A Change of Guard

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Saturday 9 October 2010

Republican candidate Charles Baker takes on Kun Khmer martial arts

Giving it the ol' one-two

The Boston Globe
October 8, 2010


Essdras Suarez/Globe Staff

In a light-hearted moment, Republican gubernatorial candidate Charles Baker took a few shots at a punching bag during a campaign stop Thursday at the Kun Khmer Federation mixed martial arts gym in Lowell. Cannak Kann, chief executive of the gym, looked on.

The gubernatorial race erupted into controversy later the same day after independent candidate Tim Cahill accused former strategists and aides of conspiring to sabotage his candidacy by orchestrating the defection of his running mate and giving information to Baker's team.

Democratic Governor Deval Patrick, the incumbent seeking reelection, and Green-Rainbow Party candidate Jill Stein have been relegated to ringside during the kerfuffle between Cahill and Baker.

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