A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Cambodian Court Finishes Questioning Thai Detainees

New Tang Dynasty Television
12th January 2011

Two Thai detainees charged with espionage left a Cambodian court after being questioned over espionage charges on Wednesday.

This is the third time they have appeared in court since their arrest on December 29.

The two Thais are members of the People's Alliance for Democracy, known as the "yellow shirts" or PAD.

Prosecutors have filed additional charges against one of the men for "attempting to collect information which is deemed detrimental to Cambodia's national defense," according to local media reports.

One former Thai senate member has been trying to get the detainees released on bail, but the court has yet to make a decision on their release.

[Karoon Sai Ngam, Former Member of the Thai Senate]:
"The prosecutor joined in to question them. It's only in the questioning process, it's not the trial yet. It's up to the court whether there will be a trial or not and when will that be."

The court spent more than 10 hours last week questioning seven Thais who were detained by Cambodian authorities on December 29, but have yet to set a date for a trial.

The seven were charged on December 30 with illegal entry and encroachment on Cambodia's border military zone, offenses carrying a maximum sentence of 18 months.

The detainees say they had only been inspecting the border.

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