A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Couple arrested at Cambodian border with ancient relics

The Nation
March 20, 2012

A French couple was arrested at Aranyaprathet border checkpoint in Sa Kaeo province yesterday for possessing relics that appear to be ancient statues of two Hindu gods.

Officials have detained the two French nationals, aged 69 and 60 years old, for questioning because they did not have a permit to import historic items.

The couple was crossing the border from Poi Pet in Cambodia to Thai soil at the time of their arrest.

They told Thai officials that after they visited Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, they bought the statues from a market, believing the items were newly-made products.

The officials, however, were not convinced because the relics looked very old. So, the couple have been detained and the statues sent to the Fine Arts Department for examination.

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