's families in 1974-5's fishes food in Maekong River...Careful little one.
kook hunter
Read the link: Amekkher.com
Maybe we all learn something from it.
Amekkhmer.com is the place you may learn who behind Ankar Leou,Polpot regime.
Hun Sen has increasingly become paranoid as it is close to the election time. He tried to marry Norodom Ranariddh Party and Funcinpec hoping to weaken Ranariddh and destroy it when both merged. Plus, he can force them to support him if he didn't get enough seats to form a government.
Arresting this monk will not achieve anything. On the other hand, Hun Sen and his government will get national and international condemnation. More aid could be cut and so on. People don't just protest for nothing, they protested because they are victims of injustices, corruption and human rights abuses. I can see that the CPP and Hun Sen's modus operandi is not different from the KR's modus operandi- dictatorial and and trying to destroy his critics and perceived "enemies" who stand in his autocratic rule. This kind of regime will not last longer, or will go down in history as the worst regime ever. Amen!
Europe, US and UN must give the khmer Rouge Hun Sen the conditions. Stop force evicting and injustice agaisnt inocent victims are faces no financial aids.
As we all know, ECCC TV Drama show is coming to an end after $150 millions all wasting on Hun Sen upgrading his Lexus.
We need real solution. Sto workign with the khmer Rouge Hun Sen. We need a real Khmer leader. We need the opposition leader back in the country to perform his duty.
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